Problems with Lucene Highlighter Programming Software Development by mayank.15 … fragmenter = new SimpleSpanFragmenter(scorer, fragmentSize); Highlighter highlighter = new Highlighter(scorer); highlighter.setTextFragmenter(fragmenter); highlighter.setMaxDocCharsToAnalyze(Integer.MAX_VALUE); String[] fragments = highlighter.getBestFragments(stream, fieldContents, fragmentNumber… Lucene Highlighter Programming Software Development by zeah …filter); Fragmenter fragmenter=new NullFragmenter(); Highlighter highlighter=new Highlighter(formatter,scorer); highlighter.setTextFragmenter(fragmenter); String fragments = highlighter.getBestFragment(filter, text); filter.reset(); displayTokenStream… Very important change to the code snippet highlighter Community Center by Dani As you guys know, there is a code snippet highlighter that works both in the forums using the [noparse][…library. Due to changes that have been made to the highlighter, it is now required for highlighting functionality that the code… the below snippets are set to use the PHP syntax highlighter. [code=php]echo "test";[/code] [code=php]&… Problem with Perl syntax highlighter Community Center Meta DaniWeb by KevinADC the Perl syntax highlighter is mangling some perl code, for example, this line: [CODE]…, undef, $ftype) = fileparse($file,qr{\..*});[/CODE] using the perl syntax highlighter (which I guess does not work in this forum) the… Re: Problem with Perl syntax highlighter Community Center Meta DaniWeb by KevinADC … removed from the display. This is a problem with the highlighter code, not the regular code tags. Seems to be the… same in the php syntax highlighter: [url][/url] note… Re: Problem with Perl syntax highlighter Community Center Meta DaniWeb by iamthwee Maybe there's a bug with that syntax highlighter you're using. Tell me are you doing all the text formating straight to html or is it going through the reguluar bbcode tags, then via php and then to html? Re: Problem with Perl syntax highlighter Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani … retrieved from the database where it goes through the syntax highlighter on the fly where it's wrapped in various <… Re: Problem with Perl syntax highlighter Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani None of this has anything to do with vBulletin, I'm afraid. It was all coded by me. I am rather suspicious that the problem lies in my code cache and not in the highlighter at all. However, thank you very much for pointing out it happens when the \ character is within quotes. That could help me debug my code which I haven't looked at in 5 months :) Re: Problem with Perl syntax highlighter Community Center Meta DaniWeb by KevinADC … problem lies in my code cache and not in the highlighter at all. However, thank you very much for pointing out… Looking for HTML Highlighter Programming Software Development by Phaelax Does anyone know of a Highlighter class I can use with JTextArea for HTML code? Perl syntax highlighter minor problem Community Center Meta DaniWeb by KevinADC in the code snippets perl syntax highlighter, this regexp: [CODE]$string =~ s/^\s+//;[/CODE] the first 's' … Re: Perl syntax highlighter minor problem Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani Thank you. Will add it to my list of things to look into. However, I did not write the syntax highlighter. I'm using an existing open source class. Syntax Highlighter & Formatter Programming Software Development by nbaztec … give it a shot & come up with a Syntax Highlighter for multiple languages. Also as many posters want to Copy… Code a syntax highlighter in C++ Programming Software Development by Tygawr Hello, I want to learn how to make a syntax highlighter in vc++ 2010. What should I do? Creating an IDE or Syntax highlighter. Programming Software Development by triumphost … to start developing an IDE or at least a Syntax highlighter into my program. Atm it's a simple text editor… Re: Creating an IDE or Syntax highlighter. Programming Software Development by Labdabeta … tricky, but is still a challenge. I have written one highlighter that turns a c++ source file into an HTML output… online code highlighter Programming Web Development by rajeshgoblet …> & CSS classes. I have seen some online code highlighter. i want to make one for my site. And is… Re: online code highlighter Programming Web Development by Dani Try [GeSHi]( How can i add syntax highlighter Digital Media UI / UX Design by Deep Modi … is that How can i add the code as syntax highlighter PFA... ![d71ec5623473d0f488c3f95f9bcc962e](/attachments/large/4/d71ec5623473d0f488c3f95f9bcc962e.jpg "d71ec5623473d0f488c3f95f9bcc962e"… Re: How can i add syntax highlighter Digital Media UI / UX Design by JorgeM I've used syntax highlighter before, see this link. video tutorial on that page. There are a lot of different highlighters out there on the net that you can choose from...some better than others for what you need. Re: Embedable Java Syntax Highlighter Programming Software Development by Dani Do you mean a Javascript-based syntax highlighter that highlights the Java language?? Re: Problems with Lucene Highlighter Programming Software Development by ~s.o.s~ IMO this question would be more appropriate on the Lucene mailing list; much better chance of getting a quick answer. Anyways, have you read up on the Javadocs of the given class/method; there is a possibility that the contract defines the existence of duplicates? Re: Problem with Perl syntax highlighter Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani I will definitely look into this. However, you're the first person who has told me of a code snippet parsing problem, and the code snippet library has been active for quite awhile now. Can you duplicate this in all of the syntax languages? Does it always remove backslashes? Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks! Re: Problem with Perl syntax highlighter Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani Can you please also link me to the snippet in question? Thanks! Re: Problem with Perl syntax highlighter Community Center Meta DaniWeb by KevinADC this line parses a little oddly too in the same perl snippet: use File::Basename; but it's no big deal, the code is correct, just looks funny. Re: Problem with Perl syntax highlighter Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani It looks like I need some more time to investigate this one. I don't understand why the backslash isn't displaying, and meanwhile it displays fine when you have one backlash in [inlinecode]\n[/inlinecode] later on in the snippet. Re: Problem with Perl syntax highlighter Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani I'm really stumped with the backslash problem. I cannot reproduce the error in other code snippets. The display of \ and / characters seem to work fine in other code snippets?? Do you have any idea why it wouldn't work in just this one spot, and yet \n works just fine in the same code snippet? Please note that DaniWeb was written in PHP and the \ … Re: Problem with Perl syntax highlighter Community Center Meta DaniWeb by KevinADC [QUOTE=cscgal]I'm really stumped with the backslash problem. I cannot reproduce the error in other code snippets. The display of \ and / characters seem to work fine in other code snippets?? Do you have any idea why it wouldn't work in just this one spot, and yet \n works just fine in the same code snippet? Please note that DaniWeb was written in … Re: Problem with Perl syntax highlighter Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani I will definitely spend more time on it this week, and hopefully get it fixed. Re: Looking for HTML Highlighter Programming Software Development by paradox814 I'm confused, do you want the text to be: more than one color, the text to be covered in a yellow like color as if highlighted, or just be a different color other than black