66 Topics

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![DFP_SmallBusiness_color](/attachments/small/3/DFP_SmallBusiness_color.jpg "align-left") Whether you own a small personal blog or a top 1000 website, the importance of monetizing your website to the fullest is essential. Depending on your needs and the type of website you have, there are a variety of ways to improve your ability to monetize, simplify your …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for technosaha

I have a 4 month old blog [Click Here](http://technoworrlld.blogspot.com).I am getting about 400 visitors per day.I applied for Clicksor but the earnings are pretty low-about 0.1$ per day.Is it normal?What is the maximum that can be earned from a technology blog with about 400 visitors daily?Also,90% of visitors come through …

Member Avatar for dandcouk
Member Avatar for technosaha

I have a 4 month old blog [Click Here](http://technoworrlld.blogspot.com).I am getting about 400 visitors per day.I applied for Clicksor but the earnings are pretty low-about 0.1$ per day.Is it normal?What is the maximum that can be earned from a technology blog with about 400 visitors daily?Also,90% of visitors come through …

Member Avatar for technosaha
Member Avatar for Doctor Inferno
Member Avatar for technoknol

Hi Friends, I have one website with few hundreds visitors, and i want to put google ads but when i submit Google adsense application it replys in email that my contact details is not correct, I have tried more than 20 times and checked all my details very clearly but …

Member Avatar for canadafred
Member Avatar for indopostingcom

Why my income from Adsense drop more than 80% in 2012? I thinks this caused by Panda and Penguin update. Does anyone has same experience like me? Please tell me your story.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

Hi, Is it possible to tell how many AdWords impressions are doing placement-targeting (aka site-targeting) to a particular channel? I know that I can pull up an AdSense report which shows a cross section of a particular channel with placement targeting, but it's possible the advertiser is targeting the entire …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for makemoney10

Hi how are you all friend please guide me my website 100% genuine content and daily 50 to 100 visitor i'm adsense request send and approve within 1 to 2 hours and i'm creat adds copy code and past code my website but second day my adsense account disable but …

Member Avatar for makemoney10
Member Avatar for mojojojo333

Hi all, I have 50 domains I park at trafficmedia, I'd like to know if you rather use my own adsense account? Thanks

Member Avatar for mojojojo333
Member Avatar for gamestoenjoy

Hi, I am using Adsense for my site more then a year, and the earnings keep rising. However I am not sure if my site is optimized properly for Adsesne. Perhaps I can earn more if I improve something. Do I use the right ads for my site (type and …

Member Avatar for jennypitts
Member Avatar for solvision

Hey guys ok so the site i was working on is now live. Love that ajax function of loading pages in divs without reloading the whole page. [URL="http://www.horizoneslchina.com/"]www.horizoneslchina.com[/URL] But now i've hit another problem because of that. Adsense wont load on the pages that are loaded within the divs. If …

Member Avatar for solvision
Member Avatar for marshal_ramdev

hi , i want to know what are the best seo methods which is used by seo companies for there clients ?? i searched a lot but couldn't find that much , how they do seo ? what are the secret methods involve there ?? thanks Marshal

Member Avatar for quetrist
Member Avatar for marshal_ramdev

There are lot of questions about PPC which stands for Pay per Click. Recently in the Indian Market PPC growing very very rapidly. There are over 100 PPC Networks which has been launched in 2010 but the question comes which one of them are the best ? Well if it …

Member Avatar for marshal_ramdev
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for rakibtg

any body tell me how to edit adsnese like ezinearticle.com or how to add my own css in adsense . is ezinearticle.com break adsense tos ? if not can i use it for my site . how should i use it in my site? adsense hack, adsense in custom css

Member Avatar for Kieran Y5
Member Avatar for GoodLuckChuck

This is not short but it is good. [B]The best is at the beginning and end.[/B] Some say that I am too open and honest so if something is not allowed, delete that instead of the whole post. I read that this website was started by Dani in 2002 and …

Member Avatar for Dani

Is AdSense smart about which ad types to use for each ad unit? For example, I have an ad unit that performs really well with Images but not Flash, and vice versa with another one. I know that Google says that they will always try to put the highest performing …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

Pigs still don't fly, but they might as well, because Google finally decided to open up about their AdSense revenue share (read: the percentage of money they take in that they split with AdSense publishers). The [url="http://adsense.blogspot.com/2010/05/adsense-revenue-share.html"]official blog article[/url] discloses that AdSense for content publishers earn a 68% revenue share …

Member Avatar for jay 11
Member Avatar for virspy

Hello friends, I have a strange problem i require the google search in my website but the search has to display only the sponsored links and the related search items. like in [url]http://www.ebuyers.com/[/url] can any one tell me the concept of how to get those results Thank u in advance

Member Avatar for theighost
Member Avatar for nickora

Hi all, just came to give a quick introduction to myself. My names Nick, Im an SEO consultant in the UK and very much enjoy chatting away about optimisation tecniques and strategies etc. etc. I work for different companies as well as have a few sites of my own. Im …

Member Avatar for jonaspark09
Member Avatar for LegalFiction

Is it possible to “opt out” of targeted ads by disabling third-party cookies on one’s browser? Most importantly, will disabling third-party cookies stop ISPs (partnered with companies like Front Porch) from collecting information on your browsing habits? Will disabling third-party cookies stop Google and similar website-based ad networks from collecting …

Member Avatar for jay 11
Member Avatar for MktgRob

I have a client who is hot to start using AdSense to get some more revenue and he said that he heard that AdSense participation can provide an SEO boost. While I told my client that he should not expect a great deal of revenue I had never heard about …

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Member Avatar for Sathish7
Member Avatar for jay 11
Member Avatar for hireaprogrammer

Hello, i am planning to start new business to earn Google Adnsense . Here i am planning to make new website and hire few content writer who will write content on daily basis and we will upload to server with google Adsense and do as much as SEO we can …

Member Avatar for christophercomp
Member Avatar for ranvijay21

It is known to every one that the best way to earn money online is Google Adsense.If you are having a website or blog you can easily monetize it with google ads and earn per valid clicks.But now a days it has been seen that most of the people are …

Member Avatar for tiger86

Google has just released their new Advertising program which works with your currently existing Ad Sense account. Google's new advertising program is called Google Ad Manager, and it is currently available in 32 languages! I had to get a Google Ad Manager account the second I heard about it and …

Member Avatar for whatanidea
Member Avatar for EddieC

Google is doubling down on cookies. I like cookies as much as the next guy; I've got a box of linzer tarts next to me as I write this. But when a company as powerful as Google starts force feeding you with tracking agents, some might see that as unpalatable. …

Member Avatar for Fordkarry
Member Avatar for newsguy

According to the [URL="http://online.wsj.com/article_email/SB120776803032602423-lMyQjAxMDI4MDA3OTcwNjk4Wj.html"]Wall Street Journal today[/URL] Yahoo could be talking Google about the outsourcing of search advertising sales. This comes as, so the report suggests, as part of two pronged strategy to fight off the Microsoft acquisition threat. The other prong being a deal with AOL to combine Internet …

Member Avatar for Dani

Google, in my opinion, made a couple of mistakes in Q1 with the way they've handled changes in Google AdSense. For example, they made the change of making only AdSense titles and urls clickable instead of the entire ad unit, saying that it will lead to fewer people clicking accidentally, …

Member Avatar for happygeek

According to the [URL="http://adsense.blogspot.com/2007/10/coming-soon-make-ad-changes-without.html"]Inside AdSense blog[/URL] better management tools for AdSense users are on the way. The new tools will allow you to manage your ad units from within your AdSense account, meaning that settings such as colors and channels will be saved in your AdSense account every time you …

Member Avatar for Dani

The End.