604 Topics

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Nokia recently undertook a survey of consumers in emerging markets and exposed a new trend: mobile phone sharing. Apparently, more than 50 percent of those surveyed in India and Pakistan, plus almost 30 percent in Vietnam, either already share or would be willing to share the use of their mobile …

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If you've been following this blog, you know I'm no nay-sayer on the economy. A realist, yes, but I won't wave pom-poms for a recession like so many others in the media. That said, I don't think there's any doubt that 2008 will be short of a robust year for …

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The drum beat has already started for next week's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, where you won't be able to swing a dead rotary dial phone without hitting a slick sales type breathing the word "wireless" into your ear. Elena Malykhina, writing in Information Week this morning, advises show …

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A press release landed on my computer today, claiming that [URL="http://www.samsung.com"]Samsung[/URL] has launched the world's toughest cellphone. The Samsung Solid, so the release assures me, has "strengths that make it stand out from other mobiles" which include built in anti-shock and water and dust resistance. The release goes on to …

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According to [URL="http://www.airwidesolutions.com"]Airwide Solutions[/URL], which is well placed to comment on such matters as it is a provider of mobile messaging infrastructure amongst other things, the SMS (short message service) we all better know as text messaging will hit record highs on New Years Day. In fact, you can think …

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I have two mobile phones. One is purely for personal calls and so that number is only known to my family and closest friends. The other is purely for business calls, the number is printed on my business. A couple of times last week I received what are known as …

Member Avatar for happygeek

So the [URL="http://store.apple.com/Apple/WebObjects/ukstore.woa/wa/RSLID?nnmm=browse&mco=26613EC7&node=home/shop_iphone/family/iphone"]Apple iPhone [/URL]has finally gone on sale in the UK, with hundreds of fans queuing at the Apple store in London's Regent Street to be one of the first customers for what has become known here as God's Own Phone as it does everything, according to the fanboys …

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Member Avatar for Brian.oco

For a long while, it was easy to pigeonhole cell phones in three categories: those that don’t work, those that break down, and those that get lost. Fortunately, technology has improved cell phone performance in the first two categories (although we’re still losing them -- and at $500 a pop …

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Member Avatar for Brian.oco

I've been the first one to say in recent months that I've fallen hard for my new Blackberry . . . or "Crackberry" as I've taken to calling it. What's not to love? You can do just about anything on a smart phone that you can on a laptop, save …

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The UK government has started a concerted [URL="http://yp.direct.gov.uk/cyberbullying/"]campaign[/URL] to stop what Schools Secretary, Ed Balls MP, refers to as a "particularly insidious type of bullying." According to government figures more than one third of teenagers between the ages of 12 and 15 have fallen victim to cyber bullies. Perhaps more …

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According to a [URL="http://www.computerworld.com.sg/ShowPage.aspx?pagetype=2&articleid=6269&pubid=3&tab=Home&issueid=117"]Computerworld Singapore report[/URL] quoting newly published research, 2012 will be the year of the Linux mobile phone, with some 31 percent of all smart phones, or 331 million devices, running Linux. The prediction is based largely upon the fact that Linux has a much faster growth rate …

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It was only a matter of time, but the long arm of the British law has finally reached out to embrace the BlackBerry. 500 front line police officers in Bedfordshire, England have already been issued with BlackBerry devices to enable them to spend more time tackling crime and less time …

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At first glance you might not immediately connect the Symbian loving Nokia with Microsoft in any way, shape or form. However, Nokia does know its market and so has already been collaborating with Microsoft on the Windows Media entertainment side of the fence. That collaboration is now to be boosted …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Although Google itself refuses to budge from the official company line of confirming or denying nothing, it looks increasingly likely that a Googlephone is in the offing. Several sources are now claiming that prototype phone devices have been touted around the US mobile carriers in recent weeks (ironically you need …

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Mention mobile phone viruses and the chances are you will get one of two responses:[LIST=1] [*]It is a money making exercise for security vendors who have created the mobile phone virus myth so they can sell protection nobody needs. [*]Hahahahahahahahahahaha.[/LIST]However, the arrest of a 28 year old man in Valencia, …

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Everyone wants to know what the next big thing is going to be, and if market analyst [URL="http://www.datamonitor.com"]Datamonitor[/URL] is to be believed the answer is mobile broadcast television. With the opportunity to combine two of the undeniably most popular and successful consumer products in history, namely TV and mobile telephones, …

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This week, developers for the Ubuntu operating system are meeting in Seville, Spain to begin work on a new version of the distribution, Mobile Ubuntu. Designed to work with Intel's recently-announced low-power processor and chipset architecture, Ubuntu plans to allow developers creating mobile software the ability to create software utilizing …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Yeah, yeah, yeah – how can an operating system be environmentally unfriendly I hear you ask? User friendly, security friendly, productivity friendly even, but environmentally unfriendly? Well that is exactly the claim that I am prepared to make considering reports from the likes of [URL="http://news.zdnet.com/2100-1040_22-6181366.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=zdnn"]ZDNet[/URL] regarding the sorry state of …

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Microsoft is aiming to broaden your web surfing horizons with their new "Deepfish" software available for the next version of Windows Mobile. Among other large improvements over the previous browsers used on the PDAs, this one includes a thumbnail view, which will allow you to view content in a scaled-down …

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It seems that Apple has got all the big boys of IT whipped up into a mobile phone frenzy with the huge interest that surrounded the recent announcement of the iPhone. Microsoft is rumored to be developing a cell phone version of the Zune MP3 player. And now as part …

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Finnish mobile phone giants [URL="http://www.nokia.com"]Nokia [/URL]are claiming to have organized the biggest 2006 New Year’s Eve celebration in the world, with more than 2 million people in 5 locations joined by 150 million television and Internet viewers. Fittingly enough, Nokia was delivering on its promise to connect the world through …

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London taxi drivers have a reputation as being amongst the most opinionated and talkative in the world, and their grueling training and testing program ‘The Knowledge’ is equally well known. Now, it appears, the black cab driver has a new claim to fame: the place where more technology kit is …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Google has provided WAP access to email for the longest time, an apt description seeing as that’s how long it takes to read your email via a WAP based mobile device. But all that has changed thanks to the availability of a brand new Java based version of [URL="http://mail.google.com/mail/help/intl/en/about_mobile.html"]Gmail for …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Well, yes, if you believe the Sony hype then the [URL="http://www.dynamism.com/g1/main.shtml#"]Vaio VGN-G1LAP[/URL] at just 1.98 pounds is indeed the world’s lightest lappy. The carbon fiber body helps considerably, meaning that despite the low weight you still get the benefit of a 12.1” 1024 x 768 screen rather than the only …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

I am more used to reviewing routers and network webcams from D-Link than reading about the company launching a cellphone, let alone one which will run on a Linux OS and be populated with open source software. But apparently that is exactly what it is going to do, and do …

Member Avatar for happygeek

[I]I’m the trouble starter, notebook instigator. I’m the Dell addicted, Sony illustrated. I’m a fire-starter, notebook fire-starter. You’re the fire-starter, notebook fire-starter.[/I] With apologies to The Prodigy for ruining a perfectly good lyric, but it does serve to highlight the problem de jour: that of flaming laptops. If you thought …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

The much vaunted, overly hyped and hugely anticipated Apple iPhone, a handset merging mobile phone and iPod into one unit, looked like being a step closer to reality when a French magazine featured a ‘leaked’ image of the thing on its front cover. Unsurprisingly, this was picked up by [URL="http://www.pdafrance.com/news/2006-09-12/id7496/iPhone-ou-Macphone-sur-20minutes-ce-matin/"]PDA …

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Ok so that latest news on the web is that Microsoft is coming up with an iPod killer which people are calling xboy. And reffered to by Microsoft as Argo (also rumours of it being called Zune?). Now there are also rumors that the release of Argo will also incorporate …

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Most people today would likely say that whenever they need to call any kind of customer/technical support, they have a horrid experience, or at least something far less than what is implied by company slogans and mission statements that go on about how important "each and every" customer is to …

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The latest Merriam-Webster's dictionary update has ruffled a few feathers online. Not for the inclusion of Manga (noun: a Japanese comic book or graphic novel) nor ringtone (noun: the sound made by a cell phone to signal an incoming call) or even supersize (transitive verb: to increase considerably the size, …

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The End.