Icahn and Yang Set to Square Off Over Yahoo's Future Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Brian.oco … the board – many of whom remain loyal to Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang, who’s reputation has taken a hit during the Yahoo… the current board to oust Yahoo co-founder and CEO Jerry Yang, Google's gains in search at Yahoo's expense, and… intent to restructure it to okay the Microsoft deal. "Jerry Yang and the current board of Yahoo! will not be able… Ballmer politely tells Yang to get stuffed Community Center by newsguy … that Ballmer sent to Yahoo! CEO Jerry Yang on the subject: [QUOTE]May 3, 2008 Mr. Jerry Yang CEO and Chief Yahoo Yahoo! Inc…. 701 First Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Dear Jerry: After over three months… Gates and Yang - Bet they use GOOGLE too ! ! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by ! ! when Bill Gates or Jerry Yang and their workers are alone and are doing some [color=navy]SERIOUS[/color] searching - for all their bragging and hoopala - [b]BET THEY USE GOOGLE TOO !:lol: [/b] [i][b]WHA'DOYOUTHINK[/b][/i] Yahoo's $20 Billion Man Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Brian.oco …$20 billion in value under the reign of Jerry Yang. Sure, it's not all Yang's fault. The economy cratered at a… has a nice take on the future of Yahoo post-Jerry Yang. Specifically columnist Om Malik offers the following "do's…stock’s current valuation." Raise a toast, then, to Jerry Yang; Yahoo's $20 billion man. All of a sudden, for… Re: Gates and Yang - Bet they use GOOGLE too ! ! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by freesoft_2000 Hi everyone, Bill would call Yang and Yang would search on google and get back to him. Richard West Re: Gates and Yang - Bet they use GOOGLE too ! ! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Rashakil Fol Gates would have some assistant do the search for him, and Yang would already know the answer. Microsoft's Post Yahoo "Wish List" Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Brian.oco … be moving the other way around. Yahoo’s chief Jerry Yang says the $37-per-share demand wasn’t etched … behind it and leave its shareholder-value phobic CEO Jerry Yang to explain why he doesn’t want Yahoo investors …percent of the $45 billion Ballmer offered Yang for Yahoo. Food for thought while Jerry Yang ponders the future of his company -… Microsoft Finally Lands Yahoo Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Brian.oco … search business. The Telegraph says that the removal of CEO Jerry Yang and the negotiations to buy Yahoo’s search operation were… billion deal that Yahoo, led by a reluctant Jerry Yang, turned down. Now, with Yang out of the way, the coast is clear… Three Questions On the Economy - Cell Phone Apps Ring Up Big VC Money Hardware and Software Hardware by Brian.oco … could have a big impact on investors. 2. Yahoo's Jerry Yang Safe at Home - The much anticipated Yahoo shareholders meeting last…-show, the Microsoft deal is officially off, and embattled CEO Jerry Yang and the Yahoo board were both given votes of confidence… Investors to Yahoo: Nice Game Face, But Cut a Deal With Microsoft Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Brian.oco … ante up on the hostility meter. Yahoo chief executive Jerry Yang said in a Monday letter that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer…the company for anything less than its full value," Yang wrote Ballmer. Analysts don't think that Microsoft will …go much higher. According to the AP, the Yang letter "didn't specify how much Yahoo believes it… Microsoft to Yahoo: Drop Dead (Plus More on Chip Sector) Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Brian.oco I'd hate to be Jerry Yang's therapist today. The Yahoo CEO turned down a $33 … Thursday trading. Yahoo shares have been none too pleased with Yang's decision to fend off Microsoft, and I'm sure… days, especially the cantankerous Carl Icahn - a vocal critic of Yang's management style. Says the AP: "The development, announced… Microsoft - Yahoo Deal Collapses Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Brian.oco … Yahoo in the first place? Or what about Yahoo chief Jerry Yang - the guy who dug his heels in at $37 per… Yahoo. The courtroom is the second to last place that Yang wants Yahoo to be. But it beats Redmond, Washington, evidently… Icahn, Yahoo Board Butt Heads Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Brian.oco …'s coming from firebrand investor Carl Icahn or Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang and his siege-weary board of directors. Over the weekend… nine directors to replace the Yahoo board and chief executive Yang after the board gave the thumbs-down to the latest… Microsoft Turns Up the Heat on Yahoo Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Brian.oco … an e-mail to employees last Friday, Yahoo Chief Executive Jerry Yang wrote that the severance plans "shouldn't be construed… Yahoo Paints Rosy Picture to Shareholders Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Brian.oco … growth" in 2009 and 2010, according to Chief Executive Jerry Yang, who used his CEO bully pulpit to highlighted the company… Yahoo! Improvements to the Developer Network Programming Web Development by EddieC …-day plan kicked off by Yahoo CEO and co-founder Jerry Yang last in September, prior to Microsoft’s bid. In a… Raider of the Lost Art: Icahn Moving on Yahoo Board? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Brian.oco … like Icahn has set his scope on Yahoo. After CEO Jerry Yang turned his back on an offer from Microsoft to buy… Steve Ballmer Needs to Grow A Spine Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by EddieC …'s CEO, calling for a new board that would “replace Jerry Yang with a new CEO with operating experience.” Never a dull… Tech Stocks Weather the Storm, Yahoo Board, Shareholders Square Off Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Brian.oco … it anticlimactic, but the deal struck between Carl Icahn and Jerry Yang to place three Icahn cronies on the Yahoo board in… McCain vs. Obama: The Economy Awaits: Part I Community Center by Brian.oco … technology big-wigs. And, yes, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Jerry Yang, among other tech glitterati, have contributed to his campaign. But… Bailout Commences; Employees Rate Their Bosses Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Brian.oco … a 45% approval rating from his own workers. Yahoo's Jerry Yang does worse, clocking in at 39%. Under the site's… SAP Sees Business as Usual; Oracle - Yay or Nay? Programming Databases by Brian.oco … sector has gotten in weeks (okay, feel free to throw Jerry Yang's resignation into the mix). Investors will get a better… Stock Sell Off For Monday; Big Tech Stocks Poised to Bounce? Hardware and Software Hardware by Brian.oco … players originally mentioned as a possible replacement for Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang has told a Wall Street Journal blog that a proposed… Autodesk chairman becomes new Yahoo! CEO Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by newsguy …, the 60 year old former Autodesk chairman. She will replace Jerry Yang, the Yahoo! co-founder who was pretty much [URL="… Nortel Bankrupt, Oracle Cuts Staff, New Yahoo CEO Speaks Out Programming Databases by Brian.oco … dry. Elsewhere, Yahoo has a new replacement for the departed Jerry Yang and, from early reviews, she’s a real straight shooter… that set the table for Yahoo’s stock slide, and Yang’s departure. "I feel that Yahoo has unfortunately been… Intel Earnings, More Yahoo Layoffs Imminent Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Brian.oco … the cuts would be the first since Carol Bartz replaced Jerry Yang as CEO. The Times story pegs the layoffs as in… Go Figure: Zuckerberg most hated man in IT history, Bill Gates most loved... Hardware and Software by happygeek … Fanning (founder of Napster), Sir Alan Sugar (founder of Amstrad), Jerry Yang (founder of Yahoo), Pierre Omidyar (founder of eBay) and totally… Re: Gates and Yang - Bet they use GOOGLE too ! ! Community Center Geeks' Lounge by jwenting Which goes to show that Gates is a lot more pragmatic than many people give him credit for :mrgreen: :cheesy: :lol: Re: Yahoo has ‘Monkey Boy’ Going Bananas Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by WolfPack … to do with Google. So something must be done by Yang to convince the shareholders that he has something up his…. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt, and to some extent Jerry Yang do, but not Ballmer. But in a business point of… Re: Microsoft Finally Lands Yahoo Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by scru Apparently Microsoft can afford to shell out $20 billion for Yahoo Search. They must be doing rather well :icon_confused: .