Constraint Help Please Programming Databases by Trogan …, 5 credit_limit number(6,2), 6 constraint customer_customer_no_pk primary key (customer_no)); Table created.…not null, 5 emaill_address varchar2(30), 6 constraint salesman_salesman_id_pk primary key (salesman_id)); Table created.…following error... [QUOTE]ORA-00001: unique constraint (SYSTEM.INVOICE_INVOICE_NO_PK) violated[/QUOTE] I … constraint Programming Databases by deolalkar_pooja …), city varchar(20)) --------------------------------- I want to put following constraint, 'name is having unique with city taken only from … unique constraints with name. I searched many about constraint with city, but i don't get it … now. Will you please help me about constraint. I used 'BETWEEN' constraint, but it failed. What should I do… Constraint Programming Databases by deolalkar_pooja …), city varchar(20)) --------------------------------- I want to put following constraint, 'name is having unique with city taken only from … unique constraints with name. I searched many about constraint with city, but i don't get it … now. Will you please help me about constraint. I used 'BETWEEN' constraint, but it failed. What should I do… Re: Constraint Programming Databases by M.Waqas Aslam … here is the code for others. ALTER TABLE member_email ADD CONSTRAINT chk_Email_Cell CHECK( (cellNbr is not null and email is null… null and email is not null) ) ALTER TABLE member_email ADD CONSTRAINT chk_Cell_Carrier CHECK( (cellNbr is not null and Carrier is not… Constraint Help Programming Databases by wafergozo How can I do a constraint/trigger to check a value from another table for example CHECK tblAcademic.role = 1 and [currentable].post = 1 Please help Constraint Programming Databases by M.Waqas Aslam … in it. Id Email CellNumber Carrier I want to create constraint who check following conditions, 1-Email can be null if… Re: Constraint where both columns cannot be null, but one can Programming Databases by buddylee17 Not sure about the unique part, as a unique constraint will only support one null value in the column. It sounds like you potentially could have many. Use a check constraint to verify both aren't null: [code] ALTER TABLE TableA ADD CONSTRAINT CK_BothDepartsNotNull CHECK (departA IS NOT NULL OR departB IS NOT NULL) [/code] Constraint Satisfaction Programming Programming Computer Science by csinquirer Please suggest good resources in print and online regarding constraint satisfaction programming. Thanks. Re: Constraint Satisfaction Programming Programming Computer Science by MosaicFuneral Sounds a lot like a new fetish. [URL=""]Google[/URL] Constraint where both columns cannot be null, but one can Programming Databases by agr8lemon … columns: ID(PK), location, departA, departB. I would like a constraint across departA and departB so that both of them can… Constraint inquiry Programming Databases by lps …-03-01 2019-03-01 I wish to add a constraint to block if same user add in a setting with… Re: Constraint Programming Databases by BitBlt There are several different "flavors" of constraint. Some of them have to do with referential … Note that I am talking here about defining a constraint as a LOGICAL database design activity, not as a…are many reasons for implementing or not implementing any particular constraint. Some examples of this are performance impact, replication,… Re: Constraint Help Please Programming Databases by Sulley's Boo <_< Remove the PK (invoice_no, ISBN) from the Delivery table so that you can repeat the invoice_no as much as you want. Think of a new PK for the detail (delivery) table. How about Serial no? Re: Constraint Help Please Programming Databases by Trogan Hi Sulley, thank you for the reply. I will remove the PK (invoice_no, ISBN) from the Delivery table and put something in it's place and see how it goes. Thanks again! :) Re: Constraint Help Please Programming Databases by Trogan It didn't work. I should have mentioned, I need to enter multiple data into the [B]invoice[/B] table using the same [B]invoice_no[/B]. Any other suggestions please? Re: Constraint Help Please Programming Databases by jwenting So you've made a serious error in your datamodel. Apparently a record in the invoice table does not represent an invoice but a line item. Redesign your database to match that, with a new invoice table containing only items that are not repeated (like the invoice number), and a lineitem table containing a foreign key into to the invoice table to … Re: Constraint Help Please Programming Databases by Sulley's Boo You can overcome that problem by having a composite key (2 PKs) for the invoice table .. where you'll be able to repeat the invoice number BUT not the other Primary key .. :?: Can you show us your ERD? Re: Constraint Help Please Programming Databases by jwenting yes, but that would leave you with a substandard database model. You'd have to duplicate data in each record, a bad idea. Re: Constraint Help Please Programming Databases by Sulley's Boo <_< do what jwenting said .. 1 master table (invoice) and a transaction table linked to it (one to many relationship) .. Re: Constraint Help Please Programming Databases by Trogan Forgot to reply, but I managed to get things working by making some minor changes to the tables. Re: Constraint Help Please Programming Databases by jinternalframe Hey good that you made your stuff work. But keep in mind this thing - The databases are only the repositoires of data. It is you who will have to decide what data goes in where and make sure that you use the capabilities of the database to reflect the exact needs of your data model (your data). Making ad-hoc changes might work bu they may not be … Re: constraint Programming Databases by smantscheff If the field may only have four values, use an enum type. [CODE]create table publisher(name varchar(20), city enum('mumbai','pune','nasik','panji'))[/CODE] Re: constraint Programming Databases by deolalkar_pooja hi......smantscheff. i tried on ur solution, but it doesn't work. Plz, help me in different way. Re: constraint Programming Databases by smantscheff What the hell do you mean with "doesn't work" ? Re: constraint Programming Databases by deolalkar_pooja i means, sql server doent't support 'enum' type. Re: constraint Programming Databases by smantscheff This here is a MySQL forum. Re: constraint Programming Databases by deolalkar_pooja I know, this is mysql forum. I wrongly put this question in this forum. but i want the output in 'MS SQL Server'. Thanks & regerds, Pooja. Re: constraint Programming Databases by smantscheff Create a lookup table for cities and link your publisher table to it. Re: Constraint Programming Databases by deolalkar_pooja create table publisher(name varchar(20), city varchar(20) check(city in('mumbai', 'pune', 'nasik', 'panji'))) Re: Constraint Programming Databases by debasisdas Between is used on number or date data types not on string. ex 1. number between 1 to 10 2. date between 1-jan and 31-jan etc...