1,826 Topics

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Member Avatar for sui-jin

hello im trying to create a similar to snake game in TMT pascal lite and whenever i have the snake constintly moving but then want to user to enter the direction he wants the snake i cant figure out how to stop the program from pausing while reading the key …

Member Avatar for Katrix36

Hey all, I've built a database in delphi to store all the films that I own. I've added the ability to print the list out. At the moment when I print the list out it prints the list right up to the edge of the page. The list of films …

Member Avatar for Katrix36

Hey, I'm trying to create a on-screen keyboard for a group of disabled students at a school. So far i've managed to create the program to type out each letter/number that the user clicks on. This is fine, but I have to state the name of the active window that …

Member Avatar for Katrix36
Member Avatar for kennethf

I'm coming across a screwy problem that's really bugging me. (No pun intended.) I'm working in Delphi 5. I need to host a couple of forms on a panel. I don't want the forms to display outside of this panel, so naturally I assigned the panel as each form's parent. …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for jwenting

I'll be visiting the Delphi 2006 launch in the Netherlands on the 29th. First time to meet DavidI and other dignitaries in several years.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for ktulu

Hi guys, maybe this is easy question for u, but for me its hard one... i wanna make program which will draw a n-angle. for.example...to edit i will put value 10 and i wanna to draw to image an 10angle... i think this have to be done by sin,cos,tan? but …

Member Avatar for Starlette

can anybody help me !! I have been trying to use OO to write the snake game. But im soooo lost. Does anyone have any source code they could share with me? :lol:

Member Avatar for joe_perry
Member Avatar for johnpaul

I'm writing a calculator program that receives a string and returns the result (everything in console mode), using Delphi 6. I use a FOR to advance and evaluate the sub-expressions, but the compiler leaves the FOR without reason (I mean that Delphi does not give me any warnings or errors, …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for satrix36

Hi all, I'm needing some help on a program that Im making. When the program opens, I need it to detect whether or not a ftp server is online. I need the program to tell the user if the server is off line. Can someone please help me.

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for SilentGuy

I am trying to make what I thought was a simple game. Here's what it is the user inputs a number and the computer tries to guess the number. This is done by means of less or more using the inputbox. function. This is what I have so far:- procedure …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for luCKTOny

I placed an ActiveForm of mine into a HTML page. The ActiveForm have an event to receive Windows message,but it doesn't work in the HTML page. WHY? TKS!

Member Avatar for spargelsuppe

Hi there, I need help :o ... I have to solve the following task, a person buys goods and everytime the person receives change. The aim is that the person has as few as possible coins in its wallet. The person has an unlimited value of one dollar coins. And …

Member Avatar for pty
Member Avatar for mrsmole

Im new to Pascal and have to write a program to calculate coinage given as change, ie 1 x20p . I just haven't got a clue how to get Pascal to calculate the coins. Please help ! Im lost :rolleyes: :sad:

Member Avatar for mrsmole
Member Avatar for chris_anthony23

i am new to the whole pascal programming thing and i was going through this book and came across what seems to be a challengin problem for me at present Could u plz help me out? Here is the problem: Angles are often measured in degrees, minutes and seconds. There …

Member Avatar for mrsmole
Member Avatar for antypanty

Hey, I've been studying pascal for a while now but still havn't yet learnt how to put a simple line on my console. The code I have is: program test; uses graph; begin line(0,0,10,10); readln; end. When executed just flashes on then off quickly. Thanks :cool:

Member Avatar for abdullah
Member Avatar for mpx10

hi i need some help with doing screen dumps or print screens in turbo pascal. when i press the print screen button whilst my program is running and then go and paste it in word, powerpoint or paint, all that pastes is the text and boxes i have created but …

Member Avatar for abdullah
Member Avatar for mmouse

Hi All, I am reading a textfile and ready to import into an access database. The issue that has just arisen of hidden characters in line of text. The file is sent to us by a third party. e.g. Problem_Details: all the objects were all very soft and were split …

Member Avatar for abdullah
Member Avatar for satrix36

Hi all. I am currently making a program to help a friend with organizing her pictures on her pc. On the program I am needing 2 box that will display 2 different directories on the computer. I can do that using 2 TShellViewList components. How can I enabled the TShellViewLists …

Member Avatar for satrix36

Hi, I've been asked to created a program for my local video rental shop, that can store the details of the members, videos, dvds etc. On the for were the user adds a member, I am wanting some code that will generate the membership number automaticaly in a edit box. …

Member Avatar for satrix36
Member Avatar for satrix36

Hi, I've setup a form with several edit boxes and with a button to add the text in the edit boxes to be saved in a file. I've tryed to put a validation check in the program: When the user press' the "Save" button, it checks if the edit boxes …

Member Avatar for mrmike
Member Avatar for Larsj82

I have been using Turbo Pascal alot since I was in my puberty and have now started off with Delphi 7. It seems like if you want to do graphical programs, you have to make it as windows applications. Is that right? Are there any ways to use graphics as …

Member Avatar for Turner

Hi I am currently embarking on a project to build a sentry unit of some kind. Basically, I have a webcam and need to access the feed from it in delphi, whilst being able to analyse the image and assess changes in it. If anyone could help me with this …

Member Avatar for satrix36

I'm needing to select individual character in an edit box. E.g. An edit box contains the word "Alpha". I then press a button and the program then selects the letter "P". Has anyone got any ideas?

Member Avatar for sanam

Hi I want to use of ADodataset with Quickreport for make report in delphi7 and use of commandtext property of adodataset that send parameter for report . how can i do this ?

Member Avatar for sbedford

Just wondering if it is possible to do this? I am writing a program for a touchscreen monitor and would like an onscreen keypad. Is there any way to pass a key by pressing a button? For example, I press button '1' on the virtual keypad and I want the …

Member Avatar for sbedford
Member Avatar for mrmike

I've been creating a small program, thats work fine under windows xp, but fails on windows 2000 pro/server, and also windows 98. I need the software to work on also windows versions, etc 95 and ME. I can't install it as it is a check to ensure that various software …

Member Avatar for mrmike
Member Avatar for Turner

Hi I'm working on a computing project using delphi, and for the main user screen, I need to get a menu, like that of the popup menu to appear when I move the mouse over a button, or other object. This menu needs to appear to the side of the …

Member Avatar for mrmike
Member Avatar for platinum

Hi everyone! I have this loop which just wont complete. My code is: [I]begin a:=1; repeat b:=1; repeat write('element ', a, ',', b, ' = '); readln(mat[a, b]); b:=b+1; until b>n; a:=a+1; until a>n; end;[/I] a, b and n are all declared as integers. This is used to enter the …

Member Avatar for platinum
Member Avatar for Aldur

Hi everyone, I have recently started learning Delphi, and use Delphi 2005, I am following a tutorial on making a client server application, however it says this is the code i need to use in the on connect event on my TCP/IP Client Object, however i get an undeclared identifier …

Member Avatar for neverwinter

Hi, I've a project that makes use of TChart. In my previous machine, it compiles properly. But when I tried compiling it on a new machine with a clean install of Delphi 5, the following error occurred: [Fatal Error] File not found: TeeConst.pas This happens even if you just create …

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The End.