file manipulation problem Programming Software Development by some Hello everyone, I have a question regarding advanced file manipulation. I am trying to make a function that will take … with this is that it doesn't even create a file with the name I gave. Any help would be appreciated… Re: Logical Error in code for file manipulation Programming Software Development by Perry31 … a program in VC++ 2010 Express for file manipulation, and after finally getting all the syntax …lie this: [CODE]/********************************************************************* This is a program for file manipulation in VC++ Created by Indrajeet Roy *********************************************************************/ #include… Logical Error in code for file manipulation Programming Software Development by indrajeet6 … a program in VC++ 2010 Express for file manipulation, and after finally getting all the syntax …lie this: [CODE]/********************************************************************* This is a program for file manipulation in VC++ Created by Indrajeet Roy *********************************************************************/ #include… Re: file manipulation problem Programming Software Development by SCarlisle I had the same problem so I'm anxious to see what the answer is. I could not get it to create a file either. Ed file manipulation Programming Software Development by chris5126 … a program im writing that needs to look for a file in a certain directory then when it find the… i basically need some code to look for the first file in a directory that start with info_ and it into… a variable and then for that file execute a set of commands (i have this code already… Re: File manipulation Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon …overwrite other data that follows it. For example if the file contains "Hello world" and you want to change…will want to use a temporary file, reading from original file and writing back to new temp file. When done, delete the …original file and rename the temp file to the name of the… Re: file manipulation Programming Software Development by JerryShaw … fi in dirinfo.GetFiles("info_*")) { // do something with file fi.Delete(); } [/code] Re: file manipulation Programming Software Development by chris5126 … the example you give i then need to open the file and read the lines: [code] StreamReader objReader = new StreamReader(fi… file manipulation Programming Software Development by silvertooth07 … when i enter something, it crashes. it prints out "File not found" endlessly. [code] #include<iostream.h&…;number; temp = temp->nxt; } else cout << "File not found." << endl; } } } int main() { info(); … File manipulation Programming Software Development by simply_viks hello. i am working on the i/p file which will have object name=value.have any no of … value????????????? without using the tepmfile??i understand the txt in file are continous streams of bytes in memory. actaully i can… Re: file manipulation Programming Software Development by silvertooth07 …=temp->nxt; } if (found==0) cout << "File not Found"; } }[/code] File manipulation Programming Software Development by Ghast Hello. I need some help with manipulating a file. For example, I want to add 2 lines of text like this. 1 2 I know I need to use the StreamWriter but how ? Also, thanks for trying to help me :) Re: Urgent help request regarding TEXT FILE MANIPULATION with PHP Programming Web Development by apa3 … understanding, how I could proceed. Due to my lack in FILE MANIPULATION SKILLS I have to ask a bit more specific: The… of the slices are unimportant for the target file) snippets into the .CSV file. Well, it seems to be not too complicated… File write-read problem and some questions Programming Software Development by HENRYSUGAR … to learn more about file manipulation. First script is adding some info a file as a structure and … myinput.yas = atoi(tamyas.c_str()); ofstream file;"bilgi.dat",ios::app | ios::…substr(adbaslamayeri+1, adboyutu); info myinput; fstream file;"bilgi.dat",ios::in|ios::binary… File Manipulation in C Programming Software Development by SoreComet …INTERGER values. Add the contents of the file and write them to another file file3.txt. My code is as follows ….h> int main() { static int data,data1,sum; FILE *f1,*f2,*f3; f1 = fopen("C:\\file1.txt"…it can be applied for only one Input on each file and it worked fine. But I want to add … Re: File Manipulation in C Programming Software Development by sepp2k You seem to think that if the end of file is reached, fscanf will store EOF in the given variable. … loops after each other: One that goes through the first file and one that goes through the second. To avoid code… should define a function that takes a file as an argument and then sums that file. Then you can simply call that… Re: File Manipulation in C Programming Software Development by rishif2 I know that if both file will not at EOF then code will work otherwise seperate code will have to write Re: File Manipulation in C Programming Software Development by SoreComet …;stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int getfromfile(FILE **fp) { int data = 0; int sum = 0; while(fscanf(*fp…; } return sum; } int main() { int data = 0; int data1 = 0; FILE *f1,*f2,*f3; f1 = fopen("C:\\file1.txt"… Re: file manipulation (txt)(C) Programming Software Development by David W … = %f\n", a, op, b, result ); } int main() { FILE* fin = fopen( FNAME, "r" ); if( fin ) { double a…fclose( fin ); } else printf( "\nThere was a problem opening file %s", FNAME ); printf( "\nPress 'Enter' to continue/exit… Re: file manipulation (txt)(C) Programming Software Development by David W if each line in the file is exactly numberA someBinaryOp number B then the problem is a breeze //example file: 23.2 + -11.7 -11 * -77.9 128.99 / -11 23.91 - 123.99 file manipulation (txt)(C) Programming Software Development by Podouskislender Hello guys, I need to make a C program that reads a text file for example the following sentence: 5 + 7, 10-15 ... (etc.), and show the result. I managed to make it solve part of the problem. The program is making the sum of the first line. But just to rely on a digit (3 + 5). And the program only reads up to the first line. Can anyone help me? Re: file manipulation (txt)(C) Programming Software Development by Podouskislender thanks for the reply gave me new ideas, last question, if I want to store the answers in another txt file how can I do? Re: Logical Error in code for file manipulation Programming Software Development by vinitmittal2008 …(ch!=4); return 0; } void read(char *fn) { FILE *fw; char ch; printf("\n"); fw = fopen(…r"); if(fw==NULL) { printf("\n Error: File Not Found!"); return; } do { ch=fgetc(fw…) { printf("\n Error: Can't create new File!"); return; } printf("\nEnter the text.Press … Re: Logical Error in code for file manipulation Programming Software Development by Perry31 …ch!=4); return 0; } void read(char *fn) { FILE *fw; char ch; printf("\n"); fw = fopen…quot;); if(fw==NULL) { printf("\n Error: File Not Found!"); return; } do { ch=fgetc(…((ch=getche())!='*') fputc(ch,fw); printf("\n\n File successfully appended!"); fclose(fw); } [/CODE][/QUOTE]… Re: Logical Error in code for file manipulation Programming Software Development by vinitmittal2008 …vinitmittal, Have u noticed one thing while reading the file.The read function prints only the last string that u…. "w" - Opens the file as an empty file for writing. If the file exists, its contents are destroyed. "… marker is restored after writing is complete; creates the file first if it doesn't exist.[/QUOTE] First thing… Re: Logical Error in code for file manipulation Programming Software Development by Perry31 …(ch!=4); return 0; } void read(char *fn) { FILE *fw; char ch; printf("\n"); fw = fopen(…r"); if(fw==NULL) { printf("\n Error: File Not Found!"); return; } do { ch=fgetc(fw…) { printf("\n Error: Can't create new File!"); return; } printf("\nEnter the text.Press … Re: Logical Error in code for file manipulation Programming Software Development by Perry31 …(ch!=4); return 0; } void read(char *fn) { FILE *fw; char ch; printf("\n"); fw = fopen(…r"); if(fw==NULL) { printf("\n Error: File Not Found!"); return; } do { ch=fgetc(fw…) { printf("\n Error: Can't create new File!"); return; } printf("\nEnter the text.Press … Re: Logical Error in code for file manipulation Programming Software Development by vinitmittal2008 …("\n1)Write\n2)Read\n3)Add to a prev file\n"); printf("\nEnter '4' to exit");…;); } }while(ch!=4); return 0; } void read(char *fn) { FILE *fw; char ch; printf("\n"); fw = fopen(fn…,"r"); if(fw==NULL) { printf("\n Error: File Not Found!"); return; } do { ch=fgetc(fw); printf(&… Re: Logical Error in code for file manipulation Programming Software Development by Perry31 …}while(ch!=4); return 0; } void read(char *fn) { FILE *fw; char ch; printf("\n"); fw = fopen(fn…;r"); if(fw==NULL) { printf("\n Error: File Not Found!"); return; } do { ch=fgetc(fw); … Re: Logical Error in code for file manipulation Programming Software Development by Perry31 …}while(ch!=4); return 0; } void read(char *fn) { FILE *fw; char ch; printf("\n"); fw = fopen(fn…;r"); if(fw==NULL) { printf("\n Error: File Not Found!"); return; } do { ch=fgetc(fw); …