112 Topics

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Member Avatar for ComputerGirlie

For school I have to write a program that requests a 3 part name and breaks it into a first, middle, and last name. I wrote the code but the alignment of my output is not right. I was wonderng if someone can tell me what I did wrong and …

Member Avatar for ComputerGirlie
Member Avatar for aiioef

hello~ i just join in this discussion ....er i am Chinese,so my English is poor i search this problem in Google,but i can't find some useful information some people said PHP version cause this problem... i use PHP 5.3.3 but i saw PHP 5.2.1 books [CODE]<html> <title> test </title> <body> …

Member Avatar for mohamedasif18
Member Avatar for Cenchrus

Can someone tell me, step by step, how python interprets this code? [CODE] Numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] Numbers[8:3:-1] [/CODE] I know that the "-1" is the counting bit of it, and it goes in the negative direction, but I'm lost on everything else... :(

Member Avatar for Cenchrus
Member Avatar for PrettyBird

Right, first of all I'm new to PHP and I was trying if I could update information in table via a form. So here's the problem: I was unable to UPDATE my existing data in a table through a form using this code: $updateFN = "UPDATE person SET firstName='$_POST[updateFN]' WHERE …

Member Avatar for phorce
Member Avatar for Jaxyn

Beginner here (meaning I probably did something silly): I am trying to target indexed elements that have [A], in them. Entries for 'scarcity' and 'sweet' are both shown. I am running into trouble when index item[2] is empty. I get the following message: [code=text]['scarcity', 'scarce', '[A],', 'ity', '[N|A]', '[N]'] scarcity …

Member Avatar for Jaxyn
Member Avatar for TrueCoding

Hi Ive currently got a problem with my code, its meant to step through the array and search the array. For some reason it only does the 1st line of array, it wont go through the rest of the array. The problem with that line of code is that it …

Member Avatar for mazzica1
Member Avatar for aaloo

i am getting this error Notice: Undefined index: firstName in C:\xampp\htdocs\flasblog\test.php on line 3 Notice: Undefined index: lastName in C:\xampp\htdocs\flasblog\test.php on line 3 here is my php code [code] <?php include_once"scripts/connect.php"; ?> <?php $text=$_POST['firstName']." ".$_POST['lastName']; $to="anubhavjhalani09@gmail.com"; $subject="Message from php"; //data insert into database $sql="INSERT INTO entries (contents) VALUES ('$text')"; echo …

Member Avatar for Biiim
Member Avatar for s00pahFr0g

Hello everyone, I did have a look around with search option to see if I could get an answer their, but I couldn't quite find my issue(at least I don't think I did). This is for a final project for school where I have to create a class for a …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Brachamul

Hello world ! First of all, i'd like to say that this is my first page in PHP, so i may have made the most basic of mistakes :) I wrote most of this from a tutorial i found somewhere on the web. I get the following errors : Notice: …

Member Avatar for Brachamul
Member Avatar for J-Dub

I am trying to build an animation. It just has two pictures or scenes. I want it to start at one picture and end at another. When I run my project all I see is a blank screen. I have checked and made sure that my Image paths are correct. …

Member Avatar for J-Dub
Member Avatar for murkycrimson

I'm having trouble debugging one of my methods. The class Student inherits a class called Person and the methods are called in the main program, TestStudent. I'm trying to create a method that lets the user sort an array of grade averages in ascending order but whenever I try, I …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for bestofb

Hi, I have searched alot but can only find info on moving entire rows bound between 2 datagrids, but noting on moving single cells. I have some code below that works ok from DGV to textboxes but not from DGV1 to DGV2. [CODE] Dim i As Integer i = DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Index …

Member Avatar for bestofb
Member Avatar for CodeAerial

I am making a program the enqueues a number at index 0. I also made a function for it, as written below: [CODE] //main #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "functions.h" main(){ int *queue = NULL; int size, choice, aNumber, numberOfQueues; do{ printf("Enter Array size: "); size = input(); allocateMemory(&queue, size); …

Member Avatar for nezachem
Member Avatar for kipslem

Hello, Please could someone help me on this. I have a button on which when clicked will display the crystal report. This report displays as required but when I want to view the report the second time, there's this error message: "Index 0 is out of range, Parameter name:index". FYI …

Member Avatar for kipslem
Member Avatar for leetari

hi all, I have this minor problem which is making me go cranky at the mo.. Can't think straight, need some insights to what I can do... Below is the code which I am working on which takes the test sample values stored in my test 2D array subtracts the …

Member Avatar for leetari
Member Avatar for WolfShield

So, I am working with some code I don't understand. Here is the file: [CODE=Python] import sys import os def change_ext(directory, old_ext, new_ext): for f in os.listdir(sys.argv[1]): base, ext = os.path.splitext(f) if ext[1:] == sys.argv[2]: os.rename(f, "%s.%s" % (base, sys.argv[3])) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 4: print "usage: …

Member Avatar for WolfShield
Member Avatar for galhajaj

Hello :) for a chess program, i made a 8x8 array of square:PictureBox objects and i set variables inside them for the row & col there is a way to dont use those row & col variables and just "take" the index of the square from the 8x8 array when …

Member Avatar for galhajaj
Member Avatar for Mestika

Hi everyone, I'm working on a small project and have run into some problems. Briefly described, what I'm attempting to do is: I've a rather large text file with a different sentence and I need to find all the words in each sentence and add them to some sort of …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for forhacksf

I need a little help please,here is my question: How can I get the current index in a jComboBox? I searched it on google and i cant seem to find any answer. I need to get the index of the item that I select from a Combobox. Please help

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for spe_eddy

[CODE]testingdays = testingData.getMeasurements() for day in testingdays: dayValues = [] dayValues[0].append(day.tempMean) dayValues[1].append(day.tempMax) dayValues[2].append(day.tempMin) dayValues[3].append(day.dewPoint) dayValues[4].append(day.humidMean) dayValues[5].append(day.humidMax) dayValues[6].append(day.humidMin) dayValues[7].append(day.pressure) dayValues[8].append(day.meanWindSpeed) dayValues[9].append(day.maxWindSpeed) dayValues[10].append(day.maxGustSpeed) dayValues[11].append(day.visibility) [/CODE] this is my code and when i try to run it i get the error message: "Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 166, in <module> …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for Sean87

Hi all, I can't figure out how to select a child node when I already know its parent [Index] and the child's [Index] itself. Imagine a treeview like this: + Parent[0] |--- Child [0] |--- Child [1] + Parent[1] |--- Child [0] |--- Child [1] |--- Child [2] So how …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for sowheredoigo
Member Avatar for annndrey

Hi all! I have a question about PyQT4. How can I get an index of current cell, in which the cursor is whitout clicking on it? According to official documentation of QT there are only signals that send current index when you click on it. But if you just enter …

Member Avatar for annndrey
Member Avatar for Amitair

I want to open a text file at a specific index point. is there an easy was to do it other then building it in a textbox? in notepad and notepad++ they go by line in text and not text index point.

Member Avatar for Amitair
Member Avatar for tripwirekse

Hello, I'm very new to PHP and am trying to code a basic content management system. Every time I try and test my login I get a blank page and the same notice pops up: Notice: Undefined index: action in test\newsite\transact-user.php on line 10 I've searched high and low for …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for mbehnaam

[B]Hi, I am beginner in Python and I'm looking for a method to write to a file by using Index. This is my program:[/B] ************************************************************** infile = open("land1.txt","r") outfile = open('out.txt', 'w') text = infile.read() infile.close() search = "<CgPoint" found=text.find(search) while found > -1: print search, "found at location", found …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for TheShyGuy

Hello, I would like to know if you can change the index of a tree view node before and or after its created. If so how. Basically manually assigning each node its offsets through code. Thanks, TheShyGuy

Member Avatar for BboyRodimus

So I'm suppose to create some code that will perform some methods in recursion. Here's the prompt: [I]Assignment #9 will be the construction of a program that reads in a sequence of numbers (not necessary integers) from standard input until 0 is read, and store them in an array (including …

Member Avatar for kramerd
Member Avatar for powerteens001

I have a registration sort of page in my application. It has lots of textboxes,dropdowns and many other controls on it. Out of them some are mandatory and others are not. Form will be submitted only if mandatory fields are filled. Mandatory fields are differentiated from others by using specific …

Member Avatar for powerteens001
Member Avatar for anyname4u

Hi, I have this error: Notice: Undefined index: menu_name in C:\wamp\www\widget_corp\create_subject.php on line 16 this is the code: [CODE]<?php require_once("includes/connection.php")?> <?php require_once("includes/functions.php")?> <?php //for validation $required_fields = array('menu_name', 'position', 'visible'); $errors = array(); foreach($required_fields as $fieldname){ if (!isset($_POST[$fieldname]) || empty($_POST[$fieldname])){ $errors[] = $fieldname; } $fields_with_lengths = array('menu_name' => 30); foreach($fields_with_lengths …

Member Avatar for anyname4u

The End.