Differences Between:Binding Source vs Hardcode.. Programming Software Development by good_c_ryan_19 Hi, i need to know which is better in vb.net... BindingSource( such table adapter and etch..) or Hardcode( such as parameters,sqlcommand,sqlconnection that all your codes are programatically done)?.. Which is Which?:confused: Re: Differences Between:Binding Source vs Hardcode.. Programming Software Development by kvprajapati You might want to read a discussion - [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/communities/newsgroups/en-us/default.aspx?dg=microsoft.public.dotnet.languages.vb&tid=f10dcbbe-908d-45b2-ac11-0819f89d714f&cat=&lang=&cr=&sloc=&p=1"]Bound vs unbound controls.[/URL] Re: Differences Between:Binding Source vs Hardcode.. Programming Software Development by good_c_ryan_19 TNX SIR!!!!! I am working with my HRIS without any binding Techniques... query for creating report group by weeks (with start date and end date of the week) Programming Databases by newMeg … week changes every year therefore i can't hardcode the sql statement and hardcode the page. And this report will be generated… Arrays Programming Software Development by kaitlyn … of code that I do not want to have to hardcode 61 times. With that being said, I am creating a… what I am trying, or do you have to always hardcode the actual array name (instead of resoving it on the… Compiler option for FLAT address compilation of pointers Programming Software Development by tumstech …). i have a program in which i would like to hardcode the address greater than 1MB, after enabling A20, and ask… the compiler to use all the pointers that i hardcode the address above 1MB to access directly with out considering… Re: Compiler option for FLAT address compilation of pointers Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon …;>have a program in which i would like to hardcode the address greater than 1MB, after enabling A20, and ask… the compiler to use all the pointers that i hardcode the address above 1MB to access directly with out considering… Interop Issue... Programming Software Development by skatamatic …string[] sSplit = sData.Split(','); //***************** //Hardcode setup default serial info here try { return…(string COMPort, int BAUDRate) { //***************** //Hardcode setup default serial info here return HasInitialized =… Retrieve data from multi-dimensional and dynamical json array. Programming Web Development by Aeonix … actually variable, it changes all the time, I can't hardcode the name into the program, it needs to take granted… I need to go through `riotschmick` first. I can't hardcode it, however I have it saved in a variable. Normally… Re: Passing Parameter in JSP Programming Web Development by wild_angel hi dean_gobler thanks for your reply. Ah..I see what you mean. But, do you know how to make it faster? Because when hardcode it's only take 1 minute, but when I used parameter it will take 10 minute. It's impossible to use hardcode because user can choose the year and month (parameter) from combobox. :( C++ Relcat/Attrcat catalog help Programming Software Development by Saik … the tables. However, i know if i just flat out hardcode everything, then it won't be dynamic enough =/ Any advice… illegal start of expression Programming Software Development by wardduncan … help me. Here is my problem. I am trying to hardcode information for a mortgage calc and I am getting an… Problem with Javascript on Webpage Programming Software Development by zoned … my web page template and I will not have to hardcode the URL. Original Code for gif link. [CODE]<a… 2 dropdownlists problem Programming Web Development by caterpillar …, strV is getting the value passed by dropdownlist1. If i hardcode it means if instaeed of parameter strV i pass some… PHP mail function issue Programming Web Development by vssp … default it get "nobody@hostname.com . We need to hardcode the from address . But I dont want to edit the… Square Image Thumbnail Programming Web Development by jnscollier … whole portrait and landscape thing, i didn't want to hardcode the size in html. so, after searching i found this… Finding a Sub String Programming Software Development by lookof2day …. The output I expect is "OK". If I hardcode values of var1 and var2 ie if I write the… problem with relative pathing Programming Software Development by rajarp …/MIS/LANDING/MIS_Customer_20080114.txt.[/B] since i dont want to hardcode the path ie)home/md/DEV i opt for relative… Need Help in debugging this code. Programming Software Development by jaggesh … be of any arbitrary size and your program can *not* hardcode either one of them. To reiterate, your program cannot allocate… XML config or an INI config Programming Software Development by bornok15 How can i make a configuration in INI and XML so that i won't hardcode the location of my database and other configurations, and i would just change it from a form within my program? Can anyone help me? thanks.. Inventory Program Help Programming Software Development by jcato77 … not sure how to make it. Do I need to hardcode the fee at the beginning like a statement: reStockFee = .05… Passing parameters between jsp pages Programming Web Development by Lum1n0us … the next page no value is returned unless I physically hardcode the value of sName in the code snippet above. Any… Difference between "Drag & Drop" and Referencing Programming Web Development by bmz … needed to make the project work. Is it possible to hardcode it or sumtin, since it is obvious that i cannot… Business intelligence becoming increasingly important... What do you think ? Community Center by gtd …. Of course such a thing can be done by programming (hardcode) but you need some technical background, to handle it. Of… displaying images Programming Web Development by anitha joe … of files..But now the problem is if I directly hardcode the name of the image say 1.jpg it displys… Matching user preferences Programming Databases by ALEXDIVE …-C 3-D 4-C 4-E I can't hardcode anything in this procedure, because the user preferences are going… Bit String help Programming Software Development by DemonGal711 … and B from a file of two lines. Do not hardcode the file name, instead, prompt it from the user. The… get data from HTML form Programming Software Development by sfrider0 I'm creating a SMTP client. I'm entering the data(to, from, subject, body) in a HTML form. How do I pass that data into the actual Java SMTP client so I can send it? I know how to hardcode the data into the client and send it that way but having trouble with letting the user enter the info. I've tried saving them as strings but had no luck. cfimage tag and functions Programming Web Development by vikingGirl … is I can only get it to work if I hardcode the coordinates, but what I need is to use coldfusion… CSS/XHTML Layout issue when rendering? Digital Media UI / UX Design by Robtyketto … anyone help me out, as I don't want to hardcode the width setting in as it could be run in…