fwrite not working with ob_start, Any ideas? Programming Web Development by rickya100 … to store the results of an include file my fwrite statement later on in the code works but only … file, whereas when the ob_start is not present the fwrite function writes the file with all the content present in…quot;; $to_write = '<p>Test</p>'; $write = fwrite($file, $to_write); if( !$write ){ echo "Content could not be… fwrite and fclose Error Programming Web Development by Pado … doesn't work and I get the following errors: Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /DISK3…;"; } //here are the two lines that are returning errors fwrite($file_handle,$xmlPacket); fclose($file_handle); die(redirect_to('../../content_management.php?page_sel=content_management… Re: fwrite not working with ob_start, Any ideas? Programming Web Development by somedude3488 …( $filename,'w' ) or die( "Error opening file {$filename}" ); fwrite( $fh,$js ) or die( "Unable to write to file… fwrite writing garbage value Programming Software Development by azra36 … array keep changing every time. what is the reason fwrite writes garbage values to the file. DDB_Parser.BlockDataByte is….BlockNumber); if(bcount!= DDB_Parser.BlockNumber) { return NULL; } else { fwrite(DDB_Parser.BlockDataByte,blocksize,1,fpddb); fflush(stdin); }[/code] Re: fwrite writing garbage value Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon … the array of all random data. Now lin line 14 fwrite() will write 0s for all unused bytes in that array…. fwrite() will write blocksize number of bytes to the file, regardless … fwrite writes only first structure value into file and rest are added as garbage valu Programming Software Development by cthoes [QUOTE] fwrite writes only name from the structure emp and rest of … enter salary\n"); scanf("%s",e.bs); fwrite(&e,stsize,1,fp); fflush(stdin); printf("\n… fwrite problem Programming Software Development by VernonDozier … assert statement on line 18 doesn't fail, so the fwrite function returns 20. Any ideas? [code] #include <stdio.h…; binFile = fopen ("BinaryFile.bin", "w"); numBytesWritten = fwrite (bytes, 1, 20, binFile); assert (numBytesWritten == 20); fclose (binFile); return… fwrite write one additional value in a file Programming Software Development by Muhammad Waqar_1 … here i am trying to write to a file through fwrite and read through fread functions. it asks me to enter… %d : ",i+1); scanf("%d",&height); fwrite(&height,2,1,fp); i++; } } fclose(fp); printf("… Re: fwrite(size_t_count) Programming Software Development by andor … what size_t_count does, i couldnt get it . thanks guyz ! [code] fwrite([COLOR=#0000ff]const[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]void[/COLOR]*_str,size_t_Size… means how many of size_t_Size you want to write. [inlinecode]fwrite(buff, sizeof(int), 4, someFile)[/inlinecode] means you want to… Re: fwrite and fclose Error Programming Web Development by PoA You need to chmod the folder with 0777 permission where you want to fwrite. Re: fwrite and fclose Error Programming Web Development by Pado … chmod the folder with 0777 permission where you want to fwrite.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the help. Okay, so how do I… Re: fwrite writes only first structure value into file and rest are added as garbage valu Programming Software Development by gerard4143 …;%s", AGE); sprintf(e.bs, "%s", BS); fwrite(&e, 1, stsize, fd); fclose(fd); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } [/CODE… Re: fwrite writes only first structure value into file and rest are added as garbage valu Programming Software Development by cthoes … salary\n"); scanf("%d",&e.bs); fwrite(&e,sizeof(e),1,fp); fflush(stdin); another=getchar… Re: fwrite writes only first structure value into file and rest are added as garbage valu Programming Software Development by gerard4143 …, "%s", NAME); e.age = age; e.bs = bs; fwrite(&e, 1, sizeof(struct emp), fd); fclose(fd); if… Re: fwrite write one additional value in a file Programming Software Development by somjit{} printf("Enter Height of Student %d : ",i+1); scanf("%d",&height); fwrite(&height,2,1,fp); i++; your incrementing i twice in the same loop . i havent run your code yet , but i dont think thats how it should work. fwrite(size_t_count) Programming Software Development by rowly Hi, can any one tell me what size_t_count does, i couldnt get it . thanks guyz ! [code] fwrite([COLOR=#0000ff]const[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]void[/COLOR]*_str,size_t_Size,size_t_count,file *_File); [/code] Re: fwrite(size_t_count) Programming Software Development by rowly aha ! if i want to write to a file, do i have to fread it first or just fwrite it straight away ? thx champ Re: fwrite(size_t_count) Programming Software Development by Inanna [QUOTE]if i want to write to a file, do i have to fread it first or just fwrite it straight away ?[/QUOTE] It's tricky. Can you post some code that shows what you're trying to do? Re: fwrite(size_t_count) Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon … file, do i have to fread it first or just fwrite it straight away ? thx champ[/QUOTE] of course the program… Re: fwrite(size_t_count) Programming Software Development by ~s.o.s~ …, do i have to fread it first or just [B]fwrite it straight away ? [/quote] [/B]Mr. WaltP's comment I… fwrite every other time Programming Web Development by hunkychop i need a script that would tell the server to fwrite every other request, not every time. anybody got an idea? fwrite, line ends prematurely Programming Web Development by Jord09 …, $dept, $dest, $dist, $demd); } } while (!feof($fp)); unset($row); $add_route = fwrite($fp, date('d M - H:i') . '||' . $route_dept . '||' . $route_dest . '||' . $route_dist . '||' . $route_demd… Re: fwrite, line ends prematurely Programming Web Development by ShawnCplus Looks like you have carriage returns in the data do [code=php] fwrite($fp, str_replace("\n", '', (date('d M - H:i') . '||' . $route_dept . '||' . $route_dest . '||' . $route_dist . '||' . $route_demd) . "\n");[/code] fwrite .txt file pound sign encoding error £ Programming Web Development by MDGM hi all, I have a php script that saves what the user types in into a text file using fwrite, and displays it on another page using file_get_contents. When putting in a pound sign (£), it saves the following to the text file: £ Any idea how I can stop this from happening and instead get the pound sign working properly? Max. fwrite not writing all data to file Programming Software Development by free2rhyme2k …;slen); if(getNoPackets == -1){ diep("recvfrom()"); } else{ packetsWrittenToFile = fwrite(buf, 1, getNoPackets, destinationFile); printf("Received packet number: %i… Re: fwrite not writing all data to file Programming Software Development by free2rhyme2k …;slen); if(getNoPackets == -1){ diep("recvfrom()"); } else{ packetsWrittenToFile = fwrite(buf, 1, getNoPackets, destinationFile); printf("Received packet number: %i… fwrite shows nothing in fiel Programming Software Development by newbie14 Dear All, I am trying to write to a file as below. But my file shows empty what could be wrong here? const char *dataFileName = "data.dat"; FILE *ftdata = fopen(dataFileName,"a+"); fwrite("TEST",1,2,ftdata); fwrite not working Programming Web Development by andreiviziru … 'Error opening the file'; die(); } $string = 'text to write'; if (fwrite($handle_append, $string)) { echo 'Succes writing the file'; } else { echo 'Error… Help: fwrite, I want to write forward pointer address in present file pointer Programming Software Development by ambarisha.kn … //FBD Program code fseek(bin_fp,2,SEEK_CUR); //not used fwrite(&fbdStepno,1,2,bin_fp); //FBD step No.[N1] fseek… byte adress has to be write here in 4 bytes //fwrite( addr(5th byte), 1,4, bin_fp); //how to ….. for(int buf=0; buf<buffList.size();++buf) { fwrite(buffList[buf].fbCodeAddr,1,buffList[buf].tmpAddr+4-buffList[buf… Re: Help: fwrite, I want to write forward pointer address in present file pointer Programming Software Development by ambarisha.kn … //FBDプログラムコード, FBDパラメータサイズ fseek(bin_fp,2,SEEK_CUR); //未使用(未定義) fwrite(&fbdStepno,1,2,bin_fp); //FBDステップ数[N1] fseek(…-buffList[buf].fbCodeAddr; offset.push_back(fbdStepOff); fwrite(buffList[buf].fbCodeAddr,1,buffList[buf].tmpAddr+4…int off=0;off<offset.size();++off) { fwrite(&offset[off], 1,4,bin_fp); } fseek(…