Re: This Halloween: Are You Brave Enough to Face Roko's Basilisk? Community Center by soly_1 Although superintelligence and God are both considered "mighty entities," the devil is in the details. A superintelligence merely needs code; unlike supernatural beings, it doesn't require faith. The proof isn't found in antiquated literature, but rather in the quick developments in AI and machine learning. Though, in my opinion, the … Re: This Halloween: Are You Brave Enough to Face Roko's Basilisk? Community Center by olivia_24 It also assumes that said AI will be vindictive (like the gods). If the theory is correct, why would a sentient AI need to be vengeful once it has been created? In any case, there is still no evidence that machine consciousness it attainable. At least one engineer involved in the development of OpenAI has made claims about consciousness, but those … Re: Exponential Calculation Program Programming Software Development by Duoas …the function should look something like this: [inlinecode]$v0 = exponential( X = $a0, Y = $a1 )[/inlinecode] …'s add some proper commentary also. [code] # # Function: exponential # Arguments: # $a0 is X # $a1 is Y …Returns the answer in $v0 # Registers destroyed: none [?] # exponential: # Preserve $t0 on the stack addi $sp, $sp,… Re: Exponential Calculation Program Programming Software Development by DarkDot …value for two variables x and y # 2 calculate the exponential function: F(x,y) = x^y .data #variable…Move the integer in $s1 into $a1 jal exponential # Jum and link to exponential sub routine # Print out the result move … code to Exit syscall #call OS to Exit the program exponential: addi $sp, $sp, -4 sw $t0, 4($sp… Exponential Calculation Program Programming Software Development by DarkDot …value for two variables x and y # 2 calculate the exponential function: F(x,y) = x^y .data #variable… into $s0 #move $a0,$s0 #move $a1, $s1 jal exponential move $a0, $v0 li $v0, 1 syscall exit: li …$v0, 10 syscall exponential: addi $sp, $sp, -4 sw $t0, 4($sp) move… exponential to non-exponential value Programming Software Development by venus87 … getting is the pow function return in exponential format, but i need the non exponential format of output. can any one please… Re: Exponential number representation Programming Software Development by TrustyTony [QUOTE]'e' Floating point exponential format (lowercase). (3) 'E' Floating point exponential format (uppercase). (3) The alternate form causes the result to … Exponential number representation Programming Software Development by Axelro Hello, How can I control the representation of my exponential number? 4.840000E+02 need to define how many numbers I want after the point? Is there a way to define it when I create it from integer? Thank you very much exponential function Programming Software Development by Jawahar prabhu … not, here i like store the integer value 'r' without exponential function and big Integer, please make a great help to… Exponential TreeView Programming Software Development by satnav_8 … project is demonstrate how bacteria divides and multiplies on an exponential scale. What I want to do is have a TreeView… SQL Server - Removing Exponential Notation Programming Databases by gabrielhuebsch …the data appears as I want it to- without the exponential notation. Any values [I]smaller [/I]than 0.0001 …number formats. I also realize that Excel can convert exponential notation to non-exponential, however I am including a '<' sign …when Server concatenates this fields it does so with the exponential format so that my values appear as [I]<… integer to exponential Programming Software Development by Axelro Hello, My quaestion is how to convert an integer to an exponential number i.e. 484.000E-2? thank you very much Re: integer to exponential Programming Software Development by snippsat Something like this. [CODE]def foo(num): ''' Return an exponential notation''' return '%e' % num print foo(3000000000000000000000000) #-->3.000000e+24[/CODE] Fitting exponential decay in Python3 Programming Software Development by CharlieNewey … points) that I want to use Python3 to fit an exponential decay curve to. I've used this resource [URL="… Re: Exponential Calculation Program Programming Software Development by Duoas Oh yeah, almost forgot. He's mixing SAL and MAL. You can mention that, but there is no need to "fix" it. Your professor should have given you three sheets, listing SAL, MAL, and TAL instructions, and/or you should have them listed in your textbook. Instructions like [inlinecode]move[/inlinecode] are SAL. Instructions like [inlinecode]… Re: Exponential Calculation Program Programming Software Development by DarkDot I'm on my way out but saw you responded to this, but once I get back I will read the large post you wrote but according to your second smaller post the professor never said anything about SAL, MAL and TAL, just MIPS which I think doesn't help much. Basically we program in any file editor we want(i use editplus2) and then us pcspim to run the … Re: exponential to non-exponential value Programming Software Development by tinstaafl The `Format` function should do the trick. Here's the MSDN [article]( Re: exponential to non-exponential value Programming Software Development by nmaillet You can use the [double.ToString(string format)]( to specify the way a double is formatted. See [Standard Numeric Format Strings]( and [Custom Numeric Format Strings]( For example, `… Re: exponential to non-exponential value Programming Software Development by csss I want actual value when perform power operation ex:11pow23=895430243255237372246531 but i got 895430243255237000000000 value when i perform power operation after convert into decimal. please help me. Re: exponential to non-exponential value Programming Software Development by ddanbe A **double** has a precision of 15-16 digits. Look up the article in say MSDN. Re: exponential to non-exponential value Programming Software Development by ddanbe Perhaps [this]( is what you really need. Re: Exponential number representation Programming Software Development by Axelro That's what I wanted!!! Thank you!! Re: exponential function Programming Software Development by stultuske I'm a bit confused here. don't really see a question in your post, what is it you're having trouble with? Re: exponential function Programming Software Development by Jawahar prabhu please try this with the three digit input .. Re: exponential function Programming Software Development by stultuske try what? what are you stuck with? what is it supposed to do and what is it (not) doing? could you be a bit more specific about these things? Re: exponential function Programming Software Development by Jawahar prabhu [U][B]Sample output:1[/B][/U] Enter three digit number n: Given number is13 Prime calculation for16384 power value is16384 The number 16384 is not a prime factors ,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192 BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 9 seconds) [B][U]Sample output:2[/U][/B] run: Enter three digit number n: Given number is26 Prime … Re: exponential function Programming Software Development by Jawahar prabhu i gave 31 as an input and i got bug form system, please go through .. [B][U]Sample output:3[/U][/B] run: Enter three digit number n: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero at primenumber.main( Java Result: 1 BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 4 minutes 2 seconds) Re: exponential function Programming Software Development by stultuske if you are asked: enter a three-digit number, why do you only test with two-digit numbers? that Exception says that on line 40 of the code in your main class, you are dividing something by zero, which causes your exception Re: Exponential TreeView Programming Software Development by tinstaafl A good place to start is [here]( Then once you have your code started and you run into trouble let us know and we'll be happy to help you. Exponential Programming Software Development by jvill Alright im trying to write a fairly simple c program that will accept input from the user for both a number and a power to raise it to then display the result, it works up to the input part but the result is always some crazy number, im looking for any insight or methods to solve this solution, and please dont be vague because my instructor couldn'…