Re: Does anyone know how to self-host a nextcloud server? Hardware and Software Cloud-based Apps by m_624 …. Install a LAMP Stack: Ensure Linux, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, and PHP are installed. Download Nextcloud: Get the latest Nextcloud release from… Re: Does anyone know how to self-host a nextcloud server? Hardware and Software Cloud-based Apps by antwanlee … optimizations. I'd recommend you to go with PHP-FPM instead of apache2 mod-php and use a redis cache. After googling… minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by pyeri … already know about CodeIgniter and its enormous capabilities as a PHP framework, this very site being a testament of it. …But what about an even smaller micro-framework for PHP? Something along the lines of Flask or Bottle? Something … initial stage or a frontend SPA app with just basic PHP features? Today, I want to introduce you to [minimal… Re: minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by pyeri @pritaeas Most modern PHP frameworks like Slim make heavy use of OOP which introduces … need this level of bureaucratic scaling. The vast majority of PHP apps are, in fact, small-medium ones like a simple… some promise in this for a truly minimal and utilitarian PHP micro framework. Re: minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by Dani … OOP. I think that, aside from the absolute most simple PHP implementations (e.g. a static website for a brick 'n…' mortar that uses PHP for a contact form, etc.), OOP is an almost necessary… Re: Calling an object from another in PHP using construct Programming Web Development by aishamushtaq To avoid infinite loops when including objects of multiple classes in PHP OOP: 1. Use dependency injection to pass objects as dependencies. 2. Review class design for circular dependencies. 3. Refactor classes to break cyclic dependencies if necessary. Re: minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by pritaeas Why would I choose this over a package like [Slim]( Re: minimal-mvc: Frugal PHP micro-framework with basic routing and templating Programming Web Development by Dani > In the case of DaniWeb, there are Post objects, Thread objects, Forum objects, and Member objects, and pretty much all functionality can be accomplished with methods that act upon any combination of those four things. I just want to also add that I rolled my own ORM such that each instance of any of these classes maps directly to a row in a… Re: Unpopular Opinion: Bootstrap+jquery+CI is the best thing since sliced bread Programming Web Development by Dani … today. Here are some really interesting discussions about PHP and, more specifically, Codeigniter, that I've …of mine highlighting my reasons for sticking with PHP all these years](…here's an interesting discussion about suggestions for optimizing php](… Re: Unpopular Opinion: Bootstrap+jquery+CI is the best thing since sliced bread Programming Web Development by pyeri …parts of that Internet. As the PHP creator himself once said, CodeIgniter is a PHP framework that feels the least like … end, it is just feeble wrappers on top of core PHP objects like `$_SESSION`, `$_POST`, etc. With a framework like … more "near" to the spirit of core PHP than with something like Laravel or Symfony. Thanks for the… Unpopular Opinion: Bootstrap+jquery+CI is the best thing since sliced bread Programming Web Development by pyeri … the right place! No offense to all the shiny new PHP and JS frameworks out there which get discussed ad-nauseum…'re building a small to medium sized web project in PHP: 1. Small Footprint (about 2-3 MBs of core framework… Re: Database wrapper for Codeigniter 3 Programming Web Development by pyeri … my web development needs. It required some modifications when PHP 8 came (PHP 8 didn't allow dynamic properties which are used… Re: MySQL Packets out of order Programming Web Development by wwwalker If PHP locks the database connection in a persistent connection and the packets from the transaction are incomplete then the packets would be out of order. Hence asynchronous PHP connection would be OK for transactions and not have the locks that persistent connection would create. Re: Future of Web Development: Trends and Tools Programming Web Development by Dani … been using the same ones for the past 20 years. PHP + MySQL + Nginx + Redis + Memcached + SphinxSearch on the backend. Cloudflare as… old school like that. For many years, I used Zend PHP Studio as my IDE. Nowadays I use PHPStorm. Re: Database wrapper for Codeigniter 3 Programming Web Development by Dani Wow, this is old. I just stumbled upon it and it’s so crazy looking back at old code you wrote once upon a time. Especially since we are still working off the same framework so it’s just interesting to see how much it’s morphed and evolved over the years. Re: Database wrapper for Codeigniter 3 Programming Web Development by pyeri Glad to know that Daniweb uses CodeIgniter! It's a very minimal but robust framework and has all the bells and whistles which other so called "modern" frameworks keep talking about. I myself use CI3 for most of my freelance projects. For database interaction, I usually don't use the CI models, I prefer dealing with the `$this->db` … Re: Database wrapper for Codeigniter 3 Programming Web Development by Dani I started with CI3 probably like a decade ago, and that’s what I’m continuing to use, albeit with a bunch of security updates and so forth. It’s not worth it to me to upgrade to CI4 right now since that would pretty much be a complete rewrite of the entire app for not much upside. Do you have any experience with CI4? Re: MySQL Packets out of order Programming Web Development by Dani Sorry, I’m not quite sure I understand what you’re saying? Re: MySQL Packets out of order Programming Web Development by Haseeb_12 Thanks for sharing this insight! Disabling persistent connections when using transactions is a great tip and saved me a lot of debugging time. How can we Implement Multiple Surveys/Feedbacks on Our Result page? Programming Web Development by carnoico Hi, We are an educational institute. We are looking to implement something unique, we want to add multiple forms/surveys on the same page, we want each feedback form/survey under student name and rank so they can easily provide the feedback and then that feedback should be displayed on the same page with that student name with other details of the … Re: How can we Implement Multiple Surveys/Feedbacks on Our Result page? Programming Web Development by Dani If I understand you correctly, what you're asking for is custom development work. If you don't already have an in-house developer working on your website who is capable of doing this, you most likely will need to go the custom consulting route. You can use freelance services such as [Upwork]( or [Toptal](https://www.toptal.… Re: Calling an object from another in PHP using construct Programming Web Development by pritaeas … described by jkon. I'd go for a container class: ```php class Container { private $A; private $B; private $C; public function…:// Calling an object from another in PHP using construct Programming Web Development by FarrisFahad How can I include objects in each other using PHP OOP? I have 3 classes all classes make use of one another. I am trying to call them on `__construct` but it's creating an infinite calls to one another. How can I solve this? Re: Calling an object from another in PHP using construct Programming Web Development by jkon … a construction method . Lets play a bit with it in PHP: class A { private $obj; public function __construct() { $this->obj… Re: Calling an object from another in PHP using construct Programming Web Development by FarrisFahad … need to know now. I am new to OOP in PHP. Is it good to call a class within a class… Re: APIs and SDKs in a PHP project Programming Web Development by Dani In the context of PHP, an API's SDK is a PHP-based library that is used to access what is typically a JSON-based API. Composer is a dependency manager for PHP, but you typically don't *need* to use it. What API are you trying to connect to? APIs and SDKs in a PHP project Programming Web Development by FarrisFahad … to understand how I can add an SDK to my PHP projects to make APIs calls. I noticed that every software… to have it for every SDK? I am also using PHP procedural programming and I noticed that these SDKs use OOP… Re: APIs and SDKs in a PHP project Programming Web Development by pritaeas > I am also using PHP procedural programming and I noticed that these SDKs use OOP. > Can someone help me make my first API call using an SDK? Do you understand OOP and can you write code using it? If so, continue to the next step. I'd advise against the other way around. Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Dani …() function is configured to use SMTP in your php.ini file. A lot of SMTP servers switched over the past … Stack Overflow]( that has an example implementation of… Re: Calling an object from another in PHP using construct Programming Web Development by pritaeas Show some code of how you expect it to work.