Itertools Combinations Programming Software Development by flebber …-for-the-python-beginner/ In there was this example from itertools import combinations teams = ["Packers", "49ers", "… bigger list and a bigger tuple. >>> from itertools import combinations >>> numbers = [1,2,3,4… Re: Itertools Combinations Programming Software Development by vegaseat …) or use the list(combinations()) approach (shown by Griboullis) ... from itertools import combinations numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7… Array of Arrays for itertools.product? Programming Software Development by mattloto Thanks to another post of mine, I found out about itertools.product(). What I was wondering how to do is to … this: [CODE]array=[['a','b'],['b','c'],['c','a']] z=itertools.product(x for x in array)[/CODE] but that didnt… Re: Array of Arrays for itertools.product? Programming Software Development by Gribouillis You can use [icode]itertools.product(*array)[/icode], also if your want your result in a list, you write [icode]list(itertools.product(*array))[/icode]. python hashlib with itertools ... what is happening with strings? Programming Software Development by memomk … we have this code import hashlib,itertools,string m=hashlib.md5() s=string.printable it=itertools.product(s,repeat=1) for i… Sugar above the itertools module. Programming Software Development by Gribouillis This python 2.7 snippet adds a thin layer of sugar on the itertools module's api, allowing many of its functions to be used as decorators and adding some new functions. Enjoy ! Re: Itertools Combinations Programming Software Development by Gribouillis Use `len(list(combinations(numbers, 6)))` Re: Itertools Combinations Programming Software Development by flebber Ok, hmmm so you can't get the information from 'game' directly have to call Len on the combinations function. Re: Itertools Combinations Programming Software Development by flebber So its all because combinations doesn't group its tuples into a main tuple. Otherwise it would work. >>> myTup = ((1,2),(2,3),(3,4)) >>> len(myTup) 3 Re: Itertools Combinations Programming Software Development by Lucaci Andrew > Ok, hmmm so you can't get the information from 'game' directly have to call Len on the combinations function. You don't call len on the combination function, you call len on the list function, which returns a list with all the combinations. To make it more clear `len(list(combinations(numbers, 6)))` is like this: >>> numbers = … Re: Itertools Combinations Programming Software Development by bumsfeld You need to check the effects of sample size. Re: Array of Arrays for itertools.product? Programming Software Development by vegaseat Using your example list [B]array=[['a','b'],['b','c'],['c','a']][/B] what do you expect the result to look like? Re: python hashlib with itertools ... what is happening with strings? Programming Software Development by TrustyTony You have only a in second case, but all letters before it also in first case. >hash.update(arg) > Update the hash object with the string arg. Repeated calls are equivalent to a single call with the concatenation of all the arguments: m.update(a); m.update(b) is equivalent to m.update(a+b). import hashlib, string for i in string.… Re: python hashlib with itertools ... what is happening with strings? Programming Software Development by memomk hmm i thought update() function will delete the value and set a new one .. thanx .. sloved.. Re: Sugar above the itertools module. Programming Software Development by rubik-pypol Very interesting! Thanks for sharing! Is it on PyPI? Re: Sugar above the itertools module. Programming Software Development by Gribouillis > Is it on PyPI? No, it is exclusively on daniweb. If there are comments and improvements, it may go to pypi someday ... :) Re: Generating All possible Combination Programming Software Development by snippsat … pprint letters = ['A', 'B', 'C'] pprint.pprint(list(itertools.product(letters, repeat=3))) """Output--> [('A', '… Pyqt my program GUI freeze when starting a process Programming Software Development by memomk …self): import anydbm import string import hashlib from itertools import product from multiprocessing import Process t1=Process…t2.join() def g1(self): import hashlib from itertools import product import anydbm import string str=string.… Program has stopped working with advent of a PyQt GUI. Seeking advice. Programming Software Development by Stev0 …1 import urllib import urllib.request import sys import itertools import time from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui from robo_ui…(max)+1)) else: ip_parts.append([int(part)]) ip_addresses = itertools.product(*ip_parts) for ip_addy in ip_addresses: self.ui.textBrowser.append… Re: Quest for most stupid Sudoku solver Programming Software Development by TrustyTony …;" from __future__ import print_function import time import itertools import pretty numbers = set('123456789') FAIL_LIMIT = 2500… to be python3 compatible (see the manual for itertools version) def grouper(n, iterable): return zip(*((…)==1 else '.' for value in s] return itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x, (''.join(sorted(remaining_neighbours… Re: Pyqt my program GUI freeze when starting a process Programming Software Development by memomk … # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import anydbm import string import hashlib from itertools import product from multiprocessing import Process from PyQt4 import QtCore… Re: Pyqt my program GUI freeze when starting a process Programming Software Development by memomk … # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import dbm import string import hashlib from itertools import product from multiprocessing import Process from threading import Thread… Iterating over large number of files Programming Software Development by Xydric …/bin/python #Import needed modules. import re import os import itertools vars = {} #Regex compile - list of file extensions and regexes r… = ( os.path.join(dir,file) for (dir, subdirs, files) in itertools.chain(*generators) for file in files if… How do you repeat a function from a definition? Programming Software Development by dustbunny000 [ICODE]import random import itertools def test(number): return random.random()*number [/ICODE] Say I … deviation. How can I do this? I've tried using itertools.repeat(test(5),3) but it prints repeat(value,3… Permutations in Python3 Programming Software Development by king_koder I tried to generate permutations by using itertools module but its not working. [CODE=python] >>>print(permutations([1,2,3],3)) <itertools.permutations object at 0xa917c5c> [/CODE] Why is it so? and how do I make it work properly? Re: Quest for most stupid Sudoku solver Programming Software Development by TrustyTony …. [CODE]from __future__ import print_function import time import itertools import sys import pretty numbers=set('123456789') FAIL_LIMIT =…27)) and all(correct(gr) for gr in itertools.chain(grouper(9, s), (s[start::9]…value)==1 else '.' for value in s] return itertools.takewhile(lambda x: x, (''.join(sorted(remaining_neighbours(s… Vertical Histogram with Built-In Modules Only Programming Software Development by joeywheels … lost on how to create a vertical histogram. [CODE]import itertools def histogram(s): print("Histogram:") print("%s…(word) word_list.append(word_count) word_list.sort() for key, iter in itertools.groupby(word_list): word_seq.append((key, len(list(iter)))) histogram(word_seq… Re: Vertical Histogram with Built-In Modules Only Programming Software Development by joeywheels … posting the length and count before the histogram. [CODE]import itertools def histogram(s): tuple_dict = {} for i in sorted(s.values…(word) word_list.append(word_count) word_list.sort() for key, iter in itertools.groupby(word_list): word_seq.append((key, len(list(iter)))) print("… Re: Vertical Histogram with Built-In Modules Only Programming Software Development by joeywheels … am calling a file in the actual version. [CODE]import itertools def histo(dict_words): x_max = max(dict_words.keys()) y_max = max(dict_words…(word) word_list.append(word_count) word_list.sort() for key, iter in itertools.groupby(word_list): word_seq.append((key, len(list(iter)))) print("… Re: Vertical Histogram with Built-In Modules Only Programming Software Development by woooee … you want it, and then print the string. [CODE]import itertools def histo(dict_words): ## length of words from 10 letters to…(word) word_list.append(word_count) word_list.sort() for key, iter in itertools.groupby(word_list): word_seq.append((key, len(list(iter)))) print("…