Re: Dead Internet Theory: Is the Web Dying? Community Center by m_624 "Dead Internet Theory" is an idea that says the internet is becoming less genuine and less alive. Here's a simple explanation: The theory suggests that: Bots and Fake Content: A lot of what we see online is created by bots or automated programs, not real people. This includes social media posts, comments, and even articles. … Re: Dead Internet Theory: Is the Web Dying? Community Center by Reverend Jim Seems like an extension of Sturgeon's Law which states "90% of everything is crap". Re: Dead Internet Theory: Is the Web Dying? Community Center by Nina0X So, what can we do to prevent the web from dying? I guess web3 is the answer! If the technology enables then the internet should not only be used for connecting and sharing some kitties! The whole of humanity's wealth will be held on the Internet.. Re: Dead Internet Theory: Is the Web Dying? Community Center by pcbugfixer I believe it is. With AI involved and the misleading and duplicate information tells me that the WWW is corrupt and becoming useless. And it is the Spammers, Hackers and the like that did it. Time will tell Re: Dead Internet Theory: Is the Web Dying? Community Center by m_624 The Dead Internet Theory suggests that the internet is dying or already dead due to the prevalence of bots and automated content. However, the internet continues to grow and evolve, remaining a vital part of modern life. Re: Dead Internet Theory: Is the Web Dying? Community Center by stuwer12 This theme needs development, but I'm connected with a blockchain group who have what we call web 4.0, totally independent ,totally peer to peer with no outside interference or involvement Don't know if it would bring back relevancy to search, but connections are true blckcerts (or blockcertsai anyone interested ,;et me know and I'll send you a … Re: Dead Internet Theory: Is the Web Dying? Community Center by wwwalker About 40% of hits to my site are bots with some trying to find exploits on my site to hack it and use it to propagate spam. Very few humans are surfing the Web any more. iptables firewall has to be used to block the hackers. Re: Dead Internet Theory: Is the Web Dying? Community Center by Reverend Jim >Very few humans are surfing the Web any more I disagree. Just because the number of bots has grown exponentially relative to the number of meat-based surfers does not mean that very few humans are still surfing. Consider how much spam e-mail is sent every minute. That does not mean e-mail is dying. How Build Html form ? Programming Web Development by Kirubel_2 …;> <span class="text">Image-Upload</span> <input type="file"… cursor:pointer; font-style: arial; font-weight: bold; } .image{ width: 100%; } .image img{ width: 100%; } @keyframes shadow-mercury { 0% {… Dead Internet Theory: Is the Web Dying? Community Center by Johannes C. … from various angles had already gone viral long before AI image generation was sophisticated enough to deceive us gullible h00mans. However… we now stuck in a cycle where **bots create content, upload it to fake profiles, and then other bots engage with… Re: How Build Html form ? Programming Web Development by Dani I'm not exactly understanding your question. I see you have an HTML form here in this HTML code. What is not working about it? You need to specify the action="#" to be a URL that will process the form. image upload script Programming Web Development by captain.don …($_FILES[$fieldname]['tmp_name'][$key].' not an HTTP upload', $uploadForm); } // validation... since this is an image upload script we // should run a check to… make sure the upload is an image foreach($active_keys as $key… Image upload Programming Web Development by Mykybo … to php, and I need to do multiply image upload. Right now I have single image upload which is not working.., so any adive… be appreciated. Here is part of form I use for image upload: [CODE] <i>Vyber obrázek:</i>…($create); //I cant get past this point.. if (!$create) { echo 'Upload image failed! <a href="new.php">Back… Image upload Undefined index error Programming Web Development by sathyagovin Hi, I am using image upload for REGISTRATION page. I am able to upload images and also database works. …index: emp_image in C:\wamp\" when the image upload page is loading itself. This error is for about…;] . "<br>"; if (file_exists("upload/" . $_FILES["emp_image"]["name"])) {… Image Upload issue with extension ,jpg .png etc Programming Web Development by LloydFarrell …',now())"; $result = @mysql_query($qry); $image_ext = explode('.', $image); //split the image name with respect of " . " $image_name = date('… ='$dest'"); //WORKING IMAGE UPLOAD echo "Success"; exit (); } else { die("… image upload-close child ,refresh parent Programming Web Development by mangel.murti …am providing a popup window for image upload.i want after upload image childwindow should close and parent …move_uploaded_file($_FILES["ufile"]["tmp_name"],"upload/".$_FILES["ufile"]["name"]); …lt;input type="submit" value="Upload" name="submit" onClick="win… Image upload form not working Programming Web Development by bwallace Our image upload form always returns the error message, "Invalid file. Please …;?php if ((($_FILES["uploadedfile"]["type"] == "image/gif") || ($_FILES["uploadedfile"]["type"] == &… try again.";} ?> [/CODE] I've tried rearranging the upload form PHP, but if the form works at all it… Image upload script failing Programming Web Development by Mihujoy … } else { $msg.= ' Error: possible file upload attack!'; return false; } } else { if ($…Image not submitted.'; if (updateImg($conn, $newsid, $table_name, '' , $linkImg , $align )) return true; else return false; } else $msg .= ' Image upload Image upload, Thumbnail creation and more Programming Web Development by PomonaGrange …trying to create a php page that will upload a image, create a thumbnai and process a sql …. I am just having problems with the image upload and thumbnail creation part. I will also need… the image and thumnail names to be added to …be at the point of upload. I also should mention that the upload script is going to be… Re: Image upload, Thumbnail creation and more Programming Web Development by PomonaGrange …is a couple of comment areas that specify where the image upload and processing script is. The important part is that…the script is functional. I need the script to upload the image to (../images) folder and create a thumbnail and …images/thumbs) folder. Then it needs to place the image and thumbnail images into the sql database. Thanks for the… image upload problem Programming Web Development by rime I have written the following image upload code: image_upload.html: <html> <head&…lt;/tr> <tr> <td>Upload image:</td> <input type="hidden" … ( [name] => little-baby-monkeys.jpg [type] => image/pjpeg [tmp_name] => C:\PHP\uploadtemp\php1839.tmp [error] =>… Image upload using Ajax Programming Web Development by phpuser Hi,I want to upload image file using Ajax.means i want after browse file it will be put in my folder and i can see path just below browse button.and i want only ajax code for this no php or any other code which refresh file for image upload. anyone can help me............Please :( Image Upload Script Programming Web Development by rajeesh_rsn Hi I need to do a image upload script using PHP. Please let me know how can I do it with directory permission 0755... Please help me...... My code is working if I change the directory permission to 0777 in which images are saved .. Please help me... Thanks Rajeesh Re: image upload script Programming Web Development by rajvinoth …, we will suppose it is an error and will not upload the file, //otherwise we will do more tests if …folder) $newname="images/".$image_name; //we verify if the image has been uploaded, and print error instead $copied = copy($…name="Submit" type="submit" value="Upload image"></td></tr> </table… Re: image upload script Programming Web Development by captain.don hi rajvinoth i want to upload multiple files atlease 10 files. but this script is for only one uploading option PHP - Image upload problems Programming Web Development by blaaam … fields in database, so i try search in google for image upload script have found few scripts, yes with them i can… upload images, but can't figurate how to add the image destination point in my database, …one can share with your script. I need image preview when i upload, remove image, and script what would make thunbails. So if… Re: PHP - Image upload problems Programming Web Development by LastMitch >I need image preview when i upload, remove image, and script what would make thunbails. The code you are …://… Help with image upload Programming Web Development by sastudent …Huge Project...) This is the code for my image upload, but it is not working... I also…, $add)) $content= 'Success'; else $content= "Upload failed"; } else { $content=" <FORM ENCTYPE… $p=new Page('Profile Photo'); $p->setHeading('Upload Profile Picture'); $p->setContent($content); $p->… Setting Up an Image Upload System Programming Web Development by jrotunda85 … out the best way to go about setting up an image upload system for my site. Basically we have, let's say… by the day). I want users to be able to upload images for each store so, in theory, it would be… be using the store's unique ID number in the image name and then numbering images sequentially. For example, if store… Creating a variable from an image upload form Programming Web Development by catfleamassacre I am fairly new to image uploaders (worked in animation for a long time). I have an image upload form that works fine. …The image uploads and redirects to another PHP page (…to another page (galleryinsert.php) where you can add the image details to, such as page to be shown on, …