Re: hash table Programming Software Development by ankit894u …; struct _list_t_ *next; } list_t; //2. Now we need a hash table structure. typedef struct _hash_table_t_ { int size; /* the size of the…; //1. Creation. We need to be able to create a hash table, something like: hash_table_t *my_hash_table; int size_of_table = 11; my_hash_table = create_hash_table… Hash Table Programming Software Development by BestJewSinceJC … Thanks for any suggestions in advance. 1. When does the hash table need to be resized. I know about load factor, so… 75%. Doesn't checking to see how full the hash table is require looking at every index to see if something…decide what the initial capacity of the array that my hash table uses should be? Is it related to my individual problem… Re: Hash Table Programming Software Development by BestJewSinceJC Does the "table size should be a good choice, such as a prime number" property of hash tables always need to… first created? In other words, when rehashing, should the new hash table size be a prime number? From what I've read… - they say to "double the size of the old hash table and re-insert the items from the old… Re: Hash Table Programming Software Development by Narue …well. I say "if you choose to make the table size prime" because there are practical reasons for doing… so, such as the hash function is weak and a non-prime table size promotes clustering, your collision strategy… non-prime sizes, or you can't prove that your hash table will work correctly without a prime size (this is the… hash table Programming Software Development by PulsarScript … entry->next; delete prev; } } delete[] htable; } /* * Hash Function */ int HashFunc(int key) { return key % TABLE_SIZE; } /*…cout<<"Operations on Hash Table"<<endl; cout<…quot;1.Insert element into the table"<<endl; cout<… hash table Programming Software Development by ankit894u … and the hashing function h(i) = i%11, show the hash table that results when the following integers are inserted in the…) { return i % 11;} i knw tht hash table caan be implemented as an intger arrat table in which each array element can be… Re: hash table Programming Software Development by Danny_501 To implement a hash table with your own hash function, you must make your own classes. Like HashNode.cpp … Re: Hash Table help Programming Software Development by VernonDozier … need some help passing a array of integers into a hash table by chaining. So if the array is filled it that… brackets? i is not declared. If you are working on hash tables, you know the basics of how to create a… correct in terms of that. How many buckets does your hash table have? Is each bucket supposed to be a linked list… hash table Programming Software Development by gabb810 … trying to implement this code for hash table in python and i don't …index : index % m, data)) def htable(table): table = [None]*10 return table def get_index(keys, m): index = hfunc(… k = get_k(keys) while (j == m): if table[i] == None: table[i] = k j = j+1 print(linear(data… Hash Table help Programming Software Development by NICEGUY123 … need some help passing a array of integers into a hash table by chaining. So if the array is filled it that… Hash table Programming Software Development by jrosh I am tryn a currency converter using hash table. What is the technique to use to enble covert both ways. Ex: Dollers to Euro and Euro to Dollers . I can understand how to do it one way using currency as the hashKey and rate as Hashvalue. (I hope that is the correct way?). How to do this. Please help. Thankx in advance. Re: Hash table Programming Software Development by jrosh It is just between different currencies and one "base" currency. As you metioned it is like EUR <> USD, GBP <> USD, YEN <> USD . Can that be implemented in hash table? Hash Table template implementation help Programming Software Development by developer4321 … return false; } ///////////////////////////////////// // // Class used to iterate over the hash table // ///////////////////////////////////// template <typename Data> class HashTableIterator { int _currentBucket…<Data> * _hashTable; // Pointer to the hash table being iterated public: HashTableIterator(HashTable<Data> * … Re: Hash Table template implementation help Programming Software Development by Lazaro Claiborn …return false; } ///////////////////////////////////// // // Class used to iterate over the hash table // ///////////////////////////////////// template <typename Data> class HashTableIterator { int _currentBucket…<Data> * _hashTable; // Pointer to the hash table being iterated public: HashTableIterator(HashTable<Data> * … Re: Hash Table template implementation help Programming Software Development by developer4321 … In regards to your comment on my implementation of the hash() fuction.... each HashTableEntry in _buckets[] actually represents a linked…also very confused) So, yes it is true that hash() will always return the same number for the same … entry to the linked list for that index in the hash table: e->_next; Hence, [COLOR=#008000]e->_next … Re: Hash Table template implementation help Programming Software Development by Lazaro Claiborn …, Data & data) { // TODO: Returns the next element in the hash table. // The key and data values are stored in the references… Hash table Implementation Programming Software Development by meet123321 …any suggestions. I have an existing implementation of chained hash table (A), which uses singly link list for chaining.…and deletion . so i thought to modify my existing hash table (A)implemetaion . 1 . using a doubly link … . using a separate data stucture , preferably an other hash table (B) which would store a address of node inserted … Re: Hash table Implementation Programming Software Development by Narue …QUOTE]2 . using a separate data stucture , preferably an other hash table[/QUOTE] Tricky to get right because now you need another…slow, you'll likely see similar issues with a sub hash table. Also keep in mind that your structure is (or… question to you is this: Have you tested your hash table and confirmed that the load factor and chain lengths is… Hash Table ( display function ) Programming Software Development by ulquiorra …some schoolwork I need to make one. The hash table and hashfunction itself aren't the problem. The… = new Node; n->data = value; addTailItem(n); table[hashfunction(value)] = n; return n; } void KeywordList::addTailItem(…= 0; i < stringHashing->data.length(); i++ ) { hash = hash * c + stringHashing->; c = c * b;… hash table linked list Programming Software Development by Gem74 …;Mercury", "Jupiter"} ; // putting incoming data into the hash table for (int i=0; i < length; i++) { hashTable.put…; values[i] << endl ; } // the hash table result cout << "\n\nThe hash table result\n" ; cout << "… Hash Table Interpreter Programming by aeck … is below: Program Specification: Build a hash table using chaining as the collision resolution technique.… VAR varName – Variable Declaration, adds “varName” to the hash table. 4. variable = expression – Assignment statements, ie GEORGE …= 122. Find GEORGE in the hash table and assign 122 to it. 5. ++ - increment … Hash Table Confusion Programming Software Development by Yuruke … = 1373; //length of buckets int count; //amount of items in hash table vector<list<string>> buckets; //vector of… lists of strings as hash table hFstring hash_fcn; } ;[/CODE] [CODE]//Implementation file for spellcheck.h #include… Hash Table Retrieve() Error Help!! Programming Software Development by natekelsey …, int i); // reads the table // Precon: pass in a preconstructed hash table by reference and a string // …file_input.close(); // End of insertion of elements into the hash table //**********************************************************************// string source1 = "formulas.txt"; ifstream … Re: Hash Table Interpreter Programming by Taywin …Add any variables found in the program to your "hash table" 4)If there is any assigned/changed value …any variables, update the value to the variable in "hash table" 5)If found any error, print it out …scope, syntax error (expression), etc. The hash table in this assignment is a simple table look up for variables and their values… Hash Table with Separate Chaining Programming Software Development by ace8957 …I'm trying to learn how to do a hash table with separate chaining, but it is giving me …several issues. The hash table I'm trying to make will hold instances of…end else } void hashTable::tableInsert(Person p) { int index = hash(p.getPhonenumber()); hashNode *hp = &(array[index]);//hashed position //… Hash Table using linked lists(nodes) Programming Software Development by jnewman3 So I've been working on a Hash Table that uses nodes to store data. I…name, temp1->age); } if(table[location] != NULL){ Node * temp1 = rhsTable.table[location]; Node * temp2 = table[location]; while(temp1 != NULL){ … << "nTest 0: Printing empty hash table h2 with bucket size 5:n"; h2.hashtable_display(); Re: Hash Table Retrieve() Error Help!! Programming Software Development by natekelsey …); // inserts elemental data from the P-Table into a hash table void insert(string, double, double); // …inserts elemental data from the P-Table into a hash table when there is a collision void insert… spread out the entries from the inserted data int hash(double); // overload the [] brackets hTable1 operator []… Hash Table on C# Programming Software Development by BibhutiAlmighty … please help me to add number of strings to a hash table. Actually i am trying to make a "hangman game…". I want to store the answers in a hash table but there's something wrong i my code <sorry…;. Please suggest me a way to store the stringsin a hash table. If possible suggest a way to look for the right… Re: hash table linked list Programming Software Development by Gem74 … = 10 ; /** An implementation of a simple hash table */ class HashTable { Node *nodeArray[size] ; public: /** this hash function returns an index to the array… the value into the array using an index generated using hash function */ void put(int key, string value) { int index = hashFunction… Re: Hash Table Interpreter Programming by Taywin … track of them and their values. Your current hash table structure is not a table, but rather an object (`node`). You then overwrite… add variable correctly in the way that it creates a table (chain). Also, you need to REMOVE any variable when it… do that. This will result in variable remains in the table.