Re: keycode for ` Programming Software Development by N1GHTS I have never had this problem. Whenever I need a keycode for anything, I make a tiny utility (or hack the existing program) so that it spits out the keycode in a message box when I press the key or use charmap.exe. Are you looking for a macro or something? keycode for ` Programming Software Development by tomtetlaw What is the windows api virtual keycode for the ` key(the one next to the 1 key), i can't seem to find it anywhere on google or msdn. keycode of "Esc" in curses.h! Programming Software Development by hsp700 What is the keycode of "Escape" while using curses.h???? is it … keycode showing wrong ascii value Programming Web Development by manish250 … the explaining code [CODE] function checkname(e) { var cc=e.keyCode; if(cc >=65 && cc <=90 || cc… KeyCode Learn a new Key??? Programming Software Development by caswimmer2011 Hey, I am now programming in a MacBook Pro and for the KeyCodes in the Robot Class, there is no set key for Command. Can I set a KeyCode to do the actions of the Command key? Thanks Re: KeyCode Learn a new Key??? Programming Software Development by caswimmer2011 I actually found one online and modified it. Turns out to be keycode 157. Thanks for helping! Re: keycode for ` Programming Software Development by tomtetlaw Yeah, the other keys are in macros like VK_SHIFT.. Re: keycode for ` Programming Software Development by N1GHTS I make my own macro's. Not sure why you would need to use theirs.... But regardless, if its the official macro your after, here's an official link straight to the source of your question. [url][/url] Re: keycode for ` Programming Software Development by tomtetlaw The key I'm looking for isn't there, but I used your idea. I setup a breakpoint and looked at what key code was being sent to my program when i pressed ` and it was 192, so I made my own macro to represent it. And btw, I use their macros because I can't be bothered writing my own xD Re: keycode for ` Programming Software Development by N1GHTS I make my own because I can't be bothered decrypting their horribly worded macro's and soiling up my code with someone else's words in there, especially if all it is is just a simple number representing a character. So to me its all about readability since I am not limited to their naming convention by making my own macro, and since its still a … char to keycode Programming Software Development by caswimmer2011 Hey, Is there a way to get the keycode from a char? I tried using KeyEvent.getKeyCode() but the KeyEvent class didn't have a constructor so it was freaking out. I've been searching for 2+ hours already and nothing. My goal is to have a char, convert it to keycode, and then use the keycode in the robot class's KeyPress([keycode]) method. change f5 keyCode to <input type='file'> Programming Web Development by smilyswapna10 … document.onkeydown = function(){ if(window.event && window.event.keyCode == 116) { window.event.returnValue = false; window.event.cancelBubble = …true; window.event.keyCode = 505; } if(window.event && window.event.keyCode == 505) { alert('F5 key … Problem with getting the keycode in winform Programming Software Development by imobby …(KeyEventArgs keyEvent) { // Gets the key code lblKeyCode.Text = "KeyCode: " + keyEvent.KeyCode.ToString(); } Other way i tried was to check if… Cannot find keycodev2.dll or invalid keycode Programming Software Development by khwo … are look like this 'Cannot find keycodev2.dll or invalid keycode.' Can anyone teach me step by step to slove this… IE6 fires unexpectedly 'onclick' when pressing ENTER (keyCode 13) Programming Web Development by Prima … input field observes 'onkeydown' event and handler for this detects keyCode for ENTER. After that it replaces itself with SPAN tag… Re: IE6 fires unexpectedly 'onclick' when pressing ENTER (keyCode 13) Programming Web Development by Prima Some adjustments: 1. Detecting event.keyCode == 13 -> event.returnValue = false doesn't help some times (when I have lots of working event handlers same time), it still fires button. 2. Where IE stores reference to this button ? Maybe it's possible set NULL to this reference or what if I want fire another button instead first one ? Unknown KeyCode :0x0 Programming Software Development by topest1 … hover it shows me like this "Move Tool Unknown KeyCode: 0x0" (1.png) And if when i dont set… How can I supress keycode? Programming Software Development by cjmartin … this from displaying? Is there a way to supress the keycode or some other method? I have used the e.consume… Installing Window 7 using there keycode Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by erniestl Hello, I was wondering if you can install window 7 oem software on another computer that has the same OS but not the software ,we have the keycode for the other pc that needs the os? Thanks Ernie Re: Installing Window 7 using there keycode Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by erniestl nevermind found out you can as long as that keycode is the same type of OS Re: keycode of "Esc" in curses.h! Programming Software Development by hsp700 hahaha!! I found out where was my mistake!! when I returned to delete my post, I could not find any option to delete or edit it, so replying to my own question, The code given below does exactly what I wanted it to do: [CODE]#include<stdio.h> #include<curses.h> int main() { int c,x=0,y=0; initscr(); keypad(stdscr,… Re: keycode of "Esc" in curses.h! Programming Software Development by IsharaComix When pressing Escape, it sends the escape character to the program. Unfortunately, curses ignores that when you enable KEYPAD. See, when you press the various function keys, arrow keys, etc, each of those codes start with the escape character. So when curses sees an escape character, it assumes you pressed something that's not escape, and … Re: KeyCode Learn a new Key??? Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill The list of VK_... key codes can be found in the JavaDoc for KeyEvent. eg the control key is VK_CONTROL. I don't know about how the Mac Command key is coded, maybe its its the same as VK_WINDOWS? (easy to try!), but you could write a very small program with a KeyListener and print out the key code that is passed into your keyPressed method, Re: KeyCode Learn a new Key??? Programming Software Development by caswimmer2011 Good idea with the VK_WINDOWS key, but it did not work :( I was trying to avoid that, but I think it is the only way. Would you have any idea how to get started? Re: KeyCode Learn a new Key??? Programming Software Development by hiddepolen Write a small program, implementing keyListener. On the key pressed method, you print out te character. Re: char to keycode Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill This link [url][/url] includes a brute force switch to do the conversions. Not pretty, but probably your quickest & easiest option. Re: char to keycode Programming Software Development by caswimmer2011 Oh, wow, ya, not the prettiest code out there but i'll try it. Thanks! Re: change f5 keyCode to <input type='file'> Programming Web Development by Fungus1487 you need to post this in the [URL=""]javascript forum[/URL] Re: Problem with getting the keycode in winform Programming Software Development by mvxg Hi, Set Form's `KeyPreview` property to True. Otherwise your handler won't be called. Then you can use KeyPress or KeyDown event. Re: IE6 fires unexpectedly 'onclick' when pressing ENTER (keyCode 13) Programming Web Development by ~s.o.s~ This sure is a weird problem; without looking at the code, it would be kind of difficult to arrive at a solution. BTW, how are you attaching event listeners to your components? Are you using [ICODE]attachEvent [/ICODE]/ [ICODE]addEventListener [/ICODE]or the plain old way of attaching events?