Google is promoting reddit in an arrogant way Programming Web Development by jkon … get what we are doing" folks) but is it logical to invest so much users expectation in a specific site… Re: Google is promoting reddit in an arrogant way Programming Web Development by Dani For sure. Years ago, Google *hated* forums. We lost all of our traffic and membership and post activity quickly followed. Nowadays, Google *loves* forums. However, our traffic has yet to return, although I've been hearing through SEO communities that some other forums have regained their traffic. Here's an article on one of the more popular … Re: Google is promoting reddit in an arrogant way Programming Web Development by Reverend Jim How does Daniweb fare in search engines like Duckduckgo and Bing? Re: Google is promoting reddit in an arrogant way Programming Web Development by Dani Bing tends to not target a very technical audience, and/or people are not asking technical questions on Bing that would land them on DaniWeb. That's always been the case. Duckduckgo simply doesn't have a large enough share of the market to make any impact. I think, last I understood, they had a 2% share of the overall search market? Also, … Re: Google is promoting reddit in an arrogant way Programming Web Development by Admin907 t's understandable to be frustrated by Reddit posts dominating Google search results, especially if you dislike the platform's format and community style. Google prioritizes Reddit because it values user-generated content, but this can make search results feel repetitive and less relevant. Ideally, Google should diversify its top results to provide… Re: Google is promoting reddit in an arrogant way Programming Web Development by Salem Or you just learn how to use the tools. If you want only reddit, then type this into your search: `c programming language` If you want everything but reddit, then type this into your search: `c programming language` Re: Google is promoting reddit in an arrogant way Programming Web Development by jkon Let me clarify something first: I don't "hate" Reddit , I don't have strong feelings about it at all , I just not "loving it". I have never been a user there and the reason was and still is that I find their format of discussion groups not compelling. But maybe in an alternative world if I had a reason to join , slowly I would … '30% of Activities Performed by Humans Could Be Automated with AI' Community Center by Johannes C. … emotional intelligence, cultural awareness, wisdom, and other intrinsically human qualities. Logical reasoning and statistical patterns are one thing — but true connection… Re: logical mode + ER diagram Programming Databases by fatima_7 logical model*** Logical Not Operator Programming Software Development by Vallnerik25 …I have posted another question relating to the logical not operator. I just can't seem to…From what I have read so far the logical not operator can switch the value of bool… I am missing a fundamental part of the logical not operator. I would assume that I am…instead of true the code seems to work from logical standpoint. So... What does this !used[i]… Re: Logical Not Operator Programming Software Development by Narue …;So obviously I am missing a fundamental part of the logical not operator. Let's break it down, starting with the… in this way. Of course, once you get into the logical ANDs and ORs, short circuiting can throw you off, but… Logical operations and data-checks Programming Software Development by Cudmore … the data-check on the same line, separated by a logical operator. In this example, the logic is AND. If MyPanel… JVM always given precedence to the first argument in a logical operation, and will it always ignore successive arguments given the…future to combine null- and data-checks into a single logical statement without watching for exceptions? ;) Re: Logical Not Operator Programming Software Development by Vallnerik25 … book have given me those three examples when explaining the logical not operator? That was the most clear-cut and precise… Re: Logical operations and data-checks Programming Software Development by jwenting In fact & and | aren't strictly logical comparison operators at all. They're logical mathematical operators. So instead of performing a comparison you're performing a mathematical operation if you use them, and evaluating the result of that operation. Re: Logical operations and data-checks Programming Software Development by Bench … is known as short circuit evaluation. it also happens under logical OR evaluation when the left-hand-side of the expression… Logical Shift right Programming Software Development by NickJoe … really a useful implementation, but I'm stuck on the logical shift left. The '>>' operator does arithmetic shift left…: logicalShift - shift x to the right by n, using a logical shift Can assume that 1 <= n <= 31 Examples… Re: Logical Mobility Programming Computer Science by maninaction [QUOTE]logical mobility is the process of moving part or all of … could say that data storage in this environment. Would be logical mobility as the user can save part or all of… on host b[/QUOTE] Ya this tell us about the logical mobility undercloud computing Re: logical and physical address Programming Software Development by csurfer …. So the address you see beside an instruction is its logical address. Logical address has significance within the program. It can be… ABCDEFAB , this is called the base address and adding the logical address of an instruction to this base address we get… Re: logical and physical address Programming Software Development by Gaiety …for your explanation. I have few questions. 1) Is logical address anyway related to physical address? what i mean here… is, for a given logical address can we calculate the physical address . if they…if they are not related what is the significance of logical address. sorry i am more confused here..or i… Logical Circuit Programming Software Development by maxbummber … a project that sounds like this. Consider a set of logical gates like AND, OR, XOR or NOT. Allow for building… any logical circuit by connecting such gates. Provide input (0/1) to… Re: Logical Circuit Programming Software Development by maxbummber … connectors. It is not about writing a program to evaluate logical propositions like p&q|r&!p or to… flowing through connectors and processed at the level of each logical gate. Logical Operator Confusion Programming Software Development by DeadH34d … to me. That is, until I reached a section on Logical Operators. I don't completely understand what I just typed… were returned. Here's what I read: Python provides three logical operators: and, or, and not. Both and and or use… logical errors cant figure out Programming by divinity02 … everything and do it over just to figure out my logical error and boi when i really think i did, i… 9-10 another problem am having is that it have logical errors because it is not running how it supposed to… Re: logical consistency??? Programming Software Development by ethveg …/format) whereever present in the data base but what does logical consistency means...?[/QUOTE] I know what it means in a… logical system (that it's possible to derive a contradiction from … Re: Logical Mobility Programming Computer Science by bangor_boy Thanks, I will have a read of this now. So logical mobility is the process of moving part or all off … could say that data storage in this environment would be logical mobility as the user can save part or all of… Re: Logical address? Programming Computer Science by Mouche … useful if you're trying to understand computer architecture. A logical address is a memory address that the processor can use… an MMU (memory management unit) that handles the conversion between logical and physical addresses. It is a fairly complex process because… logical consistency??? Programming Software Development by mahas just a lil confusion plz hlp ok the physical consistency of the data means that it shoud be same(value/format) whereever present in the data base but what does logical consistency means...? Re: logical consistency??? Programming Software Development by Chainsaw Generally, "logical consistency" refers to things like, if you have an inventory part record that has a manufacturer id, the manufacturer table has that id in it. In other words, the set of files or tables are not 'broken' in the sense that you have data that refers to things that don't exist. Re: logical consistency??? Programming Software Development by mahas Active Data Warehousing is the timely,integrated, logically consistent store of detailed data available for strategic, tactical and event driven business decision making for which Teradata is the Standard Environment for Data Warehousing & Analytics. how will u define logical consistency of data in this.plz do giv example if u can... Logical Operator help Programming Software Development by asatrujesus Im reading about logical operators (yes noob here) and Im sort of confused as …