Slaying Unicorns: How Europe Sabotages Its Own Economic Future Community Center by Johannes C. … has outsourced its manufacturing sectors long ago. Today, only a fraction of Europeans actually produce anything. [German car manufacturers are losing… Re: Slaying Unicorns: How Europe Sabotages Its Own Economic Future Community Center by Dani I'm happy to live in Silicon Valley :) Re: Slaying Unicorns: How Europe Sabotages Its Own Economic Future Community Center by aishamushtaq Absolutely, I appreciate the reminder. If you're experiencing difficulties with your CRM's workflow feature, it might be beneficial to provide more details about the specific steps you've taken so far to troubleshoot the issue. That way, others in the community can offer more targeted assistance or suggest alternative solutions based on your … Fraction Programming Software Development by goyofoyo … (two args) friend fraction operator +(fraction f1, fraction f2); //friend fraction operator-(fraction f1, fraction f2); //friend fraction operator*(fraction f1, fraction f2); //friend fraction operator/(fraction f1, fraction f2); friend istream… Re: Fraction Programming Software Development by ArkM And what for friend arith operators? [code=cplusplus] fraction operator+(const fraction& f) const; ... [/code] Re: Fraction Programming Software Development by siddhant3s Line 11: Do you expect, for a fraction, denominator to be zero? As per for the simplify(), It is simple: 1.Write a function that calculates the gcd of two number 2. Divide numerator and denominator by that GCD For finding GCD use the [URL=""]Euclidean Algorithm[/URL] fraction Programming Software Development by nono909 … if anyone can help me in this. i attached the fraction class and the implementationUsing the linked list class we derived…, const rationalClass &right); friend void print(const rationalClass &fraction, ostream & out=cout); friend ostream & operator <<… Fraction Class Program Programming Software Development by fevershark …; #include <cstdlib> Fraction::Fraction() { numerator = 0; denominator = 1; }//Fraction::Fraction() Fraction::Fraction(int numer) { numerator = numer; denominator = 1; }//Fraction::Fraction(int numer) Fraction::Fraction(int numer, int denom… Fraction class! Programming Software Development by rena0514 … f.num * den, den * f.den); return temp; } FrAction operator-(FrAction f) { FrAction temp(num * f.den - f.num * den, den *…return temp; } FrAction operator*(FrAction f) { FrAction temp((num * f.num),(den * f.den)); return temp; } FrAction operator/(FrAction f) { FrAction temp((num * f… Re: Fraction class! Programming Software Development by rena0514 …) { num= numerator; den=denomenator; } FrAction operator+(FrAction f) { FrAction temp(num + f.num, den); return temp; } FrAction operator-(FrAction f) { FrAction temp(num * f.den - f… Re: Fraction Class Program Programming Software Development by Lerner … view the store() method as written doesn't normalize the fraction. Per the instructions store() is a changeNumeratorAndDenominator() function and acts… Re: fraction class algorithm Programming Software Development by madt …; temp.b = b * object.b; return temp; } fraction fraction::operator*(const fraction& object) const { fraction temp; temp.a = a * object.a; temp.b… = b * object.b; return temp; } fraction fraction::operator/(const fraction& object) const { fraction temp; temp.a = a * object.b; temp.b… fraction class algorithm Programming Software Development by madt i have the following for my operator overload [code]fraction fraction::operator+(const fraction& object)const { fraction temp; temp.a = a*object.b + b…; temp.b = b * object.b; return temp; } fraction fraction::operator-(const fraction& object) const { fraction temp; temp.a = a*object.b - b*object… Re: Fraction class! Programming Software Development by StuXYZ … something in a class. In this case, you want a fraction type, that behaves as if it is a standard type… be in your class definition. e.g. [code=c++] class Fraction { private: int num; int den; public: }; [/code] Now those variables… each instance of the class you make. e.g. [icode]Fraction A(3,4), B(7,8);[/icode], if you call… Re: Fraction class! Programming Software Development by StuXYZ … numbers a, b, you find the biggest and [code=c++] FrAction reduce() { a=num; b=det; while (i = (a % b)) { // Check… Re: fraction class algorithm Programming Software Development by Dave Sinkula …. I think it should be like this. [code] fraction operator* (const fraction& object) const { fraction temp; [COLOR=Blue]temp.a = a * object….b = b * object.b;[/COLOR] return temp; } fraction operator/ (const fraction& object) const { fraction temp; [COLOR=Blue]temp.a = a * object.b… Re: fraction class algorithm Programming Software Development by madt I have one more question. how would i check to see if a denominator entered is equal to zero ? would this be an if statement in the constructor such as: fraction::fraction() { if (b = 0) { cout << "ERROR"; } } Re: fraction class algorithm Programming Software Development by Dave Sinkula [QUOTE=madt]I have one more question. how would i check to see if a denominator entered is equal to zero ? would this be an if statement in the constructor such as: fraction::fraction() { if (b = 0) { cout << "ERROR"; } }[/QUOTE]More like,[code]if (b =[COLOR=Blue]=[/COLOR] 0)[/code] Re: fraction class algorithm Programming Software Development by madt …;error"; } the program runs and outputs: errorerrorerrorEnter fraction 1: 5/0 Enter fraction 2: 6/7 Fraction1: 5/0 Fraction2: 6… Fraction Class problem Programming Software Development by dallas81 …;5; i++) { enterFractionValue(OneFraction[i]); } displayFraction(OneFraction); } void enterFractionValue(Fraction &OneFraction) { cout <<"Enter a value for…quot; << OneFraction.denominator << endl; } void displayFraction(Fraction &OneFraction) { int selection = 0; int i; cout <… Fraction, returning problem. Programming Software Development by Nerathas … 4/4 => result would be 2/1 (fraction simplified) My problem is my method calculated this greatest … be divided trough the nominator and denominator of the fraction (wich are a and b in my example).…quot;\t--------"); Console.WriteLine("Give in a fraction where the denominator & the denominator\nare natural numbers… Re: Fraction, returning problem. Programming Software Development by ddanbe …(string[] args) { Fraction F = new Fraction(152, 128); //make the fraction 152/128 Console.WriteLine("… //cannot be zero } //create a Fraction from known numbers public Fraction(ulong numer, ulong denom) { try … Fraction problem Programming Software Development by kelvinnvl I'm recently doing an assignment for fraction problem. I've implemented classes for …some of my code here regarding operator -: [CODE]Fraction operator-( Fraction a, Fraction b ) { Fraction result; result.numerator = a.numerator * b.denominator… simple, it will minus directly with 2 fraction which is fraction a and b. but here is a … Fraction Calculator Programming Software Development by baconswife … = 0; cout<<"This program performs operations on fraction. Enter"<<endl; cout<<"1…;endl; cin >> choice; cout <<"For fraction 1" << endl; cout << "…;" " << endl; cout <<"For fraction 2" << endl; cout << "Enter… Re: Fraction Calculator Programming Software Development by baconswife …!= 9) { cout<<"This program performs operations on fraction. Enter"<<endl; cout<<"1…gt; choice; if (choice != 9) { cout <<"For fraction 1" << endl; cout << "Enter…quot; " << endl; cout <<"For fraction 2" << endl; cout << "Enter… Re: Fraction Calculator Programming Software Development by baconswife … 9) { cout<<"This program performs operations on fraction. Enter"<<endl; cout<<"1…gt; choice; if (choice != 9) { cout <<"For fraction 1" << endl; cout << "Enter…quot; " << endl; cout <<"For fraction 2" << endl; cout << "… Re: Fraction Calculator Programming Software Development by baconswife … 9) { cout<<"This program performs operations on fraction. Enter"<<endl; cout<<"1…gt; choice; if (choice != 9) { cout <<"For fraction 1" << endl; cout << "Enter…quot; " << endl; cout <<"For fraction 2" << endl; cout << "… fraction code Programming Software Development by pthom35 … with adding the addtl constructor. [CODE]//Create a class called Fraction with the following member variables and methods: //" Variables //1…; } double GetFraction() { return static_cast<double>(numerator) / denominator; } }; Fraction cDefault; // calls Fraction() constructor std::cout << cDefault.GetNumerator() <<… Fraction class calling GCD in add method and normalizing a fraction Programming Software Development by TheLittleEngine …den) //constuctor {} void sglfrac(); //input a single fraction void add(Rational, Rational); //add two fractions void sub… two fractions void displaysgl(); //display a single fraction in n/d format void displayfloat(Rational); //… for n/0 cout << "Illegal fraction: division by 0"; exit(1); } else … Fraction data type? Programming Software Development by Towely … use a function with the prototype: [code] Fraction addfractions(const Fraction& f1, const Fraction& f2) [/code] My problem is, …I can't find any information on this Fraction data type that he is making us use. None …I've visited makes no mention of a Fraction type. How does this "Fraction" data type work? Any info /…