15,540 Topics

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Member Avatar for CocoDan

I own a RD1071 RCA LYRA MP3 player. I was wondering if anyone knew what programming language it uses. The main chip is the STMP3410. It handles everything good. I can update the device with new firmware and I would like to change it a little. The update files are …

Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for Cplusstudent1

im trying to make a program that can receive data from a port (ex. USB, Parallel) and then write back to it. i was wondering if anyone could help me out by point me in the right direction as of what to do. :-| thanks

Member Avatar for Cplusstudent1
Member Avatar for keir.whitlock

hi there, i am trying to get my program to display a different bitmap in four different child windows of my win32 C program but i cant seem to do it. Any idea's? I have got the information so far off of the forgers win32 tutorial. [CODE] #include <windows.h> #include …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for BountyX

How do you add those list catagories where when clicked sorts the list? Such a list with the "catagory buttons" can be found in Kazaa, I would liek to implement a similar list in one of my programs. Thnx

Member Avatar for Dwija

Hello Members/Administrator I urgently needed help for the following questions as i have very little time in my hand for preparing the interview. ->Why doesn't C have nested functions? ->What is the most efficient way to count the number of bits which are set in a value? ->How can I …

Member Avatar for neoderf
Member Avatar for gicio

Developing, building, and testing. How do it the best? Learning from the world leader - Microsoft I'm very interested in how the developing/build/testing workflow @ Microsoft looks like. I think Microsoft as world leader in software developing business must have a very good workflow. Does anyone know how the development …

Member Avatar for suRoot
Member Avatar for BountyX

I want to write a program that will take a screenshot and save it as a jpeg thumbnail with custom compression settings. I have no clue where to start, except for google, which didn't really help. Can somebody point me in the right direction?

Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for machakwa

Could anyone tell me how me to count the frequency of character appear in a paragraphy using c program For example, SHE IS GIRL S appear two time so we output S thanks

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Member Avatar for seeone

Hi all, sure hope this is the correct forum for this question.. Not being a C programmer myself, I sure hope someone here can give me some insight into this problem. I have tried to install the Oracle forms./reports toolset on a variety of different Linux distributions, only to encounter …

Member Avatar for seeone
Member Avatar for BountyX

as i laid awake at night staring at the ceiling after hours of coding I started to wonder about a few things that really bugged me: 1) How can I create a function that will utilize custom JPEG compression to output text onto a jpg image file? Does anyone know …

Member Avatar for ctlajoie

"difference patching" is my word for the method used by patch makers that take only the differences in two files, and apply them to a patch file. RTPatch is an example of a program that does this. I've been trying to create one myself, but I'm stuck on the logic. …

Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for imsomehalf

[color=#0000ff]hey folks,[/color] [color=#0000ff] I need to create a VxD to capture all file calls made to/on a Windows 2000 server machine. The file calls will then be sent to a VB program on the desktop.[/color] [color=#0000ff] But I have absolutely no idea of how to create a VxD or how …

Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for abhijitajmera

I am trying to print object hierarchy of the instance of a class when there is an error. I need this in order to print the source of error besides the error message. Do you know of any way to achieve it?

Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for Nasimov

Hello, I need to make a FTP class to upload some info onto the net. I would appreciate any links to tutorials or examples. Thanks.

Member Avatar for infamous
Member Avatar for hitek

Would anyone know how to interpret CSSM_PROC_ADDR and ISL_FUNCTION_PTR after the typedefs in this freely distributed CDSA code? 1. #define CSSMAPI typedef void (CSSMAPI *CSSM_PROC_ADDR) (); 2. typedef void (*ISL_FUNCTION_PTR)(void); Thanks.

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Member Avatar for dev1l

Hi there,I'm having a problem with calling an object member function of a class 'Fraction'. Particularly the Fraction addTwoFraction,mult.div,etc.I've included the code i've worked on and in it you'll see i've put 3 instances of where i'd like atleast your thoughts on it. The first is in callingEnviron(defined right after …

Member Avatar for infamous
Member Avatar for red_evolve

Hi. Can anyone help me to distinguish the reason behind this case? Thanks a lot. I initialized the following variable: `unsigned char temp=0;` In the following statement block, I managed to get the results that I wanted to be displayed on the first go (traversing the while loop on the …

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Member Avatar for hclemson

Hello I am using a TImage componet from Borland Builder 6, i am trying to take a copy of this image at run time. I have created a new TBitmap object and tried to assign it to that, but of course they are incomatible. Are there any type casting methods …

Member Avatar for Lander

I am hoping to implement a 'MS Visio' like application (but much simpler:-| ). I would like to use MFC but am open to suggestions[font=Verdana]. I need a window which I can place bitmaps onto - like in Visio. I have used MFC and know roughly how it works but …

Member Avatar for Mike29936

The other day, I got an idea for a compression program, and decided to write up a function that compresses a file into "filename.compressed". Compression function works fine, but I get a nasty assertion failure at the return of the main() function, after the file's been compressed. Assertion failure is …

Member Avatar for Bob
Member Avatar for ucdchick

Hey everyone, I'm having trouble with a program I'm working on. In this program I'm supposed to sort an array of names. I ask the user how manys names will be inputed. Number of names will not exceed 100. Names will be in the format of "Last,First,age" with no spaces …

Member Avatar for r0ckbaer
Member Avatar for Dani

[b]Instances of a Class[/b] An instance of the class is an object which is created based on the class definition. A programmer using a pre-defined (previously written by another programmer) class has the opportunity to use certain functions which have been decided by the programmer of the class. Perhaps the …

Member Avatar for Dani

[b]Functions [/b] Locality encompasses the idea that it often takes many, many programmers to come up with a single software program. Virtually all programming languages are constructed in such a way that these various programmers don't even need to interact with eachother. This is possible because of locality. Programs are …

Member Avatar for Daywalker46410

I have a simple program that has retreived the first number of a 12 number set from a text file. I am trying to convert this character array into a double or float so I can work with it, but none of the conversions are working. Anyone have any suggestions …

Member Avatar for Valmian
Member Avatar for Valmian

Ok.. this is wiered.. this code either crashes or exits when it shouldn't. I really have not a clue what the error is. It loads and process a .csv file and example of such would be below (although generally the files I am loading are a couple of tousands of …

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Member Avatar for stehigs321

why do i get this compiling error with the following code?? numbers.c: In function `main': numbers.c:33: `for' loop initial declaration used outside C99 mode [CODE]int main() { int oneNumber =0; // hold the valid integer entered int countPositiveFactors =0; // accumulate a sum , so should be initialize to 0 …

Member Avatar for Bob
Member Avatar for Valmian

Hello, I have a wiered error. My code works if my struct has less then six floats but not otherwise. If I have more then six floats it freezes the system. See code for better description: [CODE] /* * * SSI2.cpp * * Data Description: * * The data consists …

Member Avatar for Valmian
Member Avatar for stehigs321

At least show me the logic on how to solve the math problem parts. I will put it into program if you just explain to me how to get the factors, tell the computer how many factors, find the sum and print it to screen, and find the product and …

Member Avatar for stehigs321
Member Avatar for Mike29936

(edit) Code was too long for forum. I'm splitting it in 1/2 I'm currently working on a Direct3D class that simplifies D3D, so I can use it to make games, applications, etc. I started on it yesterday, got it to work so it draw triangles with a different color on …

Member Avatar for Mike29936
Member Avatar for Crowe182

Is there a way to clear the getchar variable in a loop after you go through the loop the 1st time?

Member Avatar for Crowe182

The End.