187 Topics

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Member Avatar for bluem1

Team - I am in the beginning of a new project. I need to be able to present a list of records on an .aspx page. (This isn't a problem.) and when the "details" link is clicked it woudl show the full record etc. (again, not a problem) Problem? I …

Member Avatar for bluem1
Member Avatar for Deepika Soman

Hi all.... I'm here to solve a small issue regarding converting a form in VB.net/ asp.net into a pdf flie... such that if i click on a button "Convert to PDF" my PDF file should appear and i should be able to save it... after little search i could find …

Member Avatar for jlego

I am going to try to explain this the best I can I didn't develop the original version of this, or the part that rights it to the database. in our company, there is a program that takes PDF files and stores them in our mysql database as blobs. The …

Member Avatar for jlego
Member Avatar for freemanirl

I'm writing this in VB.NET, so I figured I'd post here. So, I'm writing a program to convert some pdfs to jpegs. This is all well and good, and the program seems to work well for the most part. Unfortunately, I've come across a bit of a problem. The pdfs …

Member Avatar for jj.amonit

Using the above technologies, I want to create a PDF, store it in my db, and email it. All with the click of one button. I also want to call it up and have it be able to display with a hyperlink. I am very new to FPDF. Therefore, I …

Member Avatar for red_ruewei
Member Avatar for josiefrut

Hi guys! I need to have a PDF viewer that wont allow users to save, copy, print, email& share online.. plainly just for viewing. any suggestion is appreciated. Thanks.

Member Avatar for josiefrut

Hi guys, Does anyone know how to hide a toolbar (file toolbar) in pdfbox using java api? really need help.. Thanks!

Member Avatar for Borzoi

I have been waiting for three days now for someone in the IT department where I work to update Acrobat so that I can use it. I don't know why they're taking so long because all they need to do is log in as an administrator then click "update" on …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for Borzoi

I am looking to create a digital questionnaire which isn't web based. I need it to be a word document or PDF file (or something similar) that anyone could download to their computer and fill in on their computer (or if they choose to, print it out then fill it …

Member Avatar for kaede1888

Recently I have some PDF files need to transfer to word for use in my office 2008. I firstly tried to copy and paste but the contents are messed up using Adobe Reader. I could not upload it to SNIP or other online websites because they are my company’s confidential …

Member Avatar for macgurl70
Member Avatar for tyson.crouch

G'day, I was wondering if anyone here knew how i could convert java output to a formatted PDF file? If anyone knows of a reliable open-source project it would be much appreciated. Thx, TC

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for reanopp

Hi guys, We have a custom-written online invoicing system, written in PHP. Right now, it generates an HTML invoice (with CSS etc) and sends that to the clients as an HTML mail, but since a lot of mail clients regard it as spam, disable functionality and images, or just completely …

Member Avatar for abeltenny0210
Member Avatar for rukshilag

This is a table customization in a search form. I need the ticked checkbox values to be passed to the pdf.php in order for the table to be customized. but the table is not filled nor is it customised. [CODE]<?php //access incoming name, id or radio button values $cs = …

Member Avatar for Zagga
Member Avatar for rajeevbhatt17

Could anyone suggest the best way of resizing an image (.bmp/jpeg) without loss of quality. The problem we are facing is that when we tried resizing one of our images (3000X3000 pixels) to 75X75, it looks fine, and also comes out well when printed directly or as image in a …

Member Avatar for jeanttt
Member Avatar for capiono

I a method that generates a PDF and the method returns a byte value, but after response.end statement, the shows an error that the "File does not begin with '%PDF-' here is the code: [CODE] private static Byte[] GenerateReports(string templateFilePath, DataTable table, string fileName) { Byte[] Output = null; string …

Member Avatar for Kreadus
Member Avatar for rukshilag

hi - i have coded a seacrch box and its results are displayed in a tabular form. i have also a print button which when pressed shud create a pdf based on that table that is displayed. for this i have a separate page called pdf.php. i am using ezpdf …

Member Avatar for rukshilag

Hi i have downloaded a php class from a website. and i want to know how i am to integrate it with my system??? i mean do i unzip the file to where? please help!

Member Avatar for rukshilag
Member Avatar for happydiamond

I need to run large PDF files of financial reports, saving each Acct. ID to a separate PDF file so I can post electronically (to avoid printing out 800 pages a month and distributing in paper format). I don't know VB but the attachment shows the steps I need to …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for khess

This review covers the [URL="http://www.astak.com"]Astak[/URL] 5" [URL="http://www.astak.com/product.asp?serial=05EZBLU"]EZReader PocketPro eBook Reader[/URL] which sells for $199 US. Technical Specs: ePaper, E-Ink Technology, 5" screen, 800x600 resolution, 8 Grayscale colors, Dimensions: 6"x4.1"x0.4", Linux OS, 512MB RAM, Samsung ARM9 400MHz CPU, One USB 2.0, One SD Card slot, Earphone jack, Weight 6oz, Li-Polymer battery. …

Member Avatar for capiono

I have a dataset class in my Project, How do I export the tables in the dataset to PDF using ItextSharp Thanks

Member Avatar for lemort

Hi I have a bunch of .pdf's full of music notes in a library and I want these notes to be [I]search-able[/I] from my site using three values (that, would be very nice if can be [I]combined[/I] using AND and OR operators): 1) author; 2) title 3) keyword. - How …

Member Avatar for nileshgr
Member Avatar for happygeek

Still using Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader? Maybe it is time to switch to something that's not glowing red on the bad guy radar, or which is more securely coded depending upon how you look at these things. Yes, Adobe has admitted that there is yet another possible zero-day vulnerability …

Member Avatar for chand.

I need an opensource French to English converter, which is able to translate one pdf to another and vice versa. Many thanks for helping me out.

Member Avatar for chand.
Member Avatar for Michel777

Hi Forum, we want shown some pages, documents on by on in fullscreen, without any user interaction. This is a kind of digital signage application. All of them are accesable via http: 1) [url]http://.....any1.html[/url] 2) [url]http://.....any2.pdf[/url] 3) [url]http://.....any3.jpg[/url] 4) [url]http://.[/url]... any4.mp4 We have no problems with 1). But what about …

Member Avatar for ayesha789

Hi Please tell me how we can search PDF File , which is stored in folder like C:\Folder and then show in show.php page as dynamic link. also Upload new PDF File to Folder Please tell me how?

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for railto

Hi guys and gals, Im working on a project at present where i need to be able to upload a batch of apporx 400 files each week. What i need the script to do is, when a driver enters his number and a pin that the script will then search …

Member Avatar for railto
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

You have to give Sony credit, they are really trying new strategies to wrestle eBook marketshare from the Amazon Kindle. This month [URL="http://news.sel.sony.com/en/press_room/consumer/computer_peripheral/e_book/release/41492.html"]they announced several new editions [/URL]of the Sony Reader, including the brand new Reader Daily Edition, which should be in stores in time for the holiday shopping season. …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

In a move that could only be characterized as surprising, Sony announced last week that it was going to be using the open [URL="http://www.idpf.org/"]ePub eBook standard[/URL], which in theory should enable [URL="http://ebookstore.sony.com/reader/"]Sony Reader[/URL] users to access and use any books created around the standard. Sony Readers will also be able …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Adobe has issued a security advisory following the discovery of what it describes as a "critical vulnerability" which exists within the current versions of Flash Player (v9.0.159.0 and v10.0.22.87) across all platforms, Windows, Macintosh and Linux operating systems, The same vulnerability can be found within the authplay.dll component that ships …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The bad guys of the IT business are always looking for the most effective ways to infect the innocent Internet user, and increasingly that means turning to commonly used web browser plug-ins such as Flash or PDF readers. A couple of years ago we were [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1537.html"]reporting critical vulnerabilities[/URL] for all …

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The End.