107 Topics

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I'm having a rather traumatic experience with certain [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL] products lately. My problem is that I'm trying to "get to know" Microsoft's Hyper-V for my virtualization column over at [URL="http://www.linux-mag.com"]Linux Magazine[/URL]. The problem is, that to manage a true Hyper-V system remotely, you must have a Windows Vista or Windows …

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Member Avatar for khess

As I've written before ([URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2335.html"]here[/URL] and [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4177.html"]here[/URL]), the Linux desktop in danger of extinction. If operating systems could be placed on the Endangered Species list, I'd lobby for it. Perhaps this is a legitmate task for the [URL="http://www.linuxfoundation.org"]Linux Foundation[/URL]: Preserve the Linux desktop. I'm not quite ready to give up …

Member Avatar for rntrent
Member Avatar for khess

Almost a year has passed since I wrote, [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2329.html"]Novell CEO Disses Embrace of Desktop Linux[/URL] where I told you how Ron Hovsepian, Novell CEO, totally slammed Linux as a desktop operating system and now another major CEO comes out publicly against Linux on the desktop. Red Hat's CEO, Jim Whitehurst, …

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Member Avatar for khess

As much as Microsoft loves to grinch about Linux, they've made significant changes over the years to compete with it--and will abandon it altogether to maintain their competitive edge. Windows 7 will be the last Windows product. What changes has Microsoft made to compete with Linux? They've prettied it up …

Member Avatar for uliwehner
Member Avatar for khess

A little while ago, a friend of mine tapped me on the shoulder--virtually speaking--and asked me why there isn't an easier way to install software on a Linux computer. He asked innocently enough why we can't have a Universal Package Manager (UPM) to handle the software regardless of distribution. Ha! …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for happygeek

Having already been accused of [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/23321/1231/"]killing common sense[/URL] with some bizarre App Store [URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/blogs/daveyw/2009/02/10/apple-bans-bouncing-barack-and-trouserless-bill/"]listing decisions[/URL], now it seems that an Apple sans Steve Jobs could be treading the path towards total market madness. Apple is displaying all the signs of losing the plot: announcing a raft of new desktops just …

Member Avatar for Steven D.
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

If your company CEO is walking around with bags under eyes, clutching a balance sheet in one hand and a bottle of Chivas in the other, it could be because she can’t get financing to keep the company going. Business Week has a great article on this topic, pointing out …

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Now that could be cool, or maybe not: a whole new look to the MacOS desktop could be on the cards after Apple puts in a patent application for a 'Multi-Dimensional Desktop.' The patent application, [URL="http://appft1.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsearch-bool.html&r=1&f=G&l=50&co1=AND&d=PG01&s1=20080307360&OS=20080307360&RS=20080307360"]20080307360[/URL], describes how the planned graphical user interface will have "a back surface disposed from …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for khess

Yes, you read that correctly: Servers to Gadgets to Desktop. It seems that Linux Operating System expansion will occur in that order. First, Linux was in the Data Center booting Apache to the top spot for worldwide web services. Next, Linux was found on gadgets as small as cell phones, …

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Member Avatar for khess

Welcome to Crystal Ball Sunday #6. This week I'm exploring the possibility of Linux becoming the operating system of choice for virtualization--specifically Desktop Virtualization. Regardless of which operating system or desktop type one uses, Linux will be the underlying operating system that gets you there. Way back in 2002, I …

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Last night on Craig Crossman’s [URL="http://www.computeramerica.com"]Computer America[/URL], America’s longest-running nationally syndicated radio talk show about computers, Craig and crew interviewed Jason Perlow (rhymes with Merlot) about all things Linux. You may recognize Jason from his long-running stint as a regular columnist for [URL="http://www.linux-mag.com"]Linux Magazine[/URL], his popular food blog site [URL="http://www.offthebroiler.com"]offthebroiler.com[/URL], …

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There is an old saying that goes something like this: If you put 1,000 monkeys in a room with 1,000 typewriters (the things people used before computers), they would come up with the works of Shakespeare. Could the same be true of a great Desktop OS? No, but give me …

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Member Avatar for khess

When he took the reins almost two years ago, new Novell President and CEO Ronald Hovsepian, was going to lead the charge in driving the Linux acceptance and conversion. Recently he said that the Desktop Linux market, in the next 3 to 5 years, is mainly enterprise-related and that the …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Although the [URL="https://www.linux-foundation.org/en/2007ClientSurvey"]Linux Foundation 2007 Desktop/Client survey[/URL] does not actually finish until the 30th November, there would seem to be little point adding your opinion to the thousands who have already done so as the results appear to have escaped. The web is already buzzing with reports that participation levels …

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Over the past few years, 3-D rendering in window managers has become a new trend in the desktop environment. OS X was the first to make fancy visual effects prominent in the way users interact with the windows in their desktop. Windows Vista has also jumped on the bandwagon with …

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Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula

So many of us C forum old timers have answered the same basic questions so many times that even our occasional attempts to be humorous or creative with them seem to get dull. You'd think that by the end of week one that a programmer new to C would have …

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Hi, I am running a Windows Server 2003 and have several XP computers connected to the domain server. I connect to the server and also a XP machine remotely using Remote Desktop Connection. Is there a way of monitoring or logging who has connected to the computers by RDP and …

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The End.