Re: How we can Choose an Awesome Mobile App Development Company? Programming Mobile Development by Mikekelvin …: Evaluate pricing structures and adherence to timelines. 7. Support and Maintenance: Ensure ongoing support post-launch. Choose a partner that aligns… Re: What are the common problems encountered in mobile application development? Programming Mobile Development by elite_mcommerce Mobile application development comes with many challenges. Some common problems encountered in mobile app development include: Platform Fragmentation User Interface and User Experience (UI/UX) Design Performance Optimization Security Concerns Battery Consumption App Store Approval Maintenance and Updates maintenance Programming Software Development by jhedonghae …;align-left") i have here below codes of my maintenance problem is that when i click the edit….VisualBasic Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class maintenance Dim con As OleDbConnection Dim cmd As OleDbCommandBuilder Dim ds… Re: Maintenance Laptop Hardware and Software Hardware by flagstar You can see [URL=""]HERE[/URL] for basic maintenance and care method... Re: Maintenance Laptop Hardware and Software Hardware by Cross213 Most important rule of computer care and maintenance: Don't do anything to it if you have to think twice about it. Re: maintenance of computer Hardware and Software Networking by rubberman yes? What do you want to know about computer maintenance? Re: Remove items / tasks from Windows 8 automatic maintenance Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Island_Boy_77 … list of things done during the spurious "automatic maintenance" Translation if required: I either want to be…a last resort, find a way to only run the maintenance once a week, fortnight or month - anything to …reduce the needlessness of the automatic maintenance and get Windows Updates to just update by themselves as… Help - Most Important Windows Maintenance Tasks Community Center by John P …together a list of "Most Important Windows Maintenance Tasks" that hopefully the average home … included near the top. Five Most Important Computer Maintenance Tasks 1. Firewall 2. Antivirus 3. Windows Updates….[/B] [SIZE=3] [B]Most Important Windows Maintenance Tasks[/B][/SIZE] 1. Firewall Unless you connect … What do you think of our maintenance? Community Center by Toomuchtime …: [URL=""][COLOR=#336699][/COLOR][/URL] Since we are… more experienced webmasters might give their thoughts on pre-packaging maintenance.....any thoughts? Niels - [URL=""… Remove items / tasks from Windows 8 automatic maintenance Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Island_Boy_77 …automatically WITHOUT all the crud of the useless "automatic maintenance", I've come to a dead end. I…t chose WHAT the needless dense-person's "automatic maintenance" actually does? A bit like having a function…the list of things done during the spurious "automatic maintenance". No wonder techs hate W8 - its crap from… Re: Remove items / tasks from Windows 8 automatic maintenance Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Island_Boy_77 No - it doesn't work that way. Sure, you can set Windows Updates to work automatically, but it ONLY works as part of the stupid new "automatic maintenance". If I turn off the automatic maintenance, I turn off Windows Updates. How crazy is that? Re: Remove items / tasks from Windows 8 automatic maintenance Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Island_Boy_77 … updates IF we put up with the pointless, uneditable automatic maintenance? Has no uber-geek somewhere found a way to "… us to actually tell Windows what WE want the automatic maintenance to do? W8 appears to really be a "dummies… Database Maintenance and Upgrade Effort Programming Databases by dmmckelv … me with some information on how much time and effort maintenance of the db takes. I am taking a database management… for this week's discussion. I have had no database maintenance experience so any info would be greatly appreciated. If you… Wierd maintenance plan problem Programming Databases by jamesvdm Hey I've set up a maintenance plan to backup databases daily and noticed the following error in last night's backup - Database 'BizTalkEDIDb' is not valid to be included in the maintenance plan. Has anyone seen this error before or have any idea what it could mean? Thanks in advance. James automate/schedule daily maintenance tasks Programming Web Development by todo Is there a way one could automate daily maintenance task on the website? The maintenance task could include a number of things: cleaning up database, updating the website and so on... Re: Where i can learn hardware maintenance? Hardware and Software by JorgeM …think its the most comprehensive with regards to computer repair/maintenance. I used these books in all of the courses… I tought related to computer maintenance. Then, part 2 is to practice. Without hands on…its going to be difficult to learn about computer hardware maintenance. This is one of those things in life like … Re: ***** How to maintenance the file's last modified time when upload it to FTP server? Programming Software Development by nihao Maybe I should make an application running under the FTP server to maintenance the uploaded file's last modified time.But is there a better way to maintenance the uploaded file's last modified time? Re: modify the maintenance plans Programming Databases by buddylee17 Assuming SQL Server 2005 +. The maintenance plan is typically an ssis package stored either in the … packages just like any other SSIS package. Expand Management-> Maintenance Plans and double click the plan. The plan should open… i want to know how to create a file maintenance using visual basic 6.0 Programming Computer Science by twodollarbill :o i want to learn on how to create a file maintenance program using addodc help help help..... Need guidance constructing server maintenance program Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by whiskeyjar2005 Hello - I was wondering if anyone could direct me towards some information that outlines a good server maintenance program to follow? I'm running about 10 Windows 2003 servers, one with Exchange 2003 on it. Four (I believe) are DNS servers, and we are running Active Directory as well. Thank you in advance! 614's guide to the best maintenance free software! Hardware and Software Information Security by buddylee614 … to choose from. so much other PC problems even more maintenance programs to choose from.. Well here's the rap up… IT Maintenance Contracts Community Center by Jeff Saldutti … in the process for IT support contract expenditure and IT maintenance provider selection. I am specifically seeking those who work for… Perl, Expect, Cygwin, SSH, and ID Creation / Password Maintenance Programming Software Development by mo_show_me … across all the servers, plus perform account creations and password maintenance for all internal clients across the same servers. It's… medical record maintenance system database Programming Databases by Tosh254 how can i create a database for a medical record maintenance system for an institution? Re: medical record maintenance system database Programming Databases by pty [QUOTE=Tosh254;562797]how can i create a database for a medical record maintenance system for an institution?[/QUOTE] [code] create database medical_records; [/code] Hope this helps. version maintenance Programming Software Development by monts_mr hello friends... i m developing a tool for version maintenance for which i need to store only the appended items … ***** How to maintenance the file's last modified time when upload it to FTP server? Programming Software Development by nihao Hello everyone! I have a problem . How to maintenance the file's last modified time when upload it to FTP server? Please help me.Thank you~ write a C language program that implements the main functions of maintenance Programming Software Development by albanosali … a C language program that implements the main functions of maintenance of student information. To maintain student information must be used… question about the maintenance phase Community Center by titosd Hello, I have a question, and i don"t know why exactly do we say that the maintenance phase of software life cycle encapsulates all previous development stages ? I hope that anyone can help me thank you Re: question about the maintenance phase Community Center by Ancient Dragon The maintenance stage kicks in after the software has been finished, tested, and released. This stage consists of fixing bugs and possibly simple or small new requirements.