Re: Deque program project Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill DEQue = double-ended-queue. You can add and remove items from … You can implement it using an array or a… better with a linked list, unless, of course, its a DeQue of a primitive type. Re: Deque Programming Software Development by Tom Gunn … TestIsEmpty(Deque* deque) { assert(deque != NULL); assert(deque->size == 0); assert(deque->front == NULL); assert(deque->rear == NULL); } void TestAddRemove(Deque* deque, int (*add)(Deque*, int… Deque Programming Software Development by largedimples …are O(1). Thanks in advance!! [B]A deque is a data structure consisting of a list of…,d): Insert item x on the front end of deque d.[/B] dq.push_front(x, d); [B]pop…(d): Remove the front item from deque d and return it.[/B] [code=cpp]void Pop…] [B]eject(d): Remove the rear item from deque d and return it.[/B] [code=cpp]void Eject… Deque Programming Software Development by saggykulji i am working on Deque class which is wrapped arond array....jus like the circular array works. How can i prompt the user to decide the size??? Re: Deque Programming Software Development by saggykulji JOption Pane goes in app class right? if i declare an array in Deque class how can i ask user to enter the size and pass it to array? DEQUE Program! Programming Software Development by xavier666 …"]DEQUE[/URL] program. … /* *=========================================================== * PROGRAM DESCRIPTION - IMPLEMENTATION OF A DEQUE | * AUTHOR - SUMITRO BHAUMIK AKA "XAVIER666… */ typedef struct deque { int data; struct deque *forward; struct deque *backward; }node… Re: DEQUE Program! Programming Software Development by vijaykrishnabor … #include <stdio.h> #define MAX 5 struct deque { int arr[MAX]; int rearleft,rearright,frontleft,frontright; }; void… insertleft(struct deque *p ,int v) { if(p->rearleft+1… p->arr[++p->frontleft]; } } int removeright(struct deque *p) { if(p->frontright==p->rearright) { … Re: DEQUE Program! Programming Software Development by vijaykrishnabor … #include <stdio.h> #define MAX 5 struct deque { int arr[MAX]; int rearleft,rearright,frontleft,frontright; }; void… insertleft(struct deque *p ,int v) { if(p->rearleft+1… p->arr[++p->frontleft]; } } int removeright(struct deque *p) { if(p->frontright==p->rearright) { … Deque program Programming Software Development by Dragonsfire … Delfront(); void Delback(); void Showall(); int Returnf(); int Returnb(); }; [/code] Deque.cpp [code] #include <iostream> #include "Doth.h… { Temp=front->link; front=Temp; delete Temp; } return; } void Deque::Delback() { TA=new(node); TA=front; Temp=front; if (front… Re: DEQUE Program! Programming Software Development by xavier666 … removeright & removeleft, shouldn't the error messages be "DEQUE UNDERFLOW"? 2) Line 71, it should be return 0… Re: DEQUE Program! Programming Software Development by dongre.avinash Here is my implementation of Deque but in C. [url][/url] Deque program project Programming Software Development by Roger_2 …E removeFirst(); public E getFirst(); public boolean isEmpty(); } A deque is a list of items with restrictions on how it…, no loops allowed. Hint: MyDeque and java's Deque should behave the same for the above methods. This …unit test should work the same whether you initialize your deque as MyDeque<String> d = new MyDeque… Re: Deque program Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon Temp is an unitialized and unallocated pointer. See the two lines I changed below [code] void Deque::Addfront(int n) { Temp = new node; // <<<< Here Temp->value=n; if (front==NULL) { Temp->link=front; front=back=Temp; } else { Temp->link=front; front = Temp; // <<<< here } return; } [/code] Deque versus vector Programming Software Development by guest7 …outf << *line << '\n'; outf.close(); // clearing deque while(!text.empty()) { text.pop_back(); } [COLOR="green"] // deallocating… memory deque<string>(). swap(text);[/COLOR] }[/ICODE] This function is… Re: Deque versus vector Programming Software Development by guest7 …. Second, I'm not sure what this: // deallocating memory deque<string>(). swap(text); is trying to do. I…take care of that for you. You can resize the deque (if you are concerned with memory issues) using the …resize() method.[/QUOTE] I tried using vector instead of deque and i am clearing the vector using clear() method and… Re: Deque program project Programming Software Development by Doogledude123 If I'm not mistaken, which I could be because I've never even heard of a Deque, You need some sort of List to put Objects into. Then I would use that List's methods to add and remove Objects to and from, as well as getting the Objects from that List. Re: Deque versus vector Programming Software Development by Lerner …logging. Second, I'm not sure what this: // deallocating memory deque<string>(). swap(text); is trying to do. I…to clear. Don't attempt to deallocate memory, the STL deque class will take care of that for you. You can… resize the deque (if you are concerned with memory issues) using the resize… Re: Deque versus vector Programming Software Development by ArkM [icode]deque<string>(). swap(text);[/icode] It's a very … of container to zero). This expression statement creates an empty deque object then swap its contents with text object (to be… Re: Deque in python Programming Software Development by vegaseat … [code]# working with deque (double ended que) # delete an item from a deque at given index from …collections import deque def dq_delete(dq, del_ix): "…: dq2.append(item) return dq2 dq = deque('abcdefg') dq2 = dq_delete(dq, 2) print( dq ) # deque(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', … Deque in python Programming Software Development by RatulSaha How to delete link in a deque in python?I am using double linked list. Deque using array Programming Software Development by somjit{} in an assingment, i have to implement a deque ( double ended queue ). the underlying datastructure is allowed to be … Re: Deque Programming Software Development by masijade JOptionPane? Troubles with Deque class Programming Software Development by FiToKa …[i]=v.arr[i]; } int Deque::range() { return size; } /*void Deque::push_front() { } void Deque::push_back() { }*/ Deque & Deque::operator=(const Deque& b) { if (arr) { delete… Re: Troubles with Deque class Programming Software Development by raptr_dflo …... std::string str; [/CODE] Also, there's nothing in your Deque class to indicate how the [b]nodes[/b] in your… You may want to define two classes, perhaps called [ICODE]Deque[/ICODE] and [ICODE]DequeNode[/ICODE]. Don't forget about the…as far as pushing nodes onto the ends of the deque? Almost all of the demonstration can be accomplished by … Re: Copy Constructor For a Deque Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon …= 0; dRear = dMaxSize - (MaxSize > 0); } Deque::~Deque() { delete[] dArray; } Deque::Deque(const Deque& oldDeque) { dArray = new int[oldDeque.dMaxSize]; for (int…; dFront = oldDeque.dFront; dRear = oldDeque.dRear; } const Deque& Deque::operator=(const Deque& rightOp) { if(this != &rightOp) { delete… Re: Copy Constructor For a Deque Programming Software Development by lancevo3 … = 0; dFront = 0; dRear = dMaxSize - 1; } Deque::~Deque() { delete[] dArray; } Deque::Deque(const Deque& oldDeque) { dArray = new int[oldDeque.dMaxSize]; for (int….dMaxSize; dSize = oldDeque.dFront; dRear = oldDeque.dRear; } const Deque& Deque::operator=(const Deque& rightOp) { if(this != &rightOp) { delete[] … Re: Copy Constructor For a Deque Programming Software Development by lancevo3 I went ahead and made the changes [code=cplusplus] Deque::Deque(const Deque& oldDeque) { dArray = new int[oldDeque.dMaxSize… dSize = oldDeque.dFront; dRear = oldDeque.dRear; } const Deque& Deque::operator=(const Deque& rightOp) { if(this != &rightOp) {… Re: C++ Dynamic deque - find smallest number Programming Software Development by David W …. */ #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <deque> using namespace std; const char* FNAME = "numbers.txt… 22 57 17 61 11 */ bool load_from_file( const char* fname, deque< int >& dq ) { ifstream fin( fname ); if( fin… Problem with reading binary file into a deque Programming Software Development by FNHA …problem with my implementation, I'm adding my Deque class code here. The interface was provided …. [code=java] import java.util.*; public class Deque<T> extends ArrayList<T> …implements DequeInterface<T> { public Deque() { super(); } public void addToFront(T newEntry) { add(0… Re: Copy Constructor For a Deque Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon this is what I got [quote] deque 1 is empty deque 1 (size 0): deque 1 pushBack() deque 1 is not empty deque 1 (size 1): 17 Copy constructor deque 1 (size 4): 17 2 6 4 deque 2 (size 4): 17 2 6 4 deque 1 (size 0): deque 2 (size 4): 17 2 6 4 Press any key to continue . . . [/quote]