Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Reverend Jim Based on the proliferation of AI generated content, and the age-old rule of garbage in, garbage out, what will be the result of AI models being trained on ever increasing amounts of content generated by other AI platforms? Will we get into a negative feedback loop where the output will become so polluted with bad input that it will be effectively … Re: ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by jwenting Even worse: the junk being deliberately fed to AIs is already at the stage where the results are useless BUT those results are blindly believed by many people BECAUSE they're generated by AI and therefore supposedly automatically correct! Think Google's disastrous launch of their image generator which would under no condition generate Caucasian … ‘Advanced AI should be treated similar to Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Community Center by Johannes C. … history is continuously rewritten in subtle ways, leading to a fluid and unstable present. Our own memories might not align with… Re: Fluid or responsive Digital Media UI / UX Design by <M/> The main difference is that Fluid Layouts (also called Liquid Layouts) are based on proportionally laying … examples of both kinds of design, see Inspiration: Fluid & Responsive Design. Fluid's intent is to keep the same spatial weighting… Fluid or responsive Digital Media UI / UX Design by johmny Hello to all the members of the daniweb My question is what is the difference between the Fluid website or the Responsive website. Which elements to use the fluid and responsive website. And which one is Good Fluid or Responsive Website Please elaborate more of your answer. Fluid Design Question(s) Programming Web Development by mattyd I am using a template to learn more about fluid design My main confusion at this point regards how structure …; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>The Perfect Fluid Width Layout</title> <link rel="stylesheet… Re: Fluid Design Question(s) Programming Web Development by gentlemedia … is a horizontal scrollbar on smaller screens. This type of fluid layouts was used before there were media queries, so if… even widths (magic numbers) is not really flexible especially within fluid layouts/responsive web design or if content gets added dynamically… Fluid CSS, aligning column heights, but with fluid widths Digital Media UI / UX Design by Pete_UK … that need to be the same height Both columns are fluid - they use a percentage of the screen for their width… Fluid Width Layout Problem Digital Media UI / UX Design by TagMaker …, I am having some problems with creating a 1 column fluid width web page which has a header section and left… Fluid Backround Images Digital Media UI / UX Design by Loopster … anyone found the best html/css solution for creating a fluid background image on a website? That's to say: 1… Computational Fluid Dynamics: Wind Simulation Community Center by PoovenM …that research involves creating a wind movement simulation using computational fluid dynamics. I don't have any engineering background and…? In particular, I'd like to read up on fluid dynamics specific to wind movement over a terrain. Also,…API or other tools to assist me in programming the fluid dynamics; one such tool is [URL="http://… Re: Computational Fluid Dynamics: Wind Simulation Community Center by PoovenM …"]Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics[/URL] It definitely takes a while for my mind… longest time! :icon_cry: hehe A book that I'm reading, Fluid Dynamics - Theory, Computation, and Numerical Simulation by C. Pozrikidis also… Re: Computational Fluid Dynamics: Wind Simulation Community Center by DavidB I haven't done much looking, Computational Fluid Dynamics is a pretty specialized topic; however, off the top of my head, I would suggest you check out [URL=""]CFD Online[/URL]. It looks like a pretty good starting point. Philips Fluid Flexible Concept Smartphone Revealed Hardware and Software Hardware Mobile and Wearables by Glass_Joe … would find in Best Buy's Sunday flyer. The Philips Fluid Smartphone was unveiled earlier today (August 18th), the first device… times more expensive. There is no word yet if the Fluid will be featured in exotic tiger stripes or rainbow patterns… Need help to create a fixed and fluid layout Digital Media UI / UX Design by kimmi_baby … I'm wanting to do is create a fixed and fluid layout. I was pretty sure it was possible but I… content div is the one I would like to be fluid. I would like it to expand depending on the size… BootStrap fluid 2-column form Digital Media UI / UX Design by pritaeas I want to design a fluid two-column form with BootStrap. What is the best way to tackle this? Do I start with a fluid container and two columns, and then fit a vertical form in each of them? Or is there a better alternative? Re: Need help to create a fixed and fluid layout Digital Media UI / UX Design by MagicMedia You don't need to tell it to expand. Div is fluid by default. All you need to do is wrap the header and the navigation and give the wrapper a fixed width and a left float. [CODE] #wrapper { width:200px; float:left; }[/CODE] Re: making my page fluid Digital Media UI / UX Design by <M/> …/flexible-liquid-design.htm http…:// You can google for more… Re: More fluid hover on menu Digital Media UI / UX Design by jspence29 not fluid as in adaptive, fluid as in the hover animation probably not the best choice of words on my part Re: BootStrap fluid 2-column form Digital Media UI / UX Design by mmcdonald A fluid container with two columns is the way I would proceed. … Re: BootStrap fluid 2-column form Digital Media UI / UX Design by pritaeas …:Literal></legend> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row"> <… needed - 3 col, fluid center, 100% equal ht for IE ONLY! Digital Media UI / UX Design by autocrat … row, the l/r to be 200px wide, the center fluid. The only stipulations are that all three stretch to 100… Re: needed - 3 col, fluid center, 100% equal ht for IE ONLY! Digital Media UI / UX Design by autocrat … be of fixed width. *the central column needs to be fluid. *the html / source order needs to be Left Center Right… 2 Column Layout, width: Left Fixed, Right/Content Fluid question Digital Media UI / UX Design by trbothead … allow me to have a fixed width left column and fluid right/content column? The really tricky thing, is that I… Designing for Top Browser/Resolutions Using Fluid Layout Digital Media UI / UX Design by mattyd … redesigning my girlfriends website and this time hope to use fluid layout. I have been doing research for some time now… Re: Designing for Top Browser/Resolutions Using Fluid Layout Digital Media UI / UX Design by macneato Designing fluid is actually really hard, because a lot of things come into play. A trick i like to use is, make sure it works in 1024 and chances are it will work on hi-res. Don't even try go as low as 800x600. Oh, i looked at your dummy site and it should be easy enough. Good luck and all the best Re: Designing for Top Browser/Resolutions Using Fluid Layout Digital Media UI / UX Design by mattyd [QUOTE=macneato;905172]Designing fluid is actually really hard, because a lot of things come … CSS - Fluid Layout Digital Media UI / UX Design by nedsnurb … I just wanted some tips on how to create a fluid layout, as the website doesn't resize itself depending on… Re: CSS - Fluid Layout Digital Media UI / UX Design by Arkinder Have a look at [URL=""]this[/URL], and [URL=""]this[/URL]. Regards, Arkinder Does anyone know how to add a read more tag to the Fluid Tumblr Theme? Digital Media UI / UX Design by Azmah Our blog uses the fluid theme but there's an issue, it doesn't support read more and that is crucial for our blog. I can't seem to get the tag working and am wondering how; or, is there a better theme to use?