Anti-Hotlinking Script for WP on Apache (.htaccess) - Linkspam Prevention Programming Web Development by Chris Hüneke …>Too view our images, please visit our <a href="<>">Website<… Re: Will affiliate links in sidebar kill SEO practices? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani … attribute when linking to the affiliates, as so: <a href="https://www..." rel="nofollow sponsored">… Re: remove first h3 tag and br tags in text Programming Web Development by simhakidsden To remove the first <h3> tag and <br> tags from text, you can use regular expressions in programming languages like Python or JavaScript. Re: Anti-Hotlinking Script for WP on Apache (.htaccess) - Linkspam Prevention Programming Web Development by amastyteam Thank you for such usefull post! Re: Href Basic Issue Programming Web Development by holy-food href is not an issue . its work anywhere. href help Programming Software Development by shine_jose help please, I used <A HREF="default.aspx" target="_blank">display text</A> previously it is working.After i changed the order of web forms now the blank page is displaying but page load event is not taking place simply displaying one blank page Re: href help Programming Software Development by kvprajapati Post web related questions in ASP.NET forum. Hyperlink doesnot support postback. With this link a page_load event of default.aspx will be fired. [] <a href="default.aspx" target="_blank">Click Me</a> [/code] Re: href help Programming Software Development by shine_jose … default.aspx will be fired. [] <a href="default.aspx" target="_blank">Click… Re: href help Programming Software Development by snairsumith [QUOTE=shine_jose;932036]help please, I used <A HREF="default.aspx" target="_blank">display text</A> previously it is working.After i changed the order of web forms now the blank page is displaying but page load event is not taking place simply displaying one blank page[/QUOTE] re Re: href help Programming Software Development by snairsumith [QUOTE=snairsumith;1649465]re[/QUOTE] code: <A HREF="default.aspx">display text</A> re arrange the code Href return false on hover Programming Web Development by Aeonix …here (using websites): There are couple `href` and `a` mentionings but I don't know what …thing we click on) looks something like this `<a href class="vertical-handle" style="position: absolute; …issue. **Could someone tell me which line adds this `href`?** If I would focus one just couple lines, maybe I… href not working with file open Programming Web Development by venkyb47 … I use same url in href browser not redirecting to the href location. <?php echo '<a href="file://///server01\PUBLIC…\">click here</a>'; echo '<a href="file://///server01/PUBLIC/PEG/">click here<… href masterpages and events Programming Web Development by kkemerait …> <!-- CSS Tabs --> <li><a href="page1.aspx">Admin</a><…;/li> <li><a href="page2.aspx">Inventory</a><…> <li id="current"><a href="page3.aspx">Other</a><… Re: href masterpages and events Programming Web Development by sknake …="server" id="liPage1"><a href="page1.aspx">Admin</a><…="server" id="liPage2"><a href="page2.aspx">Inventory</a><…="server" id="liPage3"><a href="page3.aspx">Other</a><… href and response.redirect help Programming Web Development by shine_jose help please, I used href with target _blank option to view the details in another … when response.redirect is calling the same page.From which href is used its openning another web page ie(same web… one more time so there ) i wish to make that href calling page stable and response.redirct to give back control… Re: href not working with file open Programming Web Development by cwarn23 …/peg/ then the code would be as follows. <a href="">click me… it you will need something like the following. <a href="">… Re: href not working with file open Programming Web Development by venkyb47 … not in mozilla and chrome. <?php echo '<a href="file://///server01\PUBLIC\PEG\">click here<…;/a>'; echo '<a href="file://///server01/PUBLIC/PEG/">click here<… Re: href problem in Yahoo mail Digital Media UI / UX Design by depleater The problem is that the value of the href attribute in your link is missing the "http://" …protocol-prefix. So instead of href="" it should be href=""… href problem in Yahoo mail Digital Media UI / UX Design by Davife …. Yahoo mail adds rel="nofollow" and deletes the href link. For examplE: <a style="text-decoration:none…;font-size:16px;color:#0000CC;" href="" target="_blank">… href mailto: link and outlook style Digital Media UI / UX Design by SolidSolutions … simple link that opens a mail message: [CODE]<a href=""[/CODE] If I select…;normal" instead of "paragraph" from a mailto: href link? Re: href in php Programming Web Development by sarithak … get ur question exactly...but try this.. [CODE] <a href="view_supplier_details.php?details_ID=?<?php echo $user['report_details_ID']; ?>… coding: echo "<td width='101'><a href=view_supplier_details.php?details_ID={$user['report_details_ID']}</td></a… Re: href in php Programming Web Development by hemgoyal_1990 You may Use Below Specified Code for Creating a href in PHP from Database: [CODE]<?PHP echo "<td width='101'><a href=view_supplier_details.php?details_ID=".$row['$details_ID'].">Your Text Goes Here</a></td>"; ?>[/CODE] in above Code Please Change $details_ID with Your Field Name. Re: href in php Programming Web Development by network18 … coding: echo "<td width='101'><a href=view_supplier_details.php?details_ID={$user['report_details_ID']}</td></a… - [CODE] echo "<td width='101'><a href=view_supplier_details.php?details_ID={$user['report_details_ID']}</a></td… Re: href for a css syled image Digital Media UI / UX Design by pwinfrey You cannot put an "href" on a div. Put the anchor around the div like so: [CODE] <a href=""> <div></div> </a> [/CODE] Re: href problem in Yahoo mail Digital Media UI / UX Design by Davife The problem is that the link, ie href="", is removed by Yahoo and consequently the link is unavailable to the recipient. Clearly there is something that Yahoo is looking for because it doesn't always remove the link and I need to know how to prevent Yahoo from removing it. Any ideas? Thanks Re: Href Basic Issue Programming Web Development by vibhaJ … browser. and if i give only in my href it won't work. [QUOTE=ardav;1535126]You don't… have to have http:// in the href. The space shouldn't be there. Filenames should not have… Re: Href Basic Issue Programming Web Development by urtrivedi Have you tried quotes around href <a href='".$r1[10]."' target=_blank>View</a> Re: href problem in Yahoo mail Digital Media UI / UX Design by ares.draguna 2 years later, yahoo make an even dumber decission and even if the href has the https protocol it will add the nofollow rel on the <a></a> tags... Any way to bypass this now?? Re: href problem in Yahoo mail Digital Media UI / UX Design by vinithktp any solution for href tel issue in yahoo? HREF Buttons have the blue border..yuk! Digital Media UI / UX Design by buddyb I realize this is standard HTML stuff from the browsers when you HREF a link. Well, I'm using img buttons for the link, and the blue outline, or purplish when clicked looks pretty awful. How may I preclude this showing up when the pages download? Thanks, BuddyB