Mandelbrot conversion, Java to c# Programming Software Development by fawkman …(c1);} public function setCursor; float System.WriteLine("Mandelbrot-Set will be produced - please wait..."); //float…(x, y, x + 1, y); } showStatus("Mandelbrot-Set ready - please select zoom area with pressed mouse."… Re: Mandelbrot with Tkinter and ShedSkin Programming Software Development by TrustyTony … with the colorsys. [CODE]# interactive mandelbrot program # copyright Tony Veijalainen, tony.veijalainen@gmail.…): '''determines if a point is in the Mandelbrot set based on deciding if, after a maximum… command line or double-click) [CODE]# interactive mandelbrot program # copyright Tony Veijalainen, tony.veijalainen A T… mandelbrot generator messed up Programming Software Development by zauber Hello, I started coding a little app for exploring the mandelbrot fractal. Hopefully someone here is familiar with it, and perhaps … my code, is that the generated image is NOT the mandelbrot (although it is fractal and similar in a sense). And… Mandelbrot with Tkinter and ShedSkin Programming Software Development by TrustyTony Here is Mandelbrot set viewer in Tkinter and modules for shedskining (included compiled …, imag, max_iterations=20): '''determines if a point is in the Mandelbrot set based on deciding if, after a maximum allowed number… Re: Mandelbrot coloring. Opencl Programming Software Development by K0ns3rv …TYPE re; TYPE im; } Complex; typedef struct Mandelbrot{ Complex min; Complex max; ushort height; ushort …width; TYPE xScale; TYPE yScale; ushort iter; }Mandelbrot; typedef struct Color{ ushort r; ushort g;… RGB CODE ** ** **/ __kernel void kernel_entry(__constant struct Mandelbrot* b,__global Color* R,__global double* dbg) { TYPE… Re: mandelbrot generator messed up Programming Software Development by vegaseat … to create all sorts of images, in this case the Mandelbrot set ## used the Numerical python text example, but modified it… Re: Mandelbrot with Tkinter and ShedSkin Programming Software Development by TrustyTony … have no problems running with other modules compiled (bmp and mandelbrot main iteration). Kohn code is quite heavily massaged by me… Re: Mandelbrot with Tkinter and ShedSkin Programming Software Development by TrustyTony … calculate: [CODE]""" class for Python Tkinter for Mandelbrot set compile modules with shedskin for best performance http://code… Re: Mandelbrot with Tkinter and ShedSkin Programming Software Development by TrustyTony … crash IDLE, but only causes IOError from IDLE): [CODE]# interactive mandelbrot program # copyright Tony Veijalainen, try: import… Re: Mandelbrot coloring. Opencl Programming Software Development by mrnutty [URL=""][/URL] Re: Mandelbrot coloring. Opencl Programming Software Development by K0ns3rv …][URL=""]…-for-mandelbrot-set-rendering[/URL][/QUOTE] Thank you for the help, but… Mandelbrot Fractal Graphics (BCX basic) Programming Software Development by vegaseat A simple experiment with the ever so popular Mandelbrot fractal graphics, call it mathematical art, nice to look at. This set of experiments loops through a number of colors to make the whole thing more exciting. Mandelbrot coloring. Opencl Programming Software Development by K0ns3rv … first thing I wanted to do was to make an mandelbrot set generator, so I did. It works wonderful and I… Re: Mandelbrot coloring. Opencl Programming Software Development by mrnutty I haven't worked with mandelbrot set but try using this : [code] //zn is your last complex number used and n is the iteration count flota smoothcolor = n + 1 - Math.log(Math.log(zn.abs()))/Math.log(2) Color col = Color.HSBtoRGB(0.95f + 10 * smoothcolor ,0.6f,1.0f); [/code] C# Mandelbrot Conversion Issues Programming Software Development by Erslich … e) { //Paint to bitmap on load init(); mandelbrot(); } public void init() // all instances will be… (double)x1; yzoom = (yende - ystart) / (double)y1; mandelbrot(); } public void stop() { } public void paint(Graphics g) {… Re: C# Mandelbrot Conversion Issues Programming Software Development by Erslich … the original Java code for the Mandelbrot: [CODE=Java] private void mandelbrot() // calculate all points { int…0.0f; action = false; setCursor(c1); showStatus("Mandelbrot-Set will be produced - please wait..."); for (…, y, x + 1, y); } showStatus("Mandelbrot-Set ready - please select zoom area with pressed mouse.&… Re: C# Mandelbrot Conversion Issues Programming Software Development by Erslich I saw that one before I posted, using that code and editing it I can get it to create a small mandelbrot-like-thing! Sadly, I can't use that thread to help me print my mandelbrot to a bitmap and then to the form :( -Erslich Re: C# Mandelbrot Conversion Issues Programming Software Development by Erslich …xzoom = (xende - xstart) / (double)x1; yzoom = (yende - ystart) / (double)y1; mandelbrot(); rectangle = false; //repaint(); } [/CODE] I have debugged, and it works… mouse values and everything. Up until we enter the mandelbrot method again, and we receive an error on the… Re: C# Mandelbrot Conversion Issues Programming Software Development by nick.crane Got it! [I]xzoom[/I] and [I]yzoom[/I] are not being initialised. Try calling [I]start()[/I] in form load instead of [I]mandelbrot()[/I]. [CODE] private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Paint to bitmap on load init(); start(); } [/CODE] Re: C# Mandelbrot Conversion Issues Programming Software Development by Erslich …#, the only time the method is called is inside the mandelbrot [CODE=Java] private float pointcolour(double xwert, double ywert) // color… Re: C# Mandelbrot Conversion Issues Programming Software Development by Erslich THANK YOU!!! It works! I have my Mandelbrot displaying! Wow, I have been bashing my head against the screen all day and it's now sorted :) I owe you one :) Re: C# Mandelbrot Conversion Issues Programming Software Development by nick.crane No problem. The default control back colour means my mandelbrot is a bit washed out. What backcolor do you have on your form? Re: C# Mandelbrot Conversion Issues Programming Software Development by Erslich …;1352663]No problem. The default control back colour means my mandelbrot is a bit washed out. What backcolor do you have… Re: C# Mandelbrot Conversion Issues Programming Software Development by Erslich … runs, however there is still no background colour to the Mandelbrot. [CODE=C#] Color color = HSBColor.FromHSB(new HSBColor(h * 255… Re: C# Mandelbrot Conversion Issues Programming Software Development by Erslich That makes a lot more sense :) Thanks again for all your help, Really appreciated it! I'm not going to get a "zoomable" function working with my Mandelbrot! Wish me luck! lol! C# Re-Draw Mandelbrot Issue Programming Software Development by Erslich … their mouse over an area, it redraws the Mandelbrot with the x and y coordinates. I have … y1); g1 = Graphics.FromImage(myBitmap); [/CODE] Mandelbrot Method [CODE=c#] private void mandelbrot() // calculate all points { int x, y;… is that when I try to re-enter the Mandelbrot method, on the line "g1.DrawLine(pen,… Re: C# Mandelbrot Conversion Issues Programming Software Development by Chrisakak9 [QUOTE=Erslich;1353929]That makes a lot more sense :) Thanks again for all your help, Really appreciated it! I'm not going to get a "zoomable" function working with my Mandelbrot! Wish me luck! lol![/QUOTE] How did you get to this point? can you post code show? Java-C# Mandelbrot Conversion Programming Software Development by BobBob123 …yende - ystart) / (double)y1; mandelbrot(); } public void stop() { }…myPen.Dispose(); }*/ } private void mandelbrot() // calculate all points { int… Re: Error when drawing a mandelbrot to a bitmap Programming Software Development by moose333 …x1; yzoom = (yende - ystart) / (double)y1; mandelbrot(); } public void stop() { } public void paint(Graphics g1… (ys - ye)); } }*/ } private void mandelbrot() // calculate all points { int x, y; … Error when drawing a mandelbrot to a bitmap Programming Software Development by moose333 … yzoom = (yende - ystart) / (double)y1; mandelbrot(); } public void stop() { } public void paint(…ys - ye)); } }*/ } private void mandelbrot() // calculate all points { int x, y…