Re: Macs Hardware and Software macOS by root … home so I bought two of them before I quit. Macs are great for certain things but I wont be able… at all any more.[/quote] I have two views on macs.. 1.)They are good for editing, and graphical designs. 2… Macs Hardware and Software macOS by MAD_DOG … home so I bought two of them before I quit. Macs are great for certain things but I wont be able… macs better at media encoding? Hardware and Software macOS by Soral 3.0 I've always wondered... How are Macs better at media encoding? How are they the choice machines for multimedia productions? -Soral 3.0 Re: macs better at media encoding? Hardware and Software macOS by 1o0oBhP do macs have a common processor use (ie they mainly use intel ect...) as some processors blast through encoding (p4e/4f esp due to long pipelines). Re: macs better at media encoding? Hardware and Software macOS by 1o0oBhP nice! they use their own? i shoulda known! we had macs at school in the music dept. very fast at signal processing i tell thee. Re: macs and phpnuke / oil and water Hardware and Software macOS by Sheriff Mole … a nuke site, and getting it to be compatible with Macs. Sorry if my question was a little fuzzy. :o Thanks… Re: no macs? Hardware and Software macOS by samaru …and outs of their machine... strange.... Anyways, Not all Macs "Should Burn in Hell." I hear this a…. Most professional design teams and music composing teams use Macs for it's easy to use interface and configuring. … companies know this, that graphic designers and composers use Macs more, so they tend to enhance and release better … Microsoft’s ‘I’m a PC’ Ads Created On Macs Community Center Geeks' Lounge by vmanes …/2008/09/19/microsofts-im-a-pc-ads-created-on-macs/[/url] [url]… and hardware to create, edit and distribute content, including both Macs and PCs. Re: Microsoft’s ‘I’m a PC’ Ads Created On Macs Community Center Geeks' Lounge by vmanes [QUOTE=sneekula;697408]Creative people use Macs.[/QUOTE] Creative people use whatever tool best suits their needs. Really creative people can use whatever tools are at hand. Macs don't really have a substantive advantage over Wintel machines for the graphic artist any more. Networking, internet and file transfer between macs Hardware and Software macOS by Fungy …]Here is the story.[/B] I haven't work with macs for a while due to financial reasons, but I'm… thought it was going to be (as always is with macs ) easy to do all of the above, but this is… Lauren's Wrong: People Definitely Want Macs Hardware and Software Hardware by Techwriter10 ….2 million iPhones * 10. 2 million iPods * 2.6 million Macs (of which1.75 million were laptops) It's impressive by…. [B]iPhone and iPods[/B] And while the number of Macs sold might have Lauren and her friends at Microsoft crying… Re: no macs? Hardware and Software macOS by aeinstein …-tech orients professional ppl (lawyers, doctors, literary types, etc) use macs, w/notable exceptions being those in mid-2-large corp… that is either only or best used on a pc. Macs were always (& still r) better @ tasks that didnt/dont… Re: New Trojans Found in Apple Macs Hardware and Software macOS by jaxjason … requires that you must install the program yourself, and most macs will ask before it runs the program,asking if it… install themselves automatically and transmit information or anything, for the macs. All I have ever heard about is Trojans like these… Re: Microsoft’s ‘I’m a PC’ Ads Created On Macs Community Center Geeks' Lounge by The Dude Well really macs ARE 'PC's!! (Personal Computer) Re: Microsoft’s ‘I’m a PC’ Ads Created On Macs Community Center Geeks' Lounge by sneekula Creative people use Macs. Re: Microsoft’s ‘I’m a PC’ Ads Created On Macs Community Center Geeks' Lounge by scru No, but the ones who want to be perceived as 'creative' use Macs. [I]I use a Mac. That makes me an artist![/I] Re: Microsoft’s ‘I’m a PC’ Ads Created On Macs Community Center Geeks' Lounge by vegaseat [QUOTE=scru;697472]No, but the ones who want to be perceived as 'creative' use Macs. [I]I use a Mac. That makes me an artist![/I][/QUOTE]I knew you were an artist just from your avatar. Re: My page won't load on Macs Digital Media UI / UX Design by daveg8 No, I'm not using flash. Only PHP, javascript, SQL, and HTML. It's a problem because I don't have a Mac to test it on. It seems that only about 1/2 of the Macs won't open the page...but this page is crucial to my site. Interestingly, the Macs at the Mac store all open the page just fine... no macs? Hardware and Software macOS by AlPhA no macs? Re: no macs? Hardware and Software macOS by aeinstein … i hope this isnt out of place, but i think Macs r pretty cool (cept theyre TOTAL hogs on RAM, whatsup… Re: no macs? Hardware and Software macOS by samaru Everytime I think about Macs I think of the day when my friend and I bought "Doom II" a long time ago for his Mac. When we tried it on his computer, it wouldn't work. "Invalid CD." Then we tried it on my PC, and it worked fine... even though on the actual CD itself it said "Mac Version. Will not work on PC." Dual dualcore Macs coming? Quad processors? Hardware and Software macOS by yellow Dual dualcore Macs coming soonish? Quad processors? [url][/url] how many macs? Community Center by TheNNS how many macs do own? and how many pc's do you own? software server for Macs? Programming Web Development by msniner … I asked is because I shuffle between Windows (home) and Macs (work) and the only things that I carry around with… Re: software server for Macs? Programming Web Development by msniner … needs? (Pardon me, I am not a power-user of Macs; I come from Windows) Well, yeah, Apache is a web… Re: software server for Macs? Programming Web Development by jbennet no i wasnt being sarcastic, i know nothing about macs i know apache does ASP but i dont think it does ASP.NET could you use bootcamp to dual boot XP pro / Server 2k3? Re: how many macs? Community Center by Lomoco Two G4's, one G5, and we used to have a bunch of REALLY OLD macs. (The very first ones) New Trojans Found in Apple Macs Hardware and Software macOS by Max Dob … Vista PC's. I have always been told that Apple Macs do not have the same problem with Virus and Trojans… My .php page won't load on Macs Programming Web Development by daveg8 I have a website where most pages will load on Macs but a few of the pages will not. All of the pages will load on PCs. Any ideas why? -Dave My page won't load on Macs Digital Media UI / UX Design by daveg8 … on all PCs but it doesn't load on most Macs...except for the newer ones at the Mac store. Is…