localtime problem Programming Software Development by carlos++ :'( , before, sorry for my poor english please. I make a program whith Borland c++, this use time function localtime and other time`s func. Under win 98 run OK, under cmd line win XP the proramm take only first call to localtime and frezze there. What' s the possible problem ? Thanks Carlos Re: Convert from localtime to localtime_s Programming Software Development by Labdabeta The issue is that `localtime` and `localtime_s` are slightly different. The _s stands for safe, it is a memory safe version of `localtime`. As such it does not create it's own `tm*` to return, rather you have to send it one. The correct code would be: time_t now = time(0); tm ltm; localtime_s(&ltm,&now); Re: Convert from localtime to localtime_s Programming Software Development by CreatorZeus … this before the main time_t now = time(0); tm *ltm = localtime(&now); and this in the main time_t rawtime; struct… tm * timeinfo; char buffer [80]; time (&rawtime); timeinfo = localtime (&rawtime); strftime (buffer,80,"logs\\%d%m%Y… Switching Windows to use GMT/UTC instead of localtime Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by John A … all fine and dandy until I install Windows, which uses localtime. I had to disable network time on Windows to keep… Convert from localtime to localtime_s Programming Software Development by CreatorZeus so im trying to convert my code from localtime to localtime_s. it was this: time_t now = time(0); tm *ltm = localtime_s(&now); i seem to be having some strctual errors. Can i have some help? Re: localtime problem Programming Software Development by Narue Post your code. Re: Switching Windows to use GMT/UTC instead of localtime Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by John A Hrm. Maybe I spoke too soon. It seems as though the registry key [code]HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEMCurrentControlSetControl/TimeZoneInformation/RealTimeIsUniversal[/code] is what I'm looking for. I'll let you know how it goes. Re: Convert from localtime to localtime_s Programming Software Development by CreatorZeus Thank you kind sir/ma'am edit: put it in. it says it has no stroage class or type specifer. to be honest i feel a bit slow. Re: Convert from localtime to localtime_s Programming Software Development by Labdabeta Let me take a look at the exact code that you used (just from creation of the time_t to the call of localtime_s) I'll see if I can figure out what went wrong. Re: Compute the difference between time using perl with ourt modules. Programming Software Development by erezschatz localtime and gmtime are not modules, these are built-in perl functions, same as time. Re: Time.h Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon localtime() returns a pointer to a tm structure. Then asctime() is called to convert the structure into something human readable, although you could do this yourself if you wanted to. getting error of general protection exception processor fault Programming Software Development by shabbo_03 …; } void print() { int x,y; clrscr(); cout<<localtime(&currenttime)->tm_hour<<":"<<…gt;entertime)->tm_hour<<":"<<localtime(&l->entertime)->tm_min<<":&…;entertime)->tm_hour<<":"<<localtime(&l->entertime)->tm_min<<":&… convert into c# from c Programming Software Development by nnayram …dailytimerecord[day].regulartimeout, mktime ( tminfo ) ); tminfo = localtime ( &records[index].weeklytimerecord.dailytimerecord[day].regulartimeout ); …[day].regulartimeout, mktime ( tminfo ) ); tminfo = localtime ( &records[index].weeklytimerecord.dailytimerecord[day].regulartimeout ); … Haskell modules on win 7 Programming Software Development by keltik … ) [19 of 24] Compiling Data.Time.LocalTime.LocalTime ( Data\Time\LocalTime\LocalTime.hs, dist\build\Data\Time\LocalTime\Lo calTime.o ) [20 of 24] Compiling… Data.Time.LocalTime ( Data\Time\LocalTime.hs, dist\build\Data\Time\LocalTime.o ) [21 of 24] Compiling Data… Re: Keep Track of TIME Programming Software Development by otengkwaku … a new day if start_day != time.localtime().tm_mday: speek.say(getDate(time.localtime().tm_mday, time.localtime().tm_mon, time.localtime().tm_year) + getTheTime()) speek.runAndWait() start_day… DevC++ to Visual Studio Express 13 Problems Programming Software Development by CreatorZeus …go well, is there a way to change localtime for localtime_s without having to change all of … the main time_t now = time(0); tm *ltm = localtime(&now); //in the main time_t rawtime; struct tm *…timeinfo; char buffer [80]; time (&rawtime); timeinfo = localtime (&rawtime); strftime (buffer,80,"logs\\%d%m%Y… help needed with program Programming Software Development by kevin07 … tlist = ['Report of Account Activity'] from time import localtime, strftime print 'Welcome to the Cash Petty Fund!' print…strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", localtime()) trans = '$%.2f deposited on %s' % (dep, t) tlist…strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", localtime()) trans = 'Todays account activity run at: %s' % (t)… Error : must have class/struct/union Programming Software Development by Mr_PoP …int month; time_t rawtime; tm * timeinfo; time(&rawtime); timeinfo=localtime(&rawtime); month=timeinfo->tm_mon; return MONTHS[month]; } int…{ int year; time_t rawtime; tm * timeinfo; time(&rawtime); timeinfo=localtime(&rawtime); year=timeinfo->tm_year; return (1900+year); } };[/CODE… Re: Error : must have class/struct/union Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon … month; time_t rawtime; tm * timeinfo; time(&rawtime); timeinfo=localtime(&rawtime); month=timeinfo->tm_mon; return MONTHS[month]; } int…{ int year; time_t rawtime; tm * timeinfo; time(&rawtime); timeinfo=localtime(&rawtime); year=timeinfo->tm_year; return (1900+year); } }; #endif… Help with WriteFile() api Programming Software Development by lochnessmonster …quot;===================================" '\n' "Date: " localTime->tm_mon "/" localTime->tm_mday "/" localTime->tm_year '\n' "Time: "…; localTime->tm_hour ":" localTime->tm_min &… Atm Machine Using C Program Programming Software Development by naz1234 …a); printf("\n\nTIME: %s",asctime(localtime(&td))); printf("\nACCOUNT HOLDER: VELTHERSON MOSES&…a); printf("\n\nTIME: %s",asctime(localtime(&td))); printf("\nACCOUNT HOLDER: YAASHEN PERIASAMY"… Need help with looping, pickling, data file Programming Software Development by biganimal …0) tlist = ['Report of Account Activity'] from time import localtime, strftime print 'Welcome to the Cash Petty Fund!' print while… strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", localtime()) trans = '$%.2f deposited on %s' % (dep, t) tlist.… strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", localtime()) trans = '$%.2f withdrawn on %s' % (wd, t) tlist… Re: Need help with looping, pickling, data file Programming Software Development by biganimal …1000) tlist = ['Report of Account Activity'] from time import localtime, strftime print 'Welcome to the Cash Petty Fund!' print … strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", localtime()) trans = '$%.2f deposited on %s' % (dep, t) tlist… strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", localtime()) trans = '$%.2f withdrawn on %s' % (wd, t) tlist… localtime_s, C++ 2005 Express Programming Software Development by herge …Code Sample that will work! [code] // REM LOCALTIME.CPP 7:29 AM 8/22/2006 /// / … Command line warning D9024 : unr // ecognized source file type 'localtime', // obj // ect file assumed // Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker…) Microsoft Corporation // All rights reserved. // /out:localtime.exe // localtime // F:\PROGRA~1\MID05A~1\VC\bin>localt… cgi to javascript Programming Software Development by akash_msrit …sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); $sun = time-(60*60*24*$wday); …hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($sunday); $this_sunday = sprintf("%4d-%02d…#($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) # = localtime(time); #$sun = time-(60*60*24*$wday); #$monday … backgroundworker slower process? Programming Software Development by Liszt … time_t now = time(0); struct tm* tm = localtime(&now); ofstream Timer1; Timer1.open("C:\\Timercount1.… time_t now = time(0); struct tm* tm = localtime(&now); ofstream Timer1; Timer1.open("C:\\Timercount2…B] time_t now2 = time(0); struct tm* tm2 = localtime(&now2); Timer1 << "Start "… How to get modified date of a text file in linux.? Programming Software Development by arunplr …, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime( &b.st_mtime)); } while (1) { if… cout<<"TIME :"<<localtime( &b.st_mtime)<<endl; strftime(…"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime( &b.st_mtime)); if(strcmp (t_current,t_previous… Time funtions not working as expected. Programming Web Development by el33t …echo("<br /><br />"); $time1 = localtime(); echo $time1[0]; ?> </body> </html&… the beginning and ending of the code, I echoed localtime()[0] which displays the 'seconds' value of the current…approx. 10 seconds to get executed. Then how come localtime()[0] present in the ending outputted the same value… First using JS! Please help! I got an error the display time is not showing. Programming Web Development by Punny … I'm trying to make the utctime and localtime to appear, but its not showing what did… type="text/javascript"> now = new Date(); localtime = now.toString(); utctime = now.GMTString(); document.Write ("…;<b>localtime</b>" + localtime + "</br>"); document.… How to set and disable check boxes in C++ using visual studio? Programming by misstj555 … for binary clock time_t currentTime; struct tm* localTime; time(&tTime); // Get the current time localTime = localtime(&tTime); // Convert the current time… to the local time int Hour = localTime->tm_hour % 12; //Must mod time by 12 to get…