91 Topics

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Member Avatar for rahul pareek
Member Avatar for kwolfe

Hi, I'm a newbie to Python and trying to write my first FTP script. Here's the code: from ftplib import FTP ftp = FTP("LoginServer.com") ftp.login("LoginID", "Password") # open the file to read it f = open("C:/Users/MyDocs/Documents/Python/test.txt", "r") # Open directory ftp.cwd("/") # save file ftp.storbinary("STOR test.txt", f) ftp.quit() f.close() I'm …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for james chaco

Hi, I am luking for a way to make persistent connection to a ftp server and put multiple files to it, where second file will be put depending on the response of first file. Any help would be greatful.

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for zina_a

hi, I have installed the IIS FTP server in my PC and I want to monitor this server with the SNMP protocol ,bu tin mib files I didn't found any information concerning this server,is there any other way to monitor a server and thanks.

Member Avatar for c-tech
Member Avatar for baig772

Hi all, i am new to ubuntu. I am using fire ftp for downloading my project locally in ubuntu but when i click on download, it says "Failed to create directory locally". Is it some root permission issue? if yes, then how i can download my project?

Member Avatar for baig772
Member Avatar for dannyniu

As you can see from the title, I'm suffering the problem. developer.apple.com didn't provide much information about this, I have to ask for solution somewhere else. I already know how to up/down-load files and create directories, but the official reference doesn't say how to undo it. I hope some one …

Member Avatar for dioioib
Member Avatar for valestrom

I was wondering how to **Connect** to a FTP server in the form of it having Address, Username, and Password. Then be able to either edit or upload a file to a specific folder on the server. Because I am designing a website with a current news box on it …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for ananth88

Hi, I just want to know which is the best way to transfer files between clients and server. My server is accessed from client through internet. I found some results after googled as using tcp/udp/ftp... So , i just want to know which one is best and why ? . …

Member Avatar for ananth88
Member Avatar for mikenew1

I am trying to connect to an external server via FTP using windows explorer. On other computers I have no problems but on 2 computers, the windows explorer comes up and asks for the password as usual but will then run through twice and time out. Clicking on the refresh …

Member Avatar for samueal

I have a program to download files from server (using ftp_connect) using php and save the files in my local system.While saving the files in local system file's modified time changes according to my system time But what i need is the files saved in local should have the same …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for thines01

Here are two examples of opening read streams to files on an FTP server. One example uses the FtpWebRequest method. One example uses the WebClient method. Here is a method of testing those functions: [CODE] using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Net; namespace UseFtpStreamExample { using FtpReadStreams; class Program …

Member Avatar for fmatin

Hello! I just made a LAMP server out of an old computer, Ubuntu 10.04. Everything is set up properly, or so I thought. Whenever I upload a file to the "public_html" folder via ftp, the permissions are reset so that it says "Forbidden" when I try to access it. Then …

Member Avatar for karimnouh

Hi everyone, i'm working on a simple console application for my company, which would backup the company's X:\ drive by uploading its data every day at 3:00pm. Questions: 1. Suggestions on how to upload a directory? (if not possible, then is it possible to automatically upload file by file) 2. …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for nikita.

I have finally written this code, but the prob with this is that when it is prompting for password it doesnt send any password to the ftp machine, we have to do it manually, but after typing it manually, it take the password line as command and shows that that …

Member Avatar for nikita.
Member Avatar for nikita.

Hi I have written the below code for ftp transfer. can u please help me how to trap whether it is successful or not. [code]ftp -n `awk '$1 ~ /db_server_IP/ { print $3 }' $CONFIG_FILE` <<END quote USER `awk '$1 ~ /db_user/ { print $3 }' $CONFIG_FILE` quote PASS `awk …

Member Avatar for QuickBooksDev

I need to rename/move a file to a different folder after downloading. When I log into the customer's FTP site via the url, user, password it put in into a particular folder. I can download these files using the URI but I cannot Rename (Move) into a different folder (i.e. …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for nikita.

I want to write a shell script to automate the ftp session, in that it should take the inputs like the server ip , username , password from a different file who path i'll pass. and also the validations that if the server path exits or not.

Member Avatar for nikita.
Member Avatar for aldm

Hi, I wonder which is best tool for synhronise localhost project with the same project on shared hosting. For example, when I run that tool, my localhost project should get all files that doesn't contain from shared hosting (newest added images for news, organizations etc). I need something like SVN, …

Member Avatar for aldm
Member Avatar for cent91

i have a code written in c++/Cli (CLR Console app) that uses .Net framework. it basically uploads a file to a ftp server. i wanna run it on computers that dont have .net framework. and are running windows xp or windows 7. can i somehow convert it into win32 console …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for venky2ece

hi friends, gud evening. I have one doubt to be clarified. I work in somewhere, there we have local network resource(file server). We all have domain user names and, we have to enter our credentials to access files in n/w resource. so i entered and checked in the check box …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for vidjin

Hi, Is there any possibility to use Coda in windows for PHP Developement ?!?!?!? I have seen CODA on a Friend's Macbook Pro and it is wonderful and have great features. Anyway to use it on Windows? Thanks

Member Avatar for fabzster

Hi I have a script that is scheduled to run with task scheduler will download a file via FTP and import it to a mysql DB How would I go about handling the retries if there is either a problem with the connection or something. I tried going about it …

Member Avatar for fabzster
Member Avatar for cent91

0 down vote favorite share [fb] share [tw] share [in] i am working on a tiny tiny app that just uploads a file to the ftp server, i have reviewed my code but am quite unable to locate the problem, here is the code, [CODE=C]#include "stdafx.h" using namespace System; #include …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for megachip04

I am trying to let users upload .flv files that will be played through flow player. While I am not getting an error, the file is not copying to the ftp folder. The upload script I have is [CODE] if ($_FILES["file1"]["type"] == "video/flv") { $path1 = "uploads/".time().'.'.$HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['name']; $path1 = str_replace …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for rpv_sen

Hi I am trying to connect my server through PHP script as below. But i am unable to reach my server and getting error. If i connect my server through ftp software with [B]FTPES[/B] protocol my server is getting connect I am getting an Error as [B]"Warning: ftp_connect() [function.ftp-connect]: php_network_getaddresses: …

Member Avatar for rpv_sen
Member Avatar for darkelflemurian

Hello everyone: The problems is the following. I'm creating an specific program to upload to FTP on C#. That works perfectly. My problem is that i want to give the user the ability to change folders but so far I don't seem to find anything over the internet. Can someone …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for megachip04

Warning: copy() [function.copy]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File() is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/oeaivcom:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) I am trying to create a form that someone can submit a file to an ftp location. I found a script online and it is giving me this error. Could anyone point me in the …

Member Avatar for Insensus
Member Avatar for crankyslap

Hey guys, I got this code to upload an FTP file which works great, but what do I do when I wnat to upload the contents of an entire folder? I mean, I could make a for-each but that would mean disconnecting and reconnecting to the FTP server alot of …

Member Avatar for crankyslap
Member Avatar for vijiglad

hi, please help.. I need php code to upload file from one FTP to another FTP.. thanks/regards vijay

Member Avatar for petr.pavel
Member Avatar for replax

Hello, Currently, I am trying to write a program which should upload a file to an FTP server. As recommended in the QT Docu., I chose to use QNetworkAccessManager's put function instead of QFtp. As far as I know, I should be able to access the FTP Server without using …


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