sequential file save read option button Programming Software Development by arcon I think I can record but I can't read with the option button checkbox I don't know if I do the recording procedure correctly Re: sequential file save read option button Programming Software Development by SCBWV … don't know what you mean by "option button checkbox." I also don't know what you mean by… Re: sequential file save read option button Programming Software Development by rproffitt 1. With so few having VB6 now, you need to move to a current release. Help will be hard to find. 2. I can't load up your project. Few others can so by not posting the relevant code in the clear with your assessment, you see the issue? 3. VB6, while I coded very large projects long ago, "It's Dead Jim." That is, you're on a deserted … Re: sequential file save read option button Programming Software Development by arcon Sorry but you have not given a solution to the issue, because I see that here in this forum people continue to ask about vb6.0 Re: sequential file save read option button Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim Yes. People continue to ask about VB6. They shouldn't. And you likely won't see anyone answering questions about, for example, COBOL or QuickBASIC, except in a historical context. The only VB6 question that should be asked is "why are you still using it?" Re: sequential file save read option button Programming Software Development by rproffitt I noted the issues with your post and the problems with what is a dead system. While I do have one last VB6 dev laptop in storage I only pull it out for paid work. And at 250USD a hour the only company that pays is very careful about their requests. You ignored how such problems are presented. ZIP file? Too dangerous today. You could have … Re: sequential file save read option button Programming Software Development by arcon because it still works and there are many people who use it, thank you Re: sequential file save read option button Programming Software Development by arcon because it still works and there are many people who use it, thank you Re: sequential file save read option button Programming Software Development by arcon thanks for everything Re: Checkbox Help Programming Web Development by sasankasekhar … '<td><input type=checkbox name=checkbox[] value='.$a[$g].'></td&…c_value = ""; var cb = document.getElementsByName('checkbox'); var tbl = document.getElementById("holder");//This …[0].checked) { //c_value = c_value + document.getres.checkbox[i].value + "\n"; c_value = c_value … Checkbox help Programming Web Development by thanhdo49th …JAVA<br> <input type="checkbox" name="cd[]" value="0…<br> <input type="checkbox" name="cd[]" value="0…PYTHON<br> <input type="checkbox" name="cd[]" value="0… C#<br> <input type="checkbox" name="cd[]" checked="checked… Re: Checkbox help Programming Web Development by divyakrishnan …name.'0'; ?>" type="checkbox" id="c" value="checkbox" /> ASP <input …name.'1'; ?>" type="checkbox" id="c" value="checkbox" /> JSP <input …name.'2'; ?>" type="checkbox" id="c" value="checkbox" /> PHP <input… Checkbox Help Programming Web Development by farahphp …{ var c_value = ""; var cb = document.getres.checkbox; for (var i=0; i < cb.length ; …i++) { if (document.getres.checkbox[i].checked) { c_value = c_value + document.getres.checkbox[i].value + "\n"; }… '<td><input type=checkbox name=checkbox[] value='.$a[$g].'></td>… checkbox Programming Web Development by dukumanis …lt;tr> <td><input type="checkbox" name=""><?php echo $row['…lt;tr> <td><input type="checkbox" name=""><?php echo $row['no_inventori… Re: Checkbox Help Programming Web Development by Drew …] function updateopen() { var c_value = ""; var cb = document.getres.checkbox; for (var i=0; i < document.getres.length ; i… (document.myForm[i].type=="checkbox" && document.getres.checkbox[i].checked) { c_value += document.getres.checkbox[i].value + "\n"… checkbox Programming Web Development by sallycheng …gt; <input name="apple" type="checkbox" id="apple" value="apple"…gt; <input name="bananan" type="checkbox" id="bananan" value="bananan"…gt; banana <input name="orange" type="checkbox" id="orange" value="orange" … Re: checkbox Programming Web Development by sourcebits …QUOTE=sallycheng;1177373]It cannot display the value of the checkbox,please tell me what wrong of it! Thak you…gt; <input name="bananan" type="checkbox" id="bananan" value="bananan"…; banana <input name="orange" type="checkbox" id="orange" value="orange" … checkbox help Programming Web Development by ruwanaru … "[B]div1[/B]" [CODE] <input type="checkbox" id="div1chk" /> <input type="…; id="div2chk" /> <input type="checkbox" id="div3chk" /> <div id="… Re: checkbox help Programming Web Development by Graphix …;; } } </script> <input type="checkbox" id="div1chk" onclick="toggleVis('div1');"…; /> <input type="checkbox" id="div2chk" onclick="toggleVis('div2…');" /> <input type="checkbox" id="div3chk" onclick="toggleVis('div3… Re: checkbox help Programming Web Development by ruwanaru …;; } } </script> <input type="checkbox" id="div1chk" onclick="toggleVis('div1');"…; /> <input type="checkbox" id="div2chk" onclick="toggleVis('div2…');" /> <input type="checkbox" id="div3chk" onclick="toggleVis('div3… checkbox Programming Web Development by hajjo … in html and each line has checkbox... what I want to do.. I click on checkbox +shift button together in line 1… 1 to line 5... but if i click on the checkbox of line 1 without shift button..then click on line… Re: Checkbox Programming Web Development by ryantroop …--> <head> <title>Perpetual Checkbox</title> <script type="text/javascript"…="onload();"> <input type="checkbox" name="whatever" value="1"…; </html> This would perpetually make your checkbox checked... maybe I am misunderstanding you and what you… checkbox help Programming Web Development by idane … trying to put together and need some help with a checkbox. I have a form where the user enters data and…"> <br> TripMade:<input type="checkbox" name="TripMade"> <br> Notes… Re: checkbox help Programming Web Development by jrock2004 … trying to put together and need some help with a checkbox. I have a form where the user enters data and…"> <br> TripMade:<input type="checkbox" name="TripMade"> <br> Notes… Re: checkbox help Programming Web Development by idane …"> <br> TripMade:<input type="checkbox" name="TripMade" value=""> <…;td><input name="TripMade" type="checkbox" value="<?php $TripMade ?>"> <… Re: Checkbox Programming Databases by hielo …="post" ...> <input type="checkbox" name="hobbies[]" value="Reading"…;/> <input type="checkbox" name="hobbies[]" value="Biking"…;/> <input type="checkbox" name="hobbies[]" value="Traveling"… Re: Checkbox Programming Databases by v srinivasa rao <form method="post" ...> <input type="checkbox" name="hobbies[]" value="Reading"/> <input type="checkbox" name="hobbies[]" value="Biking"/> <input type="checkbox" name="hobbies[]" value="Traveling"/> ... </form> Re: checkbox help Programming Web Development by idane …. so far i have [CODE]TripMade:<input type="checkbox" name="TripMade" value="0">… Re: checkbox help Programming Web Development by idane …"> <br> TripMade:<input type="checkbox" name="TripMade" value=""> <… Re: Checkbox Programming Web Development by LastMitch >Does anyone know how to make a checkbox on a web page that always stays checked no matter what computer sees it? It would always stay checked on that exact web page? If anyone knows how to do this, that would be great :) You can take can look at this: