Re: Ways to promote a Blog post? Digital Media Digital Marketing by emmasmithes Build a network on Linkedin and other type of similar websites then share your link there with a catchy caption that grabs the users attention. This will surely get you the readers for your blog. caption in transparent? Programming Software Development by fujilec hi....i got one simple to make the caption background transparent? and, is it possible to have animation GIF on message box? hihi thank ya How do I resolve this NullPointerException() in updating a photo caption? Programming Web Development by samespace …getAttribute("photos"); p.setCaption(request.getParameter("caption")); Entities.PhotoManager.savePhoto(p); ServletContext sc = … go to the page which displays the photo, with its caption updated[/COLOR] rd.forward(request, response); } finally { //out… Photo Gallery Caption Won't Change Programming Web Development by Scottmandoo …r['id']; $name=$r['name']; $image=$r['image']; $caption=$r['caption']; $table .=<<<HTML <td> …r['id']; $name=$r['name']; $image=$r['image']; $caption=$r['caption']; $table .=<<<HTML <td> …quot; onclick="LoadGallery('showreel','$image','showcaption','$caption')"><img src=$image height=… Re: form caption effects Programming Software Development by jonc … Private m_sCaption As String Private Sub Command1_Click() Me.Caption = vbNullString m_sCaption = "Caption typing effect by jonifen" m_iMarker = 1…Private Sub tmrCaption_Timer() If Len(Me.Caption) = 0 Then Me.Caption = Left$(m_sCaption, 1) Else Me.Caption = Me.Caption & Mid$(m_sCaption, m_iMarker,… Application Title versus Form Caption Programming Software Development by Alex314 …Title I displayed the name of the Application; in the Caption (showing in the task bar button) I displayed the … 2010 this code doesn't work anymore. The Form Caption text shows in both Application Title and task bar button… Title. When I have : [code]int a = 23; Form1->Caption = "% " + AnsiString (a);[/code] both the Application's … help with scrolling caption with bounce left and right Programming Software Development by Simon180 …, I want to get the full length of the lblmarquee caption and then when it scrolls to the end of the… last letter or caption it will then auto change to right scroll and then…, length(txt)-1) + Copy(txt,1,1) else //right lblMarquee.Caption := Copy(txt,length(txt)-1,1) + Copy(txt, 1, length… Re: More font styles in a button caption Programming Software Development by ExplainThat … 210 Height = 22 Alignment = taCenter AutoSize = False Caption = 'Hello' FocusControl = btnTest Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET … 210 Height = 52 Alignment = taCenter AutoSize = False Caption = 'World!' FocusControl = btnTest Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET… Is It possible to change the original caption of the button permanently ? Programming Software Development by qaz1134 …"save".. if you click on the button the caption will change to "full" my problem is: …when i restart the application the caption goes back to "save" Now, is it …possible to change the original caption permanently even if i restarted the application [application.exe]? :… Re: Photo Gallery Caption Won't Change Programming Web Development by Traevel … href="#_self" onclick="LoadGallery('showreel','$image','showcaption','$caption')">[/icode]. The JavaScript errors you keep getting on… Floundering in Image/Caption link with Javascript Programming Web Development by furlanut … - click to change/enlarge image and attach appropriate caption. I have: function showPreview(path){ var theImageElement=document…function showPreview(path) in its entirety only changes the caption (i.e. no enlarged image at all) omitting…see the enlarged image but no new caption (i.e only the caption applied to the first image appears under… Re: How can be a commond button's caption changed Programming Software Development by user777 …=jwshepherd][code]Public Sub Command1_Click() if command1.caption = "SAVE" Then command1.caption = "ADD COMMOND BUTTON" '…Put Save commands here else Command1.caption ="SAVE" 'put ADD COMMOND BUTTON Commands… I press the Save button it should change the caption "save" to "add" … Converting Label.caption as Date value Programming Software Development by devilz … column monthDate having data type: “date”. In VB6.0 label.caption is the value which I need to save in monthDate…. Like: Label1.caption= 2/24/09. Problem is how will I convert the… label.caption as date value so that i can save it in… label caption Programming Software Development by abu taher if I write 500 in a textbox then a label.caption show "Profit". If I write -500 the the label.caption show Loss. I write code[CODE]If Format(Text1, "0000000") Then Label1.Caption = "Profit"[/CODE] but for -500 what I need to write? Div Image and Caption Problem Digital Media UI / UX Design by Abysinian …; font-style:italic; } [/code] Now, the problem is, when the caption is longer than the picture is wide, it doesn't… see here, the image is only 364px wide, but the caption is far longer than that. In my CSS I've… that the image at the top is fine because the caption is shorter than the image is wide, but the bottom… How to get image caption changing Programming Web Development by laura301019 …a button is clicked it changes to picture and the caption is supposed to change. However no matter what i… try the caption remains the same. The following is part of the …); } ?> Anyone any idea how i can get the caption to change that appears beneath the picture. Thanks in advance. Re: label caption Programming Software Development by Vineeth K You can do it by one line , if you get the Profit base to a variable then [CODE] Dim a As Integer a = 500 If Text1.Text <= a Then Label1.Caption = "Loss" Else Label1.Caption = "Profit" [/CODE] Form Caption Programming Software Development by NewVBguy Hi there, I want to center the caption of a form and make the caption bold. Can anyone show me how to do this... Many thanks.... Newvbguy Re: Form Caption Programming Software Development by NewVBguy Hi Comatose, I appreciate your response. I'm just lazy to make a research but i did one almost same before. the only thing is make the caption marquee (i mean the caption is moving) where i use an api. the thing is i forgot what is that api anymore and where i put that script. Anyway thanks again. Newvbguy Re: How can be a commond button's caption changed Programming Software Development by jwshepherd [code]Public Sub Command1_Click() if command1.caption = "SAVE" Then command1.caption = "ADD COMMOND BUTTON" 'Put Save commands here else Command1.caption ="SAVE" 'put ADD COMMOND BUTTON Commands here end if end sub[/code] Re: How can be a commond button's caption changed Programming Software Development by jwshepherd [code]Option Explicit Public Sub Command1_Click() If Command1.Caption = "SAVE" Then Command1.Caption = "ADD" 'Put Save commands here Else Command1.Caption = "SAVE" 'put ADD COMMOND BUTTON Commands here End If End Sub[/code] Timed Blinking label caption Programming Software Development by johntech … you match 2 squares I want to blink a label caption "MATCH" say 3 or 4 times then hide… ends then continue. I use a timer to make the caption blink but am not sure how to stop the program… More font styles in a button caption Programming Software Development by gastan Hello. I would like to show a multiline caption on a button, but with the second line in bold. Can somebody do it? Currently I have a multiline caption, but don't know how to draw text in different font styles (color, style, size, etc.) within one button. (Delphi 2006) Thanks in advance, have a nice day. ERROR in label caption... plz help Programming Software Development by smile4evr … = "SELECT E_name FROM Employee_Details WHERE E_ID ='" & logid.Caption & "'" CN.Execute getname RS.Open getname, CN… Re: ERROR in label caption... plz help Programming Software Development by Teme64 What error message exactly? Do you have CN open? [CODE=VB]Dim CN As ADODB.Connection CN = New ADODB.Connection CN.Open "<connection string>"[/CODE] Also the recordset could be empty: [CODE=VB]If RS.Fields.Count > 0 Then Label7.Caption = RS.Fields(0) Else Label7.Caption = "" End If[/CODE] Re: Converting Label.caption as Date value Programming Software Development by ryan311 label1.caption = date Help a noob like me pls, problem changing caption Programming Software Development by limesight18 ….. i have a problem of how i can change the caption of a label thats inside a [B]picture box[/B… it.. there's no command like this [CODE]lblStartTime[B].Caption[/B] = rsRecordSet.Fields("Unit").Value & ""… Editing Bios Caption Hardware and Software Hardware by Stevoni Any suggestions on how to edit the Bios caption field? I've been requested to do so for a …customer and the Win32_Bios class has the caption set as read only. I've yet to find anywhere… image caption to change Programming Web Development by laura301019 … piece of code to display images of cameras and a caption underneath which states what type of camera it is. However… I cant get the caption to change, i posted this piece of code before and… How to break a caption in a <alt> into 2 lines? Digital Media UI / UX Design by LastMitch … learn **html/css**. I have a issue of breaking a caption in the **alt** into **2** lines. This is my image…="Image is ... yada .. whatever" />` I want the caption in the **alt** stop at **width 400** of the image…