Feed Date without the timestamp Programming Web Development by Facte Hi there, I have an RSS feed generated by a php script and I need the published … Feed Ifstream into null Programming Software Development by Zssffssz Well its simple: I'making a group of programs that use one file for settings, however not all settings are used for all programs so instead of making another variable is there any way to just throw, let's say the first line to null read the second line feed the third and fourth to null and read the fith? What's the difference between void and null? Re: Feed Ifstream into null Programming Software Development by Narue … say the first line to null read the second line feed the third and fourth to null and read the fith… feed design Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by s.sankaralingam want to see the new design(front end)of news feed in cakephp Re: feed diesnt vaildate because of xml header thingy? Programming Web Development by SKANK!!!!! … the output variable and no its a different error. :This feed does not validate. * Server returned HTTP Error 500: Internal Server… found [help] In addition, interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendation. * Feeds… Re: feed diesnt vaildate because of xml header thingy? Programming Web Development by SKANK!!!!! … was 11 lines right... but then i went to the feed validator and it says the very same error BUT ON…%2Frss.php[/URL] OK EDIT TO AD: I GOT THE FEED TO VALIIDATE FINALLY! but it still conains bbcodes! is there… XML Atom feed IE6 and Firefox vs. IE7 problem Programming Web Development by TheAlex … </div> <xsl:for-each select="feed/entry"> <div style="color:#000000; padding… IE7 ("[I]internet explorer does not support this feed format[/I]") if I change the namespace declaration …from [inlinecode]<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">… Re: XML Atom feed IE6 and Firefox vs. IE7 problem Programming Web Development by TheAlex … use of the default namespace in the Atom feed means that the <feed>, <entry> etc. elements are in… stylesheet, you’re doing: <xsl:for-each select="feed/entry"> ... </xsl:for-each> When you… an Atom element: <xsl:for-each select="atom:feed/atom:entry"> ... </xsl:for-each>[/QUOTE… RSS feed doesn't validate but why? Programming Web Development by Dani …com/techtalkforums/external.php?type=rss2[/url] The blog RSS feed is at [url="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/….php[/url] Whenever I put the blog RSS feed into the web-based feed reader, Bloglines, it just shows up blank.…or description of the blog itself! meanwhile, the forum RSS feed shows the title, description, and all of the entries. … My RSS feed shows up as having duplicated posts at the wrong time... Help? Programming Web Development by kn3rdmeister … admit that when I made my website and feed, I was very much copying the styles and…](http://mega64.com), especially the way their RSS feed was built. I know that it's made …or so posts from my MySQL database. The feed works, but only for the most recent of …are duplicated and placed at the end of the feed in a jumbled order... What the heck happened?… Rss feed filter SimplePie Programming Web Development by dalilice … this code : $feed = new SimplePie(); $feed->set_feed_url(http://website.name/rss); $feed->init(); $feed->set_cache_duration (3600); $feed->set_timeout(30); $feed->handle_content_type… Help buffering live ip camera feed onto server Programming Software Development by chriscalifornia … out! I'm trying to take the live feed I have from our ip camera (a .av…my head around this stream. The ip camera feed is like an endless file thats constantly being …can I make the buffered file an endless feed with no specified filesize rather than a file …EDIT: For reference here is the ip camera feed I was refering to, try to download it … Converting PHP Feed to XML Feed? Programming Web Development by brandonmofiki …right) My reason for using php to develop the feed was so that I wouldn't have to manually …update a feed in an xml file everytime I needed to add… I sbmit a new blog it auto populates the feed. You can use IE8 I know to subscribe to… most feedburner style sites can't see my feed or wont load it due to the fact … Limit my rss feed results Programming Web Development by wolfgang1983 …/mVMEmO) $(document).ready(function() { url = 'http://codepen.io/riwakawebsitedesigns/public/feed/'; $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: document.location.protocol + '//ajax….googleapis.com/ajax/services/feed/load?v=1.0&num=1000&callback=?&… Re: Converting PHP Feed to XML Feed? Programming Web Development by Atli …ends in .php means absolutely nothing to a RSS feed reader. [i](Or rather; a RSS reader … [i]is[/i] a XML file. Testing your feed in Firefox (3.5) seems to work fine, …page, or at least before you print your XML feed. header('content-type: application/rss+xml; charset=…code] As far as I can see from your feed, the ISO charset is what you use, but… Tooltips for feed description Programming Web Development by joemalaya hello guys i am using google ajax feed api to display feed for my site and i am having …=showoptions || "" var feedpointer=new google.feeds.Feed(url) feedpointer.setNumEntries(feedlimit) document.write('<div id=&…=function(result){ if (!result.error){ var thefeeds=result.feed.entries var rssoutput="<ul>" for … how do i update an rss feed without making an edit file then upload process for each Programming Web Development by SKANK!!!!! … would be rediculous. also ihave some doubts about the whole feed being on one .rss file. it creeps me out because… the best way(without any outside programs) to manage a feed. im new to feeds i need help. im sick of… making a new entry whenever i want to update the feed. and i was thinking about fwrite() to write the file… PHP Twitter Feed Programming Web Development by sfrederick1 …quot;; $prefix = "Latest Tweet: "; $suffix = ""; $feed = "http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=from:"…gt;", ">", $tweet); return $tweet; } $twitterFeed = file_get_contents($feed); echo stripslashes($prefix) . parse_feed($twitterFeed) . stripslashes($suffix); ?> [/CODE] … Refresh Javascript RSS Feed without flickering Programming Web Development by KamiNuvini Hello, I have the following RSS feed: [RSS Feed](http://rss.nuvini.com/list/feed2js/feed2js…2&targ=y&utf=y) I load this feed like this: file: rss2.php <head>… to do, is check for updates in the RSS feed, say, every 1 minute. If there are updates,… I want it to display the latest feed, but I don't want it to flicker. … Re: RSS FEED Digital Media UI / UX Design by JorgeM …me with the RSS FEED? Well, you need to create the feed first. This feed is generally made up…site say on blogger.com or wordpress, the feed is created for you (an XML file) and…ways to do it is using an RSS Feed Generator. Most of them will take care of… a lot of maintenance. [Create an RSS Feed for your Website](http://www.itgeared.com/articles/… RSS Feed Reader Programming Web Development by TobbeK … fetch/extract the (image:thumbnail) url from the CNN RRS Feed: http://rss.cnn.com/rss/edition.rss In this (and… to grab and display together with the rest of the feed output. The <image> tag maight be an extenstion… How do i display first image of a post in my wordpress rss feed? Programming Web Development by conwicode … Guys, I need some help with customizing my wordpress rss feed. I have a blog with tons of posts with images… remotely hosted. I want to display them in my rss feed. How do i display first image of a post in… a plugin? I tried RSS Image Feed plugin but it takes ages to generate the feed as images aren't self hosted… Re: PHP Dynamic Rss Feed (based on user search criteria) Programming Web Development by ebanbury … should have been clearer. What is happening is that the feed is not working with the WHERE clause in.... So I…; </rss> However, when I try and open the feed in Outlook Express for example is says: 'Outlook can not… process the RSS Feed, feed pointing to an invalid source' I know this is coincidental… getting 401 Unauthorized from an xml feed... Programming Software Development by mimsc …issue... Anyway,we get a news feed that comes in as an xml file...this feed now requires "basic HTTP …authentication"...the old feed didint require this , so there was nothing implemented in the…is the code that's giving me the error..the feed people sent me a username and password....how and where… Help with RSS feed Programming Web Development by wyahaw … a web site and am trying to produce an RSS feed for it for when things are changed. The following code… generated (from dreamweaver). Google Reader acknowledges it as a valid feed, but some other RSS feeders, such as Bloglines, do not… what I need to do to fix this? The generated feed follows: [code]?xml version="1.0" ?> - <… Parse String for RSS feed and Iterate to get lottery numbers Programming Web Development by billy_111 Hi, I have the following RSS feed:- [CODE] http://www.schok.co.uk/lottery/…feeds, but i am particularly looking at the fifth feed, which says "The Main UK Lottery Draw… do is obtain the winning numbers from the feed and check them against a database of numbers …, and i only want it show the fifth feed. Then the major problem is how would i … rss php feed not working or validating Programming Web Development by rmcgrady … info) when I surf to the URL of the feed directly, but when I try to validate it, I… get this: Sorry This feed does not validate. line 89, column 42: pubDate must…gt; In addition, interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendations. Feeds… Use checkboxes to customise RSS feed Programming Web Development by jumbla … can customise themselves. At the minute, you can customise the feed by appending parameters to a URL eg [url]http://example….com/feed?cat=-3&cat=-4&cat=-5[/url] would… boxes are checked, then the [url]http://www.example.com/feed[/url] URL would be submitted with no parameters added on. how to validate a rss feed address Programming Web Development by ym_chaitu … it. i think the easy way is to pass the feed address to this address [url]http://validator.w3.org…/feed/check.cgi?url=[/url] but how can i check what … but how do i use it to verify the rss feed address.. as the present one is validating the [url]www… Create and populate landing pages dynamically using feed Programming Web Development by newboi …create multiple landing pages populated dynamically with data from a feed. My initial thought was to create a generic php…other pages dynamically and populate them with data from a feed. For instance, the generic page could be called … create multiple dynamic pages populated with data from a feed depending on the url query string or some sort…