Re: jTextField Programming Software Development by aan@ucsc …jLabel2 = new javax.swing.JLabel(); number = new javax.swing.JTextField(); jLabel3 = new javax.swing.JLabel(); jLabel4 = new javax.swing…new javax.swing.JLabel(); base1 = new javax.swing.JTextField(); base2 = new javax.swing.JTextField(); jButton1 = new javax.swing.JButton(); result = … JTextField Programming Software Development by Progr4mmer i need to access the current text of a JTextField from another method but i get an error here is … code [CODE]public Calc(){ JTextField textBox1, textBox2; setLayout(new FlowLayout()); textBox1 = new JTextField(" Time "); textBox2 = new JTextField(" Exp "); JLabel… Re: JTextField Programming Software Development by Akill10 … are local to that method. [CODE]public class Class1{ private JTextField textBox1, textBox2; public Class1() { initComponents(); } private void initComponents() {… textBox1 = new JTextField(" Time "); textBox2 = new JTextField(" Exp "); textBox1.setSize(100, 10); … Re: JTextField Programming Software Development by Progr4mmer … are local to that method. [CODE]public class Class1{ private JTextField textBox1, textBox2; public Class1() { initComponents(); } private void initComponents()… { textBox1 = new JTextField(" Time "); textBox2 = new JTextField(" Exp "); textBox1.setSize(100, 10);… Re: JTextField Programming Software Development by mKorbel no again, check my post from link and change your JTextField to JFormattedtextField, is about number format how long I don'… Re: JTextField Programming Software Development by Akill10 …]no again, check my post from link and change your JTextField to JFormattedtextField, is about number format how long I don… Re: JTextField Programming Software Development by sooim3 …&#41; &#123; // Code for what happens to the JTextField when a certain key is be pressed... &#125; public…&#41; &#123; // Code for what happens to the JTextField when a button is clicked on... &#125; &#125… JTextField Programming Software Development by red_evolve Hi..I've been searching all around to find out whether I could submit an entry in a JTextField by clicking a separate button created (say, a "submit" button). It seems that, the value entered in the text field will only be appended if I press the Enter key. Can someone please help? Thx! jTextField Programming Software Development by aan@ucsc Can anyone help me to do this if a jTextField has text like this 1A2B89C0 array[0]=1; array[1]=… Re: jTextField Programming Software Development by aan@ucsc [QUOTE=masijade;490176]What's wrong with the Integer class and its varying parseInt() methods?[/QUOTE] Return value from parseInt() can't store in a integer type variable because it may include letters such as A,B. Is threre is a method to read a character by chracter of a jTextField text. JTextField value for 5 significant figures? Programming Software Development by long89 …awt.event.*; public class Panel extends JPanel implements ActionListener{ private JTextField weight,height, answer; private JButton calc, clear, exit;…add(new JLabel("BMI")); topPanel.add(answer =new JTextField(5)); JPanel bottomPanel = new JPanel(); bottomPanel.add(calc =… JTextField in JComponent Programming Software Development by llemes4011 …public static final int PADDLE_UP = 7; //============================================= // JTextField that contains/displays key that // moves the piece this… = type; this.setSize(207, 64); input = new JTextField(); add(input); } public void paint(Graphics g) { … JTextField skipping a line Programming Software Development by DrEinstein … an idea of how to skip a line in a JTextField? In System.out.println, I would normally type n but… panelOne = new JPanel(); JPanel panelTwo = new JPanel(); JTextField text1,text2; text1= new JTextField(); text2= new JTextField(); int[] coloumn={100,90,80,70,60… jtextfield query Programming Software Development by Acidburn … JText field set up and i append strings to the JTextField but im wondering how to invidually set the color of… the color and string and then paint that onto a JTextField. However this doesnt appear to work. Nothing gets display if… this way. Is there a work around? I know the JTextField has its own setForegroundColor(); but this sets it for the… JTextField and value Programming Software Development by ceyesuma Is there a difference when filling JTextField.setText(); [code] nameTemp=t.getNodeName(); JTextField.setText(nameTemp); [/code] and [code] nameTemp="The text"; JTextField.setText(nameTemp); [/code] The node name will not fill the text field. JTextField with array Programming Software Development by muloki … + "\r\n"; // set array "i" JTextField jft[] = new JTextField[i]; // place String into array "i" jft…[i]=new JTextField(text); // put array onto sell frame sell.add(jft[i… Re: JTextField Array Issues Programming Software Development by Red_Rain …extends JFrame { public static final int MAX_NUM = 10; JTextField [] nums = new JTextField[MAX_NUM]; JButton btnGenNum = new JButton("New Numbers&…= 5; c < 10; c++) { nums[c] = new JTextField(10); botGrid.add(nums[c]); } JPanel container = new JPanel(); container… Re: JTextField Array Issues Programming Software Development by Red_Rain …extends JFrame { public static final int MAX_NUM = 10; JTextField [] nums = new JTextField[MAX_NUM]; JButton btnGenNum = new JButton("New Numbers&…= 5; c < 10; c++) { nums[c] = new JTextField(10); botGrid.add(nums[c]); } JPanel container = new JPanel(); container… Re: JTextField skipping a line Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill Check the API documentation for JTextField, you know, the one that starts "JTextField is a lightweight component that allows the editing of a single line of text." Try JTextArea, "A JTextArea is a multi-line area that displays plain text" Re: JTextField in JComponent Programming Software Development by BestJewSinceJC It sounds like what you want is just a JLabel followed by a JTextField. [url][/url] Re: JTextField with array Programming Software Development by vealparry Your code is messed up Use the below Code inside your For Loop [CODE]JTextField jt = new JTextField(); jt.setSize(new Dimension(30,20)); jt.setText(text); int val =(i+1)*10; jt.setLocation(val, val); sell.add(jt);[/CODE] Re: JTextField Array Issues Programming Software Development by mKorbel … to use - JTable instead of plain JTextField - JFormattedTextField with number formatter, instead of…number valur from plain JTextField ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ you can to use JTextField with DocumentFilter (filtering … Re: jtextfield query Programming Software Development by Ezzaral Yes, JTextField only supports single-styled text. For styled text you need to use JEditorPane or JTextPane [url][/url] or HTML markup within a JLabel. Re: jtextfield query Programming Software Development by Ezzaral I'm not quite following you. You mentioned placing them in a JTextField, but here you mention placing them on a canvas. Which is the case? One involves styled-text within an editing component, whereas painting them on a canvas evokes an expectation of custom 2D graphics rendering. Also, the comment about JLabels not being safe is a bit unclear. Re: jtextfield query Programming Software Development by Acidburn At the minute I've got a JTextField which I write Strings to (my system produces String messages … Re: jtextfield query Programming Software Development by Ezzaral … was that you could use a JLabel in place of JTextField or JTextPane in your container and use HTML markup to… Re: jtextfield query Programming Software Development by Ezzaral … a JTextPane. It's a bit different than working with JTextField because the text pane utilizes a styled document. Since there… JTextField Constraints Programming Software Development by NycNessyness … question. How can I go about setting constraitnts for a JTextField. I'm trying to not allow users to enter any… signs, commas and periods. Also how can I restrict a JTextField to only allowing two numbers to be entered. Like from… Re: JTextField Constraints Programming Software Development by NycNessyness I tried some of the codes out and still couldn't find a solution. I'll give an example of what I'm trying to do. If I have a field named "JTextField num= new JTextField(10);", how can I make this particular field only accept number formats. It won't allow the user to input any letters at all before they even select enter. Re: jTextField string of Hex characters to binary Programming Software Development by thorneko …'s back to a string and output it to a JTextField. I want the output to be exactly what is in…[2]=1 binarray[3]=0 So, 0110 goes into the jTextField as 0110 So it's a 2 part question... Convert… output exactly as it is in the array to a JTextField. I appreciate all help so far, but no one gives…