Daylight savings time Hardware and Software Networking by nishka1 Is ther a specific patch for Windows Server 2000 to correct daylight savings time ? I checked the Microsoft websight and only found one for 2003. Thanks in advance Nishka1 Re: Daylight Savings Time Issue Programming Web Development by LastMitch … fast if your time zone is site to EST. In your original post you said the out output was Daylight Savings is on… Sun-11-04-2012-CEST-pm. Pretty sure CEST that is Central European Summer Time The **T… correct it. >you can also check if it is daylight savings time using date("I") it will return 1 for… Re: Daylight Savings Time Issue Programming Web Development by leviathan185 … output was `Daylight Savings is on Sun-11-04-2012-CEST-pm`. Pretty sure CEST that is Central European Summer Time Change your… `date_default_timezone_set('America/Your_City');` you can also check if it is daylight savings time using `date("I")` it will return 1 for… Re: Daylight Savings Time Issue Programming Web Development by LastMitch …. No, I'm not remote host. My default time zone is **Eastern Standard Time** `$todayDate = date("l, F d, Y, g… * 60 * 6);` that's won't work because it's `Daylight Savings Time` you can't minus **6** hours! If I was in… a different time zone then there would be the same issue. I hope… Timestamps taking daylight savings time into account Programming Web Development by Dani …timestamp while pretty printing it. The problem is that daylight savings time isn't being taken into effect. For example, even…that I can fetch `date('I')` to determine whether daylight savings time is currently in effect, and, if it is, add…the offset in member profiles. The problem is that daylight savings seems to be country-specific. Would I be … Daylight Savings Time Issue Programming Web Development by LastMitch …just learning the date() function. I'm trying create a `Daylight Savings` I used `$todayDate = date("D-m-d-Y-…So this is what I got so far: <?php //Daylight Savings $todayDate = date("D-Y-m-d-T-a"…;); echo "Daylight Savings is on ".$todayDate."<br>"; ?&… Re: Daylight Savings Time Issue Programming Web Development by LastMitch … is what it echo out `Daylight Savings is on Friday, October 19, 2012, 4:53am` but my time is `Daylight Savings is on Thursday, October… Re: Daylight Savings Time Issue Programming Web Development by LastMitch … York');` This code you provided didn't work: <?php //Daylight Savings date_default_timezone_set('America/New York'); $todayDate = date("l, F d…, Y, g:ia"); echo "Daylight Savings is on ".$todayDate."<br>"; ?>… Re: Daylight Savings Time Issue Programming Web Development by LastMitch … Thanks! This is the whole code: <?php //Daylight Savings date_default_timezone_set('America/New_York'); $todayDate = date("l, F… d, Y, g:ia"); echo "Daylight Savings is on ".$todayDate."<br>"…;; ?> It echo out: `Daylight Savings is on Thursday, October 18, 2012, 11:57pm` Re: Daylight Savings Time Issue Programming Web Development by leviathan185 try this, remembering to change "Your_City" to the city you live in. <?php //Daylight Savings date_default_timezone_set('America/Your_City'); $todayDate = date("l, F d, Y, g:ia"); echo "Daylight Savings is on ".$todayDate."<br>"; ?> Re: Daylight Savings Time Issue Programming Web Development by LastMitch … because it's **6** hours ahead of my time which is in **Eastern Standard Time** in America. Right now it's **6…:00** **pm** - **Eastern Standard Time** but the code you provided is **6** hours ahead it… that possible? I think the `$todayDate` should show the current time regardless of time zone. Re: Daylight Savings Time Issue Programming Web Development by leviathan185 are you using a remote host? `date()` will take the date and time from the server unless you specify the default time zone. failing that you can try `$todayDate = date("l, F d, Y, g:ia", time() - 60 * 60 * 6);` that will take 6 hours off the current time. Time change and Outlook calendar Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Shatfield How will the daylight savings time change effect Microsof Outlook's calendar? Re: Daylight Savings Time Issue Programming Web Development by leviathan185 this will give you the result you want: `$todayDate = date("l, F d, Y, g:ia");` Re: Daylight Savings Time Issue Programming Web Development by LastMitch **@leviathan185** Thanks for the reply and example! I will test it out. Re: Daylight Savings Time Issue Programming Web Development by leviathan185 Yes the T is for Timezone and your output is giving CEST for the timezone. did you try `date_default_timezone_set('America/Your_City');`? Re: Daylight Savings Time Issue Programming Web Development by leviathan185 can you please post the output of `echo date("e");` Re: Daylight Savings Time Issue Programming Web Development by LastMitch **@leviathan185** >can you please post the output of echo date("e"); I'm run that code now. Re: Daylight Savings Time Issue Programming Web Development by LastMitch **@leviathan185** When I run that code: `echo date("e");` The timezone is in `Europe/Paris` This is really weird! Re: Daylight Savings Time Issue Programming Web Development by leviathan185 further to this you will need to edit your php.ini file and change `date.timezone = "Europe/Paris"` to `date.timezone = "America/Your_City"` This is a more suitable solution Re: Daylight Savings Time Issue Programming Web Development by LastMitch **@leviathan185** I will try that code and test it out. Re: Daylight Savings Time Issue Programming Web Development by leviathan185 your php.ini should already exist somewhere. I dont know much about easy php but on my xampp server it is located in /xampp/php/php.ini and it should be similar for you. I would imagine it would be in the same folder that contains your www folder. Once you update php.ini you will need to reboot your server to reload the php.ini settings Re: Daylight Savings Time Issue Programming Web Development by leviathan185 Glad to hear lastMitch :) It will still be a good idea to permanently change it in you php.ini file though. Re: Timestamps taking daylight savings time into account Programming Web Development by pritaeas Personally I don't mind, but perhaps [this]( can help. Re: PHP Daylight Saving Time Programming Web Development by vaultdweller123 … as July 1, you’ll see it is aware of Daylight Savings Time (EDT) php > $tz = new DateTimeZone("America/New_York"… Re: PHP Daylight Saving Time Programming Web Development by LastMitch … as July 1, you’ll see it is aware of Daylight Savings Time (EDT) php > $tz = new DateTimeZone("America/New_York"… What every developer should know about time Programming Computer Science by david@windward. … words, you store "Mountain Time," not "Mountain Standard Time" or "Mountain Daylight Savings Time." So 7:00 am in… Arizona (they & Hawaii do not observer daylight savings time) vs Pacific/Mountain (depending on DST) time zone. You also depend on javascript being… Re: Hassles with Time Community Center by Danny … point to add is that any energy bill that changes Daylight savings time likely won't take place immediately -- its probably going to…, your VCR time (which nobody uses anyway) will be off by an hour for one month. The energy savings our country would… Hassles with Time Community Center by kc0arf …of the measures of that bill is to lengthen Daylight Savings Time about a month. For those who may be outside…Back). By doing this, we add more hours of daylight to be more active, and during our colder winter …months, it encourages more inside / sleep time. With Congress considering these bills, think of the following:… Bugs: iPhone Alarm Misses Time Change in Europe Programming Mobile Development by jeffcogswell …, but today's news is certainly odd: This weekend daylight savings time ended in many parts of the world (but not in… missed job interviews or other important meetings. Fortunately, the time change was on Sunday morning, but you never know. …://"]New Zealand was the first …