Time to Reject Content App Silos Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by Techwriter10 …interesting package, but at the same time, apps also promote content silos. That means, instead of linking out to the web and…ever. As mobile browsers make it easier to discover good content and functionality on the Web, the value of "…on the web because if publishers are merely reproducing the content we get elsewhere in an isolated silo, it's … Exclusive: new PGP encryption upgrades for enterprise users Hardware and Software Networking by happygeek … they aim to solve: numerous applications to manage, the resulting content silos creating costly and unnecessary burdens on IT teams being perhaps…, ensuring that only authorized users can read or modify the content. The Internet Still Confuses Rupert Murdoch Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Techwriter10 …You've been particularly critical of what you call 'the content kleptomaniacs' and the plagiarists. Are you particularly talking about Google… in the previous sentence he suggested they were stealing his content). So which is it, Rupert? [B]Saying Goodbye …is clear. He wants to return to the days of silos and the fact is that those days are over. … Re: The Internet Still Confuses Rupert Murdoch Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by JeffBach …interview is a huge problem in my opinion. As a content creator myself, admittedly a microscopic and hopefully less eccentric … living in their parents basement with zero costs, making content for free. The entire middle space is barren because … platform and offered that to everyone on the planet. Content should not be free. Ad revenue does not pay … Re: The Internet Still Confuses Rupert Murdoch Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by cwrinn He wants to have his cake and eat it too. He wants people to be able to find his content from Google, but then have to pay him to read it. And he wants Google to pay him for posting his headlines. Re: Apple says the Mac is cool, Microsoft agrees Hardware and Software macOS by windowsrefund … churn out products designed to lock their customers into their silos. The only way take back control over your computing is… Re: The Internet Still Confuses Rupert Murdoch Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by lorax Google should drop FOX News from its news summary page. FOX News is really Faux News and does not belong on a page with real news. The Murdoch organization is simply an outlet for Murdoch's neo-fascist ideology.