context menu Programming Software Development by Nada_ward Hello I have problem with context menu when I right click on picture box …) ' Handle event that happen when I click menu items AddHandler objMenuItem.Click, AddressOf MenuClick End Sub … Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 'Point to menu item clicked Dim objCurMenuItem As MenuItem = CType(sender, … context menu and print preview problem Programming Software Development by vbuser44 …must be in work form 2 too the same context menu.. but there is a problem with Print Preview…me tell you what I did. to make the context menu work in form 2 I wrote this: Code: ….list2.ContextMenuStrip= form1.cmenu[/CODE] in the print preview context menu item code: Code: [CODE]PrintPreviewDialog1.document = PrintDialog1 'PrintDialog1… Context Menu Auto Close doesnt work for me Programming Software Development by domino.vbcoder Hi all i was wondering wheather anyone knows about the context menu autoclose feature because it doesnt seem to work for me.… I have a context menu associated with a control and i have auto close set… to false but now my context menu wont show i have tried all sorts ContextMenuStrip1.visible=… Context Menu strip not showing list of images Programming Software Development by prit005 …run time. pbs.ContextMenuStrip = docmenu; this context menu strip show only last image not the list… { toolmenus }); // pictureBox8.ContextMenuStrip = docmenu; // show context menu on rt click pbs[i].ContextMenuStrip = docmenu; pbs[i].… Re: Context menu in Win XP is too wide Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by donkey_pasta It sounds like one of the programs you installed may have added an item to the context menu that is causing it to display this way. If this is the case, this website details how to remove items from the context menu: [url][/url] Context Menu Sub menu staying open Programming Software Development by tfmiltz … property for primary ContextMenu items, but I observe the secondary menu items do not stay open. Does anyone have a solution… for this? I did opt with Secondary menu item click handler to set AutoClose to False, and create… event for any items on the form OTHER than my context menu, which works, it is 3 lines, but seems a kludgy… Context Menu Handler Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Matt Th I know this sounds odd, but my laptop is throwing up Context Menu Handlers at random intervals, sometimes every second, sometimes every 30 mins. It acts as though I'm right clicking all the time, but I can assure you I'm not. Any ideas? I've tried downloading ShellExView from Nir Soft, but too many to narrow down. Thanks in advance. Matt Context menu in Win XP is too wide Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by mlesniak … use right-click on SOME of my desktop icons the context menu that appears seems to be double the normal width, showing… Re: Context menu in Win XP is too wide Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by gerbil Not all applications that have an entry in the context menu window will be present in that key in the above … Context Menu on QGraphicsWidget Programming Software Development by onurozcelik … you will see that I print "Test" when context menu event occurs. When I right click on the line symbol… Re: context menu Programming Software Development by waynespangler I don't know exactally what you want. Your main menu is showing unless you have the visible property set to … to false. If what you are talking about is a context menu then add one to your form and set then… context menu property to point to it. Then when you right click … Mimic webbrowser's Copy Image feature in my own context menu Programming Software Development by weekendrockstar …and cause the potential for users to select another context menu option that is unwanted by them. I have…to false so the original context menu is suppressed. I have created my own context menu with Copy Image as ToolStripMenuItem1.… the program everything works including the right-click context menu having Copy Image as the only available option.… Add a custom context menu via vbScript Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim …special projects where it would be nice to have a context menu for files. I tend to write housekeeping scripts and… select "Swap Names" from a context menu. Adding such a menu turns out to be trivial. The script in…the script and providing the text for the context menu. Installing or removing the context menu is as simple as typing (in a… Re: Mimic webbrowser's Copy Image feature in my own context menu Programming Software Development by weekendrockstar … when you click on the Use Image (or your named) context menu item. Now the image data from the image you had…. Now we don't have all of the default IE context menu options. There is only one and it does what you… MFC Context Menu Via KeyBoard Programming Software Development by koushal.vv Hi All, I have added context menu for my tree view control, i have enabled the context menu only for right click , Can …any one tell me how to generate the context menu by key board. Open any browser, when the keyboard …key for context menu is pressed , the menu pop's up. Can any one tell me … Close Context Menu When Mouse Leaves Programming Software Development by skybomb0 … c#) and I am almost done. I have the menu and the context menu that will be shown created. I also have the… context menu showing at the correct time. My problem comes when the menu disappears when you try to… though. The code below is the only spot where the context menu is hidden. I have uploaded the full project [URL="… Re: wanna to avoid default context menu Programming Web Development by Comatose …the div, and returns false for the actual context menu), but the context menu has things that you can't make happen within… done this before (made a page which replaces the context menu), but I made it a choice in preferences, and… when they clicked that, it would load the normal context menu the next time they clicked. If you feel absolutely … How to open file location from list view item using context menu strip? Programming Software Development by emreozpalamutcu Here is list of things I want to do: Display context menu strip only when mouse is over the item and right … on the item. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I have 3 options on the context menu strip, open, open file location and properties. If user right… IE7 Context Menu wrong on Thunderbird Download buttons Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by BeeTee-Ess … Link As..." option from the resulting context menu. My problem is that my IE7 context menu does not have a "Save Link…. As a test, I tried Firefox 3 instead, and the context menu for it works properly. Does anyone have a suggestion? Regards… Re: Close Context Menu When Mouse Leaves Programming Software Development by skybomb0 … then move the mouse back over the menu item you clicked, the context menu should stay open. How would I go about this… dynamic context menu Programming Software Development by ZER09 I tried to create a context menu for a griedview and when i test it it works … thought it was working as i wanted, it showned the context menu with two options sample and sample2 but the problem come… get more complicated because in the parameter needed by the context menu. c.MenuItems.Add(menuItems.Value(i), onCLick[i]); the add… Custom context menu to work in FireFox Programming Web Development by jmasta … you want per page) and when you rightclick, a custom context menu comes up with 15 or so options in IE. They… using javascript, but i'm still getting the Firefox default context menu. The code for this part of the app is very… rather not post any, but is there something specific about context menus I'm missing? Or if someone knows a good… Customize Context menu Programming Software Development by irffan I want to create a Context menu in circle shape that consist of 8 pieces just like Pizza slice for reference : software 'bumpTop' also have same kind of menu. Can any one tell me ,How to make this type of customize context menu in c# or visual basic like we make default shape ContextMenuStrip in C#. Re: wanna to avoid default context menu Programming Web Development by tgreer … "View Source" difficult, and replacing or editing the context menu. This link should be of interest to you in regard… to adding to context menu(s): [url]… wanna to avoid default context menu Programming Web Development by pavankishore … table in a prototype, we have coded such that a context menu appears..its working fine..but if we click on empty… space in the html prototype, we r getting the default context menu which we dont want... could any one of u can… Double Click and Context Menu Error Programming Software Development by nnobakht …. I also have a similar problem with right click and context menu. The first time i right click nothing happens but everytime… after that the context menu is launched. I am thinking it might have to do… Adding icon program in Context menu and processing Programming Software Development by manhthaodn … install the program, the program's icon is added to context menu (Eg: when I right click on excel file (.xls) will…-click the excel file and select icon my program from context menu, then my program will read data from that excel file… Create a button in the context menu for each selected contact. Programming Software Development by cristian.capannini Create a button in the context menu for each selected contact. Hi all I would like to create a button in the context menu (right click) for the selected contact. This button has the same functions as the call button. Is there a way to create this add-in for Outlook 2007 and 2010 in Visual C # and NOT in VB.NET. I repeat NOT in VB.Net. Re: dynamic context menu Programming Software Development by ZER09 opps, i fugured it out. i didnt realize that iam disposing the context menu before triggering the the event. so i just remove the using statement. BTW thanks for the reply. Re: dynamic context menu Programming Software Development by Merletyco [Conditionally create context menu in C#.NET](