Ellipse Detection Programming Software Development by Bildderfrau …researched a bit and found an algorithm for ellipse detection written in Matlab from Xi and … If ‘a’ is less than a pre-determined ellipse ‘a’ minimum (30) than move on to… similar ‘b’ values is the best fit ellipse for the image. - Now that you have…can easily calculate everything needed to draw the ellipse. [/CODE] I started coding but stucked… Ellipse Rotation with VB6 PSet Programming Software Development by jacobi How can I rotate any ellipse constructed with PSet in VB6? I can draw vertical and horizontal ellipses of any focus using trig. Can anybody help please? Area and Point Inside Rectangle, Triangle, Circle, Ellipse. Programming Software Development by Dr_Pepper … program that calculates areas of rectangle, triangle, circle and ellipse ( user input: rectangle = lower left corner point, … point, height, base; circle = radius and center point; ellipse = center point, width and length). Also i need to …else cout <<"Point is not in the ellipse"; break; default: cout << "… Drawing an Ellipse Programming Software Development by degamer106 ….Double(0,0,200,300); g2.draw(ellipse); g2.setColor(Color.GREEN); g2.fill(ellipse); } }[/CODE] [CODE]import javax.swing.JFrame; …public class DrawEllipse { public static void main(String[] args) { DrawEllipseComponent ellipse = new DrawEllipseComponent(); JFrame frame = new JFrame(); frame.setSize(300, 400… Creatig ellipse on a picturebox and making ellipse a link Programming Software Development by Dumpen1337 …small ellipses to my image. The position of the ellipse comes from my monstersetbase.txt. The image is … 125x150. I figured out a way to write a ellipse on the picturebox. It looks like this: [code]…[3]); float yCord = float.Parse(piecesMap[4]); // Displaying ellipse g.DrawEllipse(System.Drawing.Pens.Red, xCord, yCord, 2, … Display an ellipse on the screen Programming Software Development by TahoeSands …screen, the Firefox Web Browser. I want to display an ellipse, of a particular size and color, in a particular …I want to create an "overlay" of an ellipse "border". I do not want a dialog or…over the background. I suppose this might be and "ellipse layer" displayed over a "background layer". Anything… Re: Drawing an Ellipse Programming Software Development by Ezzaral [inlinecode]Ellipse2D.Double ellipse = new Ellipse2D.Double(0,0,getWidth(),getHeight());[/inlinecode] Re: How to put a ellipse in a var? Programming Software Development by ddanbe Use the Backgroundcolor of the Form or Panel or whatever. Draw the same ellipse again. Draw the ellipse in new position. If you could not find the snippet for an example with a Rectangle here it is again [url]http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet217413.html[/url] c++ code for ellipse Programming Software Development by bamabambhole01 Hello, I am new in c++. Can somebody send me code for class ellipse. I am looking urgently for code. Regards, Re: c++ code for ellipse Programming Software Development by ithelp [code=C++] class ellipse { } [/code] What is your eclipse class supposed to do ? c++ graphics help, ellipse Programming Software Development by theighost Hello, I am to draw a cylinder, so I thought I should start learning to draw an ellipse first, can anyone please help me with the algoritm at least, or if you have an explained code I would be grateful. BTW i am using borland C++ for dos version 3.1 best regards. How to put a ellipse in a var? Programming Software Development by charqus Hello guys. I have a question. How can i save my ellipse in a variabile ? i need this because i need to change it's position SolidBrush redBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.RoyalBlue); e.Graphics.FillEllipse(redBrush, 145.0F,95.0F, 10.0F, 10.0F); Re: Ellipse Detection Programming Software Development by pseudorandom21 What exactly are you wanting? What are you having trouble with? What do you need improvement in? Re: Ellipse Detection Programming Software Development by Bildderfrau I just wanna know if there is an alternative way to make that or if someone sees an significant error. Re: How To rotate Ellipse which centered(0,0) in 10 degrees Programming Software Development by Sci@phy If I'm not mistaken, fillellipse draws standard (unrotated) ellipse, and there's nothing you can do to rotate it. You could try to draw your own ellipse, and then do something with that... Re: How To rotate Ellipse which centered(0,0) in 10 degrees Programming Software Development by Asen … want to say. I've also tried "void far ellipse(int x, int y, int stangle, int endangle, int xradius…, int yradius);" function. I mean ellipse(x,y,a,b,r,n); But it just can… Re: Area and Point Inside Rectangle, Triangle, Circle, Ellipse. Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon Great looking code, but what is the problem with it? Re: Area and Point Inside Rectangle, Triangle, Circle, Ellipse. Programming Software Development by mitrmkar After a ver quick look into the code, at least insideTriangle() uses uninitialized variables. [CODE] insideTriangle (double base, double height, double p_x, double p_y, double p_find_x, double p_find_y) { double aX, bX, cY, centerY; aX = base - p_x; centerY = [B][COLOR="Red"]cY[/COLOR][/B] - height; if (p_find_x <= [B][… Re: Area and Point Inside Rectangle, Triangle, Circle, Ellipse. Programming Software Development by Dr_Pepper i just think i didn't do the triangle write i mean the actual equation for inside point. Re: Area and Point Inside Rectangle, Triangle, Circle, Ellipse. Programming Software Development by hammerhead From what I remember of my coordinate geometry, testing for a point inside a triangle wasnt easy. Try this [url]http://mathworld.wolfram.com/TrianglePointPicking.html[/url] you might have to translate one point to match that of origion. Re: Creatig ellipse on a picturebox and making ellipse a link Programming Software Development by viper1891 thers one thing that i dont get in picture boxes.. i hav got an assignment rite.. its bout robot trajectory.. im given x and y co-ordinates but i dont now how to write the code .. I want to use DrawLine function but not sure how to use it.. can anyone help me plz.. the co-ordinates look somewhat like this:- 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.001 0.020 0.003 0… Re: Display an ellipse on the screen Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill Since Java 1.6.(something) there has been an implementation of transparent windows, which lets you display window content (eg text or shapes such as elipses) without the window itself being visible. It's going to be a full feature in Java 1.7, but right now you have to know where to look for it. I wrote the following to check it all out under … Re: Display an ellipse on the screen Programming Software Development by TahoeSands [QUOTE=JamesCherrill;1326818]Since Java 1.6.(something) there has been an implementation of transparent windows, which lets you display window content (eg text or shapes such as elipses) without the window itself being visible. It's going to be a full feature in Java 1.7, but right now you have to know where to look for it. I wrote the following… Re: Display an ellipse on the screen Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill Just for my info, what OS and version did you test it on? Re: Display an ellipse on the screen Programming Software Development by TahoeSands [QUOTE=JamesCherrill;1326830]Just for my info, what OS and version did you test it on?[/QUOTE] Win7 Re: c++ code for ellipse Programming Software Development by Salem And I thought this was going to be about solar ellipses and lunar ellipses ;) Oh well... Re: c++ code for ellipse Programming Software Development by bamabambhole01 i done Re: c++ graphics help, ellipse Programming Software Development by John A [url]http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~main/bgi/doc/[/url] Perhaps? Re: c++ graphics help, ellipse Programming Software Development by theighost thanks alot, this site is a great reference Re: How to put a ellipse in a var? Programming Software Development by ddanbe You don't. Just erase it and draw a new one in another position. Just look at the snippet I propose in post #2 of [url=http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread267766.html]this thread[/url]