Re: mkdir() Programming Software Development by Moschops `mkdir(str.c_str());` perhaps Re: mkdir() Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon Another hint: mkdir() only works on one directory at a time. You have to call mkdir() for each new directory in the directory hierarcy. If you want to create a directory "c:\one\two\three" then call mkdir("c:\one"), mkdir("c:\one\two") and finally mkdir("c:\one\two\three") mkdir() Programming Software Development by necrovore … per user input, so till now the commnad mkdir worked fine: mkdir("c:/test"); But now i have…the path.I have run into this problem where mkdir is not crating the directories when i pass a…string variable as argumnet. //str=(assigned something after manipulations); mkdir(str); Is there another way i can do this?? … Re: mkdir() Programming Software Development by mvmalderen I know I am nitpicking, but the backslashes need to be doubled in: `mkdir("c:\one\two\three")`. Re: mkdir() Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon Yes, like this: mkdir("c:\\\\one\\\\two\\\\three"). (you actully need four of them to post here because the editor removes two of them. That is escaping the escape character \\) Re: mkdir() Programming Software Development by necrovore / worked fine for me actually. strcpy(dirname,"c:/YeSQL/"); mkdir(dirname); Re: mkdir Programming Software Development by gihanbw [CODE]#include <sys/stat.h>[/CODE] [URL=""][/URL] mkdir Programming Software Development by ben1996123 [code]#include <direct.h> int main(){ mkdir("C:\\Program Files\\Bacon"); }[/code] Creates a folder in the folder that the .exe file is in, and is called "Program FilesBacon". I think it's obvious what I wanted it to do. Help please? I'm using codeblocks if it matters. mkdir validation problem Programming Web Development by sidim … or not it's doing that. $dirPath = $_POST['company']; $result = mkdir($dirPath, 0755); if ($result == 1) { echo '<br/>'.$dirPath… name and uploaded image, I get this error: Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists in /home/***/***/***/formulaires/processForm-test.php on line… mkdir not working Programming Web Development by andreiviziru … folder with the name they supply so i used $user_folder = mkdir($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/user/'.$name, 0755); $name is the name they… supplyed in the form so i get this "Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: No such file or directory in /home/public_html/registration… Re: mkdir validation problem Programming Web Development by sidim … = $_POST['company']; $dirExists = is_dir($dirPath); if(!dirExists) $dirExists = mkdir($dirPath, 0755); echo '<br/>'.'Le dossier '.$dirPath . (($dirExists…;.'<br/>'; */ // @ ignores fatal PHP error /*@$result = mkdir($dirPath, 0755); if ($result == 1) { echo '<br/>… mkdir() failed (No such file or directory) Programming Web Development by dudegio … fact that i encounter this errors: pls... pls... pls... `Warning: mkdir() failed (No such file or directory) in C:\websites\pjs3…-d"); if (!file_exists("$dir1/PJS/$datetoday")) { $dir = mkdir("$dir1/PJS/$datetoday", 0700); } $result1 = mysql_query ("select… Re: mkdir validation problem Programming Web Development by mrvijayakumar $dirPath = $_POST['company']; if(is_dir($dirPath)) { $result = mkdir($dirPath, 0755); if ($result == 1) { echo '<br/>'.$dirPath . &… Re: mkdir not working Programming Web Development by andreiviziru ok it seems not to work so i added $target = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/user/'.$name; if (!is_dir($target)) { mkdir($target, 0777); } and still doesn't work mkdir issue Programming Web Development by damnpoet Hi, I trying to create some dirs like this: [CODE]@mkdir("photos/$cat/$sku", 0777, true)[/CODE] it creates the first directory with 0777 permissions, but when it creates the second is uses 000 as it's perms, so it fails to create the third. A workaround this please? Thanks, Richard. mkdir() problem Programming Web Development by muralibobby2015 …->getImageUrls($urlArray); $dir="images/".$this->imagesOf; @mkdir($dir,0777); for($i=0; $i<count($imgUrlArray); $i… mkdir problem Programming Web Development by mpc123 …($result)) { $dirPath = "' . $row['field1'] . '-' . $row['field2'] . '-info"; $result = mkdir($dirPath, 0755); if ($result == 1) { echo $dirPath . " has been… Re: Perl mkdir command Programming Software Development by KevinADC mkdir() [url][/url] although using File::Path does have advantages and it's a core module so nothing to install: [url][/url] Re: mkdir() Programming Software Development by necrovore its not working. gives me the following error request for member `c_str' in something not a structure or union Re: mkdir() Programming Software Development by necrovore i guess c_str is for c++, rather than c. Re: mkdir() Programming Software Development by Moschops Oop. Sorry; my fault! I saw you mention a string and forgot this was C land - I'm so used to a string being a C++ string object and nowadays I never use the term in C. Can you give some sample code that doesn't work? Re: mkdir() Programming Software Development by necrovore Thanks a lot Ancient Dragon. i was trying to create 3 directories at a time. Had to split it up with a for loop to make 1 directory at a time. Thank you for the inputs, Moschops. Re: mkdir() Programming Software Development by Moschops > / worked fine for me actually. Because `/` is not a backslash. `\` is a backslash. `/` is far more portable and as a general rule is preferable to using `\\` Re: mkdir Programming Software Development by Taywin There is a library to be include. Not sure what it is called... Something that has sys/... in it. php mkdir using virtual dedicated server Programming Web Development by DaveyMoyes … using the users id and the last id mkdir("products/$id/$lastid",0777); [/code]…/httpdocs/products/$id/"; $user_name = "ftp_username"; mkdir("$lastid",0777); chown($dest, $user_name); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $img1… Re: php mkdir using virtual dedicated server Programming Web Development by cwarn23 Try the following: [CODE]mkdir("products/$id/$lastid",0777,true); mkdir("products",0777); mkdir("products/$id",0777); mkdir("products/$id/$lastid",0777);[/CODE] Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists in Programming Web Development by SKANK!!!!! please help meWarning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists in..xxxxx/register.php. yeah yeah what is … im at xxxxx/register.php [CODE]$documentroot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; if(mkdir($documentroot ."/". $username , 0777)) { $profile = $documentroot ."/". $username… Re: anyone know how to use the mkdir func? Programming Software Development by Adak …the given path name path. Return Value: mkdir returns the value 0 if the new directory… ENOENT ³ No such file or directory Portability: mkdir is available on UNIX System V, though it …; int main(void) { int status; clrscr(); status = mkdir("asdfjklm"); (!status) ? (printf("Directory created… Re: Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists in Programming Web Development by codejoust You can't create a directory that already exists. If I were you, I would add another if clause the checks if the directory exists. If it does, it can do nothing or delete its contents, if it doesn't create it. For instance, [code=php] $dir = $docroot . '/' . $username; if (!file_exists ( $dir )) { mkdir($dir); } [/code] Re: Perl mkdir command Programming Software Development by Comatose I don't think so, but it's real easy to shell to the prompt, and mkdir -p that way, such as: [CODE] system "mkdir -p whatever"; [/CODE] or you can just use ticks `mkdir -p whatever`; Hope this helps.