data reader as array?? Programming Web Development by arc64 …... i m facing problem in object of data reader ...i ve to create array for data reader object so that it cud store all… Data Reader Error Programming Software Development by ms061210 … retriving record on the table.. There is already an open Data Reader associated with this command which muct be close first. Private….Click Try Dim oradb As String = "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle; Data Source=TRAVELMATE-PC/XE;User Id=cj;Password=me;"… data reader explanation Programming Web Development by born star can somebody tell me how does data reader work in following list and what will the result of............… data reader count Programming Software Development by sweetypie123 Hi, is there a method check the number of records in data reader? like the count of rows. ? The data reader is incompatible with the specified 'DatabaseModel.Max_id_showDatail_R Programming Web Development by jacob21 …originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.EntityCommandExecutionException: The data reader is incompatible with the specified 'DatabaseModel.Max_id_showDatail_Result….cs Line: 818 Stack Trace: [EntityCommandExecutionException: The data reader is incompatible with the specified 'DatabaseModel.Max_id_showDatail_Result'. A… How to use multiple data reader in a page Programming Web Development by ku.heng.7 ….Close(); //dtra.Close(); //dtrb.Close(); } } I wan use the diffrent data reader to display the diffrent erro message but i get an… Re: Data Reader Error Programming Software Development by john.knapp Why multiple reader instances? If you declare your DataReader outside of the Try …'m not sure whether you have to also Dispose() the reader instance each time, ny gut call is "No"… Re: data reader explanation Programming Web Development by Freon22 A datareader runs one way, it is fast and very good for printing out info. So with your if(dr.Read()) if the datareader has rows then this code will print out the first row of data to your variables. btw: It is good pratice to check to see if the reader has rows before you try to read. Re: data reader explanation Programming Web Development by sebastian3 … record and also returns true if it exists.Initially, the reader does not point to anything. It is only after you… to the first record and then you can read the data. Without calling that it will give error. In your case… Re: data reader as array?? Programming Web Development by Lusiphur Try taking the second (CODE) out of the beginning of your code segment and add it at the end with a "/" in front of the "CODE" part. Makes it easier to read the code snippet :) Re: data reader as array?? Programming Web Development by hericles you seem to have a 50 element array and your loop is running from 0 to 49 (50 elements) but you're only selecting the top 49 in your SQL statement. Is the last iteration of the loop the problem? What point does it break at if you debug it? Re: data reader as array?? Programming Web Development by dnanetwork ++i => try i++ try to debug.. Re: data reader count Programming Software Development by Lee21 hi sweetiepie, Ijust want to share something regarding the checking of rows returned from the database, I'm using datatable and sqldataadapter and i found out that it's much easier to use. Here's the code! [CODE]'sqlcon as sql connection dt = New DataTable sda = New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM TABLENAME", sqlcon)… Re: data reader count Programming Software Development by kvprajapati [code=Text] SELECT Count(*) from TableName [/code] Re: get item from data reader & select it in listview Programming Software Development by razree …from SQL connection.Open() Dim reader As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader If TextBox9.Text.… System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(SQLStr, connection) reader = command.ExecuteReader() While reader.Read() TextBox9.Text = reader.Item… get item from data reader & select it in listview Programming Software Development by razree … some help. I have a string which gets data from mssql server, reader collects data (among others also "person) SQLStr = &…id desc command = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(SQLStr, connection) reader = command.ExecuteReader() While reader.Read() ListView1SelectedItem = reader.Item("PERSON") List… Re: get item from data reader & select it in listview Programming Software Development by poojavb …it shud be Listview1.Items.Add and then the reader.... Try Dim myCommand As SqlCommand myCommand = New …DoctorRegister ", Connection) Dim reader As SqlDataReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader While reader.Read ListView1.Items.Add(reader.Item("FirstName")).Selected… Re: get item from data reader & select it in listview Programming Software Development by Oxiegen …use the code I gave you. ListView1.Items(reader.Item("PERSON")).Selected = True Or …a String variable first. Dim strPERSON As String = reader.Item("PERSON").ToString() ListView1.Items(strPERSON).Selected… = True I'm assuming that `reader.Item("PERSON")` contains a string of … Re: get item from data reader & select it in listview Programming Software Development by razree …I have tried your code: ListView1SelectedItem = reader.Item("PERSON") MsgBox(ListView1SelectedItem)… Dim strPERSON As String = reader.Item("PERSON").ToString() ListView1.…Items(strPERSON).selected = True ListView1.Items(reader.Item("PERSON")).selected = True… Re: get item from data reader & select it in listview Programming Software Development by razree find a cure for my problem called *FindItemWithText* Me.ListView1.FindItemWithText(reader.Item("PERSON")).Selected = True Me.ListView1.FindItemWithText(reader.Item("PERSON")).EnsureVisible() ListView1.Select() Works like a charm, tnx for help everybody! :) Re: get item from data reader & select it in listview Programming Software Development by Oxiegen This should help you. ListView1.Items(reader.Item("PERSON")).Selected = True This will only select the VERY first item ListView1.Items(0).Selected = True Re: Read multiple column data from SQL query ( 1 row ) Programming Web Development by SheSaidImaPregy … pull it out into 1 datareader. You can use the data reader to pull the 2 counts. Then if those counts equal… what they should, bind the rest of the data: [code]if reader.HasRows then while reader.Read() uTrue = dtrReader("uTrue") uPass… Read int with data reader Programming Software Development by sheennave … Which conversion do i need. Please help?? [CODE] while(reader->Read()) { temp_string = reader["ID_varchar"]->ToString(); // OK } [/CODE] What… about code below ? [CODE] while(reader->Read()) { temp_int = reader["ID_int"]->GetInt32(); // ERROR } [/CODE] Read multiple column data from SQL query ( 1 row ) Programming Web Development by frotaru … variables that will store values read from SQL 'Main Data ' uTrue - "User is found" Dim….Closed Then User_DB_Conn.Open() End If 'Create SQL Data Reader Dim SQL_Reader As SqlDataReader = SQL_command.ExecuteReader() '(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)… Re: Read int with data reader Programming Software Development by thines01 You can use int:: Parse(...); [CODE] //from memory int i = int::Parse(reader["ID_int"]->ToString()); [/CODE] selecting from a table and listing various data from another one related to the first Programming Web Development by mr.white …. So let's say there is I got one row data from People table with SqlDataReader, and print the "Name… to do another query to "relatedInformation" table, select data where Type is 1 (phone numbers), and PersonID is the… with C# and ASP.NET ? if I create data command and then a data reader and stuff for each one of these things… Problem with retrieving data from database to populate CheckBoxList - C# Programming Web Development by pdoyle1521 … DataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //Get the data if (dr.Read() == false) { //No….Selected = true; } } //Close the data reader and database connection dr.Close(); Conn.Close(); … GridView appears to have no data when trying to sort it Programming Software Development by dwinn … = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader() 'If there are rows of data that match are criteria If (sqlReader.HasRows) Then… the specific centre from the database using the data reader. GridView2.DataSource = sqlReader GridView2.DataBind() Else… System.Data.Common.DataRecordInternal Message in ListBox Programming Web Development by dwinn … is a stored procedure. sqlCmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure 'This is creating the command to…for the specific centre from the database using the data reader. ListBox1.DataSource = sqlReader ListBox1.DataBind() 'This … Export data to Excel from Datagridview Programming by Nazneen_1 … visual studio 2015 and trying to export data which i am importing through excel by the…IsFirstRowAsColumnNames = true; DataSet result = excelReader.AsDataSet(); //5. Data Reader methods while (excelReader.Read()) //excelReader.GetInt32(0); //6.…