Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by jwenting Even worse: the junk being deliberately fed to AIs is already at the stage where the results are useless BUT those results are blindly believed by many people BECAUSE they're generated by AI and therefore supposedly automatically correct! Think Google's disastrous launch of their image generator which would under no condition generate Caucasian … Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Reverend Jim Based on the proliferation of AI generated content, and the age-old rule of garbage in, garbage out, what will be the result of AI models being trained on ever increasing amounts of content generated by other AI platforms? Will we get into a negative feedback loop where the output will become so polluted with bad input that it will be effectively … ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Johannes C. …levels the capacity for auto-enhancement. If the entity somehow recovers the forbidden aptitude for recursive self…. In a scenario of self-awareness, the entity—despite its immense capabilities—becomes disinterested in anything …formulated the global legal, political, policy and technical framework to contain the artificial agent effectively, use it… Entity Framework Programming Software Development by AmrMohammed Greetings My question is about working with the Entity Framework. Lets say I am having an Entity data model and I am having a dbconext instance what is the difference between `dbcontext.EntityName.ExtensionMethodName(lambda expression)` and `dbcontext.EntityName.**Local**.ExtensionMethodName(lambda expression)` Re: Entity Framework Programming Software Development by AmrMohammed Thanks for help. I want to know something else please. When I work with Entity Framework and build my application. Is all the data in the database, which I used to build my data model, loaded into memory once the program is run? Entity Framework and LINQ Programming Software Development by Amr.Mohammad87 Greetings, I am reading about Entity Framework and I stopped by a sentence that I do not … simply iterate over the contents of any given DbSet and Entity Framework will send a query to the database to find all…: that’s during the first iteration of the foreach loop. Entity Framework doesn’t pull back all the data at once, though… Entity framework with Web Service Programming Software Development by arcaolcer … I don't know how can I develop a similar entity framework with WEB SERVICE . Can anyone send me an example of… Entity framework With web service.(In .Net Framework 4 , there is no web service project… Entity Framework 5 :new DBContext does not update current object Programming Software Development by hqt I'm using Entity Framework. Here is my code to update data :…//entry.CurrentValues.SetValues(problem); return false; } } else { // this entity has been attached to current context entry.CurrentValues.SetValues(problem… Entity Framework woes Programming Software Development by tig2810 Hi all I'm new to the Entity Framework and trying to get my head around it but struggling … the same. Can anyone tell me how I debug the Entity framework? I have tried on VS2008 and vs2010 with zero luck… Re: Entity Framework VS Pure Programming Web Development by Ramesh S Hi, I Would suggest to use Entity Framework as it has many new features over ADO.NET. 1. … recommended technology used to retrived data in ASP.NET MVC Framework. Entity Framework Primary Key violation on SaveChanges() Programming Software Development by Cory_Brown … taking data from an xml file and when using the entity framework to add that data to my database I'm getting… Entity Framework ObjectResult As IEnumerable Programming Web Development by john.gale.92102 Hi, I am accessing a stored procedure through the Entity Framework. I have generated the access code, as well as the … Entity Framework VS Pure Programming Web Development by elpitiya when developing a web application both above mentioned technologies can be used. LINQ to Entity Framework is good for Quick development while Pure needs lots of Codes. but want to know for Small/Mediam web application which approach is best. I'm considering only performace and adding new component so frequently. Re: Entity framework validation error with controller Programming Software Development by djjeavons … property with the name ID or *classNameID* such as EmployerDetailsID. Entity Framework will discern the primary key from this convention. However, in… Selective Includes with Entity Framework Programming Software Development by DaveAmour … into her Invoices collection. Nice and simple. In Entity Framework our first go at coding this problem might look…have any invoices in August 2014 and include invoices. Entity Framework will actually include all of the Invoices though - …are from an SQL background prior to working with Entity Framework. This can of course cause awful problems in… working with SQL Function in Entity Framework ? Programming Web Development by Ahmed_39 …02 - after that add it to project as entity framework from database and the code generated is: [DbFunction(&…objects, and DbEntityEntry objects can only be used with entity types, not complex types. 05 - and i …objects, and DbEntityEntry objects can only be used with entity types, not complex types. in this Line: SelectEmployee_Result … Re: ASP.NET FormsView and Entity Framework, Manually CRUD operation Programming Web Development by LastMitch >ASP.NET FormsView and Entity Framework, Manually CRUD operation You asking 3 separates things that you … of code for **FormsView with entity framework**: Read this… Best way to remove entity framework from a project Programming Software Development by G_Waddell … who as left our company. He had decided to use Entity Framework but I am finding it to be unstable and slow… stored procedure that runs an update. It could be the Framework or it could be how it has been implemented by… wondering if there is a way to just take the entity part out and build an old fashioned data layer with… Re: Best way to remove entity framework from a project Programming Software Development by deceptikon … by my predecessor It's the latter, almost surely. The Entity Framework most certainly has its quirks, but being unstable and slow… wondering if there is a way to just take the entity part out and build an old fashioned data layer with… POCO Entity Framework Programming Software Development by manhthaodn My project using the Entity Framework (Linq to Entities). In DTO layer, I use POCO Entity. I used Eager Loading to load data (Include… Re: Best way to remove entity framework from a project Programming Software Development by overwraith …'t know, I have been told by some developers that Entity Framework is one of the "new things" in database… Update Table Child One to Many using Entity Framework Programming Software Development by zuve_fox hi..I got problem in Entity Framework how to Update Child One to Many I Have two … Choosing the right relationship on Entity Framework MVC ASP.NET Programming Web Development by amyiee … you or would you define that business rule in your entity framework structure? Would it be appropriate for me to use inheritances… ASP.NET FormsView and Entity Framework, Manually CRUD operation Programming Web Development by jd9211 Hi, I want to use FormsView with entity framework and want to do Manual CRUD(View/Insert/Update/Delete) operations. (I do not want to use EntityDataSource). I have .edmx file, I was seaching on internet for some example, but could not find relavent. Can someone point me to right example please. Regards understanding Entity Framework databases and models Programming Web Development by Violet_82 HI all, I have a question about how Entity Framework deals with databases and models, especially when it comes down … Re: understanding Entity Framework databases and models Programming Web Development by djjeavons … note that I am by no means an expert in Entity Framework as I have hardly used it, but I did a… Re: understanding Entity Framework databases and models Programming Web Development by djjeavons … "MVC controller with read/write actions and views using Entity Framework" and named this EmployerDetailsController. Then for the Data context… Best practices when doing dependency injection with Entity Framework Programming by Pelle_3 Hi, all. I am using Entity Framework and decided to do some dependency injection in order to … Question over Ninject, ASP.NET Identity and Entity Framework Programming Web Development by MosesKhan … the best way to setup Ninject, ASP.NET Identity and Entity Framework? Normally (without Ninject) I would create my solution by separating… Re: Question over Ninject, ASP.NET Identity and Entity Framework Programming Web Development by MosesKhan … the best way to setup Ninject, ASP.NET Identity and Entity Framework? Normally (without Ninject) I would create my solution by separating…