Clipping in User Control Panel Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Ezzaral Just recently the center portion of the User Control Panel has started clipping the right edge from the internal frames: [ATTACH]6764[/ATTACH] This is in Firefox, screen res 1280x1024. Polygon Clipping Programming Software Development by wtosh …and vertices inx/iny * against the rectangular clipping region specified by lower-left corner * (x0…the vertex count of polygon * resultinhg from the clipping. * * @param in the number of …outx - x coords of vertices of polygon resulting after clipping. * @param outy - y coords of vertices of… Re: Polygon Clipping Programming Software Development by Taywin …x1,y1) but you never use them. You used only clipping border (pass to the isIntersect() or isInside()). I am guessing… edge. If you do not use the passing in rectangle clipping points, you are comparing NOTHING. PS: isIntersect() should return…). The isInside() needs to check whether one of the clipping point is on the inner side of the polygon. You… Re: Polygon Clipping Programming Software Development by Taywin …idea is to give 2 polygons -- original and clipping -- and then return the overlapping area as another… return polygon is null, don't display the clipping area. /* Assumption: 1)Polygon points are in… are touching each other or not overlapping function clipping lastPtCPolygon <- the last point in clipPolygon … Re: Polygon Clipping Programming Software Development by bguild … that being convex is a red herring when you are clipping a polygon to a rectangle. Being convex is helpful for… over the edges and vertices of the polygon, checking and clipping each in turn. That would work just as well for… Re: Polygon Clipping Programming Software Development by Taywin … to determine if a point is inside the polygon, but clipping a concave polygon can result in more than one polygon… which direction was the inside direction. You said it. ;) Actually clipping a concave polygon (with either a convex or concave) can… Re: Polygon Clipping Programming Software Development by bguild … to determine if a point is inside the polygon, but clipping a concave polygon can result in more than one polygon… Re: Polygon Clipping Programming Software Development by Taywin … if polygons are touching each other or not overlapping function clipping lastPtCPolygon <- the last point in clipPolygon if all points… Opengl text and clipping Programming Game Development by Jamesbch …in my interface code I've planned to use additional clipping planes to make sure that the interface "widgets&…try. So my problem happens when I'm using a clipping plane with [I]glutBitmapCharacter[/I], I've found that …drawn partially right ? This problem becomes serious when any horizontal clipping plane is on the (horizontal) text which won't … Re: Opengl text and clipping Programming Game Development by Jamesbch … neither a string. 2/ The first doesn't work with clipping plane while the second is aliasing. 3/ The fonts are… drawn (white lines) In example5 (first) you can see the clipping in action Re: Opengl text and clipping Programming Game Development by Jamesbch Here is some images to explain what is happening and what I would like to have. example1 is when the clipping planes aren't in contact with the text, all is fine. example2 is the result when it is in the actual state (text isn't drawn !) example 3 is what I want. What are the best solutions to solve this ? Re: Opengl text and clipping Programming Game Development by mike_2000_17 … "glCallLists(strlen(your_string),GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,your_string);", et voilĂ ! No clipping problem or whatever else. And it's pretty fast since… Line Clipping and Drawing Programming Software Development by gotm … Bresenhams line drawing algorithm as well as Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm. For some reason my whole program (9 classes, but… up private Point _a; private Point _b; // for Cohen Sutherland clipping private int RIGHT = 2; private int TOP = 8; private int… Disabling near clipping in OpenGL Programming Game Development by emilo35 … draw sticks that are closer to the viewer than the clipping plane. This way it would feel like they actually come… that all sources I find on the web about OpenGL clipping suggest it can't be turned off. In this case… drawimage clipping trouble Programming Software Development by rubiksnut …] in c#; however, I am having some trouble with the clipping rectangle. My trouble is that when doing something like [CODE… Re: Polygon Clipping Programming Software Development by wtosh This is the result should look like. Re: Polygon Clipping Programming Software Development by Ezzaral And... ? You haven't posted a question. Re: Polygon Clipping Programming Software Development by wtosh What am I doing wrong? I can't seem to get it clip the polygon at all. Re: Polygon Clipping Programming Software Development by bguild I don't know exactly why it doesn't work, but I can see some things which you are doing wrong. Your `clipper`s instance variables are being used like global variables to the algorithm instead of using them in a proper object-oriented way, and that just makes your algorithm hard to understand and debug. Why are they all public? What is the exact … Re: Polygon Clipping Programming Software Development by wtosh Which one are the instance variables? Re: Polygon Clipping Programming Software Development by wtosh :( Taywin, if what I am doing is simply wrong, guide me through the process please. Re: Polygon Clipping Programming Software Development by Taywin >That would work just as well for a concave polygon as a convex polygon. Not really. The test for a point inside a concave polygon is a lot more difficult. If you don't get it, how about given an arbitrary point and a polygon, determine whether the point is inside the polygon. If the polygon is a convex, you simply test that the point is … Re: Polygon Clipping Programming Software Development by wtosh upon reading it can you teach me how to do that? or is the algroirth in that link? Re: Polygon Clipping Programming Software Development by Taywin For testing a point in a convex polygon (triangle), it explains how to test and derive the algorithm equation to be much simplier. For intersection point, the person explains how to find it (somewhat algorithm). Re: Polygon Clipping Programming Software Development by bguild There is no reason to test whether a point is in a polygon. All you need to do is test for points inside rectangles. If you really think that testing for points being inside polygons is necessary, then please explain where those points are coming from. I can only guess that you mean the four corners of the rectangle, but surely that's not very … Re: Polygon Clipping Programming Software Development by wtosh @bguild How would I convert what you said into code? Re: Polygon Clipping Programming Software Development by wtosh What goes in the compare() method and the Direction() method? Re: Polygon Clipping Programming Software Development by bguild You're right, forget about `compare` and the sorting idea. That was a mistake; there is no good way to sort them reliably. The Intersects will come already sorted, but depending on the polygon they may be going clockwise or counterclockwise. So I would take the first inward Intersect and check that its direction is clockwise, and if it's not … Re: Polygon Clipping Programming Software Development by wtosh Alright i'll try it. Let me know when you test it. Re: Polygon Clipping Programming Software Development by wtosh Alright, I tried your solution and I got stuck. I still don't understand what I should put in the compare method.