multiples in desc order in list Programming Software Development by Vish0203 … it using map() or using loops return the first count multiples of number in desc order in a list. e.g… Re: Multiples Programming Software Development by Slavi … the number you want. if you want to get all multiples of a number , up to 10 for example, you could… prime numbers and multiples(threads) Programming Software Development by HardWorkingMan … 1) { int sum = (g + 1); Thread one = new Multiples(sum, array.length); //Thread one = new HelloName(); one.start(); } …= Sum; while (sum < length) { // would show multiples of each prime # //System.out.print(sum + " &… Re: prime numbers and multiples(threads) Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill 1. Passing the array to your Multiples class should be trivial - so must have been some simple … Finding multiples, not working for reasons... Programming Software Development by brett.warren.1612 … we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and… 9. The sum of these multiples is 23. > Find the sum of all the… multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000. Edit: GOD DAMN THAT … Re: Finding multiples, not working for reasons... Programming Software Development by sepp2k You're counting all multiples of 15 twice (once as multiples of 3 and once as multiples of 5). Program multiples of 3 or 5, and 3 and 5 special print Programming Software Development by Nikolas9896 … that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print “Global” instead of the number and for… the multiples of five print “Logic”. For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print… Re: Program multiples of 3 or 5, and 3 and 5 special print Programming Software Development by Nikolas9896 … 1 // Low limit #define M3 3 //It's checked digits multiples of 3 #define M5 5 //It's checked digits… multiples of 5 using std::cout; using std::endl; void Multiples_3_5(); #… functions-(multiples/even/odd/square root/prime) Programming Software Development by salty11 … this program i am trying to find numbers that are multiples of 7,11, or 13, also if the total of… file return 0; } void multiple(int temp_a)//function to find multiples(7, 11, 13) { int a=7; int b=11; int… Replace multiples substrings Programming Software Development by blackcorner … anyone tell me if there is any function for replacing multiples substrings within a string. For instance we have this function… Indexing math operators using multiples Programming Software Development by NargalaX … assign the operand to an operator, A, or B using multiples, or any other system you guys may think up. So… Re: Indexing math operators using multiples Programming Software Development by ephraim21 how did you solved ur own post Indexing math operators using multiples? have the same problem.. Re: multiples in desc order in list Programming Software Development by woooee You can do this with list comprehension. A hint x=3 print range(x, 0, -1) Re: multiples in desc order in list Programming Software Development by Vish0203 >You can do this with list comprehension. A hint > x=3 > print range(x, 0, -1) But how do i multiply 3 with the list members as i'm not allowed to use loops?? Re: multiples in desc order in list Programming Software Development by rrashkin Are you allowed to use list comprehension which is an implicit for loop? [i*6 for i in xrange(3,0,-1)] [18, 12, 6] Multiples Programming Software Development by VSBrown A program that reads in two integers and determines an prints if the first is a multiple of the second. Multiples Programming Software Development by puk.akhimien Hi, I have written an application that identifies if the fisrt number entered is a multiple of the second number. The application also displays the multiplication table of the second number. What I am now trying to do is to identify which postion the multiple is. For example, 5 * 4 = 20. 20 is the forth multiple of 5 4 * 5 = 20. 20 is the fifth … Re: Multiples Programming Software Development by Slavi So basically you enter first number 5, second 20 and you are trying to find which multiple it is? how about 20/5 = 4? Re: Multiples Programming Software Development by stultuske Slavi: the way I understand it, he types: `4*5=20` so, here he has: first: 4 operator: * second: 5 result: 20 <result> = <second>th multiple of <first> Puk: how is this different from printing: <result> = <first>th multiple of <second> ? if this is not what you are doing could you please elaborate on what … Re: Multiples Programming Software Development by Puk_1 Yes Slavi. That is right you enter the first number 5 then second 20. The program determines and prints that 20 is a multiple of 5. It also prints the multiplication table of 5 but I also want it to say that 20 is the fourth multiple of 5. I have done the determination of the multiple and the multiplication tables already Re: Multiples Programming Software Development by Hiroshe > I have done the determination of the multiple and the multiplication tables already Then what do you need help with? The print statement? Re: Multiples Programming Software Development by Puk_1 Thank you Slavi. I have been able to do it! Following your instructions and example. Thank you :) Re: Finding multiples, not working for reasons... Programming Software Development by brett.warren.1612 Oh, of coruse. Thanks again, I think I've got it from here. Re: Program multiples of 3 or 5, and 3 and 5 special print Programming Software Development by Moschops If the compiler (actually pre-processor in this case) cannot find a file it is looking for, then you have not told it where to look, or put the file in the wrong place, or misnamed the file. What is the exact error message? Re: Program multiples of 3 or 5, and 3 and 5 special print Programming Software Development by Hiroshe By the way, posting your code on Daniweb breaks this part of your licence: > You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into with Nikolas9896. as part of Daniweb's TOS: > Posts contributed to the community immediately become the property of … Re: Program multiples of 3 or 5, and 3 and 5 special print Programming Software Development by David W This is such a small problem that it seems more appropriate to just do it all in one short file: Note: the print logic flow can be made clear here by using two bool 'flags' to track what has already been printed: for( int i = 1; i < 101; ++i ) { bool global = false, logic = false; if( i % 3 == 0 )… Re: Program multiples of 3 or 5, and 3 and 5 special print Programming Software Development by Schol-R-LEA I the absence of other information, I would recommend trying the `-I` option with the path to the header files in question. g++ -Ipath\to\include main.cpp program1.cpp -o program1.exe However, if they are in the path already that shouldn't be necessary, so there may be more to this than that. Re: functions-(multiples/even/odd/square root/prime) Programming Software Development by salty11 forgot to mention that these are the numbers im using for input: 104 3773 13 121 77 30751 Re: functions-(multiples/even/odd/square root/prime) Programming Software Development by salty11 ok well i seem to have gotten the void even_odd funtion working, so now the only problem is getting all the functions to execute Re: functions-(multiples/even/odd/square root/prime) Programming Software Development by salty11 [QUOTE=salty11;1511665]ok well i seem to have gotten the void even_odd funtion working, so now the only problem is getting all the functions to execute[/QUOTE] i think it only doesnt work because the file doesnt read in agian, but how do i make it so that it reads in the numbers from file all over again each time???