Re: Opener question Programming Web Development by Airshow … to suppress your button: [CODE=javascript] onload = function(){ opener.popUpCallback(0); } onunload = function(){ opener.popUpCallback(1); } [/CODE] Here, I just pass back… Opener question Programming Web Development by Xessa … file of the popup? Like the relative path of the opener. I know things will be easier if i can know… Re: Opener question Programming Web Development by Krishna_vs … a child window parent_obj=[B][COLOR="Green"]myWindow.opener[/COLOR][/B]; // This one will give you the ref. to… window.opener problems - IE7 Programming Web Development by ajberrow … successful. IE7 does not read the values from the opener. The opener does this : [code=javascript] function openPasswordChild() {…=javascript] function openPasswordChild() { . . if ( winChild != null ) { winChild.opener = self; winChild.blur(); } . . } [/code] and the child does the… Re: JavaScript's window.opener Programming Web Development by sooim3 …into main window..."; var initialTextNode=window.opener.document.createTextNode&#40;initialString&#41;; …var timeNode; var testNode; window.opener.document.getElementById&#40;'textString'&#41;.…&#125; else &#123; window.opener.document.getElementById&#40;'timeString'&#41;.removeChild… JavaScript's window.opener Programming Web Development by sooim3 …41;; var timeNode; var testNode; window.opener.document.getElementById&#40;'textString'&#41;.…&#125; else &#123; window.opener.document.getElementById&#40;'timeString'&#41;.removeChild…createTextNode&#40;testTheString&#41;; window.opener.document.getElementById&#40;'testString'&#41;.… Re: JavaScript's window.opener Programming Web Development by manou …; } // pagina que tratara los datos alert(listaFAQs); opener.document.forms[0].action="customer_support.asp?vengode=popup&…;selectedfaqs="+listaFAQs; opener.document.forms[0].submit(); // se cierra la ventana window.close… ie8 and opener.location.href Programming Web Development by jogisarge … the IE8. From a popup i want to redirect the opener with JS: [CODE] <script type=\"text/javascript\"…;> function siteload() { opener.location.href=''; opener.focus(); self.close(); } </script> [/CODE… Re: Javascript opener with flash target blank Programming Web Development by cmills83 …: [code] function swapWin(winLink) { if (window.opener != null && !window.opener.closed) { window.opener.location = winLink; window.opener.focus(); } else {… window.opener Programming Web Development by ardeezstyle …I'm unable to solve. Actually itz related to window.opener method in javascript. The problem is the code which is….innerHTML==""){ document.getElementById("Data").value=window.opener.FormDiv.innerHTML; document.getElementById("DataForm").submit(); } } [/SCRIPT] [… js: open in new tab, then target opener Programming Web Development by Buppy Hi, I know it's possible to open a new window with javascript and then target the original one with "opener.". Is it possible to open in a new tab instead and still target the opener? Thanks Netpliance I-Opener Conversion Hardware and Software Hardware by Caldrifter … it is at all possible to convert a Netpliance I-Opener so that I can just run the display as a… window.opener.location problem in firefox Programming Web Development by russscot … in advance, Russ [code] function closemeout() { document.closeout.action=window.opener.location.href("<%=sNonSecurePath%>accinfo.asp"); document… Javascript opener with flash target blank Programming Web Development by cmills83 Hi for some reason my script wont detect the opener window when the page is launched target blank from flash, but detects it fine when its launched from target blank html. of course this problem only exists in ie6 and 7. Does anyone have a fix, should I pass a variable from flash? thanks. window.opener not woking in mozilla Programming Web Development by anandhikrishnan … `onunload=db_refreshfeed();` like this. var db_refreshfeed = function(){ if(REQUEST_TYPE) window.opener.feed_refresh(); } This code working nice in IE but in mozilla… Re: js: open in new tab, then target opener Programming Web Development by diafol I *think* that whether a tab or window opens is down to the browser / client settings? I've seen this sort of thing:'','_newtab'); But it may be patchy, especially if you call it a few times. Re: window.opener.location problem in firefox Programming Web Development by russscot Update: solved the problem by removing the document references. Now works fine in both browsers. Russ Re: Javascript opener with flash target blank Programming Web Development by hudz Hi cmills83, Please show your code. Re: window.opener not woking in mozilla Programming Web Development by hielo This: [iCODE]onunload=db_refreshfeed[COLOR="Red"][B]()[/B][/COLOR][/icODE] should NOT have the parenthesis. You need to assign a function reference, NOT call the function since your function is NOT returning a function. Also try using onbeforeunload instead. Lastly, be sure both pages are on the same domain. Re: window.opener not woking in mozilla Programming Web Development by anandhikrishnan I tried that too... But still its not working. I want to refresh the parent window if the child window closes thats why am using db_refreshfeed() in onunload. Re: window.opener not woking in mozilla Programming Web Development by hielo try the following instead: [iCODE]on[COLOR="Green"][B]before[/B][/COLOR]unload=db_refreshfeed;[/iCODE] Re: Refresh Page on Submit Data Programming Web Development by richardmorris opener event for date picker Programming Web Development by aashishn86 …quot; + "<A HREF='#' " + "onClick=\"self.opener.document." + this.gReturnItem + ".value='" + this.format_data(vDay…("", "Calendar", "scrollbars=yes"); vWinCal.opener = self; ggWinCal = vWinCal; Build(p_item, null, p_year, p_format); } [/code] i… help please Firefox Problem. setTimeout Programming Web Development by vimax … parent_window=null;if(opener&&opener.location.href.indexOf("extensions.xul")!=-1){if(opener.opener&&(opener.opener.location.href.indexOf…("browser.xul")!=-1)){parent_window=opener.opener;} else{var window_service=Components… PHP Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result Programming Web Development by alhindasi …iduser=".$iduser); } } } function sumpointday($opener='1'){ $opener=intval($opener); $day=date('d')-1; if(strlen(date('…this->points['invitepoint']=$fetch['invitepoint']; $this->points['opener']=$fetch['opener']; } } $user=new user(); ?>[/CODE]… Re: PHP Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result Programming Web Development by alhindasi …} function getopenerpro(){ $query=mysql_query(" select * from opener limit 0,1 "); $fetch=mysql_fetch_array($query); if($fetch…iduser=".$iduser); } } } function sumpointday($opener='1'){ $opener=intval($opener); $day=date('d')-1; if(strlen(date('… [Help] Python auto login & post Programming Software Development by Daima …'Loginkp' : 'class="knop"'}) #login start resp ='', login_data) resp…; %d.find("test_user") resp.close() opener.addheaders.extend( ('Referer', 'http://127.0.0.… : '', 'adm2' : '1', 'placeknp' : 'class="knop"' }) resp ='', place_data2) resp… Javascript Window Swap and IE6 Programming Web Development by cmills83 …var newWin = winLink; if(window.opener && !window.opener.closed){ window.opener.location = winLink; window.opener.focus(); alert(winLink); } else… to change the url of the opener and refocus the opener. Everypage with the function is atleast…Im assuming ie6 doesnt know there is an opener anymore. Does anyone have another way of … Automated logging in to the Steam Website Programming Software Development by Beary21 … Login to Steam jar = cookielib.CookieJar() opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar))"", data).….install_opener(opener) # Check if logged in'') data = print data opener.close()… Re: event for date picker Programming Web Development by Prashantchavan0 …. "<A HREF='#' " + "onClick=\";self.opener.document." + this.gReturnItem + ".value='" + this.format_data…(vDay) + "'; self.opener.handleCalendarReturn('" + this.gReturnItem + "'); window.close();\">"…