PlayStation Move Bundles Ready to Move Money From Paycheck, DisKonect You From Xbox Hardware and Software by Glass_Joe … and priced on Wednesday: the PlayStation 3 Sports Champion Move Bundle and the Playstation Move Bundle. The PlayStation 3 Sports Champion Move Bundle comes packaged… with a Playstation 3 console (hard drive size… Re: PlayStation 3 Password Cracking Hardware and Software Networking by Games …) Console:$180usd Sony PlayStation® 2 Console:$120usd Sony PlayStation 2 Slimline Console:$140usd. Sony PlayStation® 3 (60 GB) Console:$370usd. Sony PlayStation® 3 (20 GB) Console… PlayStation 3 Password Cracking Hardware and Software Networking by newsguy … this week. His presentation looked at the use of the PlayStation 3 games console to crack passwords, and Breese concluded that when… the PS3 whereas before it would have taken weeks. The PlayStation 3 can be also be used to break basic encryption schemes… PlayStation 3 powered RoadRunner is world's fastest computer Community Center by happygeek … based on the same processor technology that powers the Sony PlayStation 3 has just been officially ratified as the fastest computer on… a fast game of Quake. Although first seen in the PlayStation 3, those Cell processors were jointly developed by IBM, Sony and… PlayStation 3 as Linux Enterprise Server Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by happygeek The PlayStation 3 is, without doubt, a multi-talented piece of kit: state … Yellow Dog Linux v5.0, utilizing the IBM 64-bit 3.2 GHz Cell processor in the PS3, and in turn… PS3 uses a 64-bit Cell processor that runs at 3.2 GHz, is PowerPC compatible with 256 MB of main… Playstation 3 friends Programming Web Development by LarZ I want to develop a widget that'll allow people to see who of their PS3 friends are online and what they're playing, just like you can see through the Playstation 3 friends menu. How would i get this info? Is it important enough for Sony to make it difficult to access??? A Revealing Interview with the Designer of the PlayStation Community Center Geeks' Lounge by PCBrown … Goto, and he is the designer of the original PlayStation console and the controller that single handedly transformed the nature…; Upon seeing the first playable tech demo for the PlayStation, Goto realized that he was going to be a … for a software company, but we started supporting the PlayStation because of the system's design.' I was really … PS3 firmware update on its way, admits PlayStation bigwig Hardware and Software macOS by newsguy The official US PlayStation 3 blog has [URL="…, seeing as how it has come from the Director of PlayStation Network Operations, Eric Lempel, himself. So no more speculation and… Here comes the PlayStation 4 to save the day Community Center Geeks' Lounge by happygeek …, if this document is to be believed, is that the PlayStation 4 will not be an all new machine, but rather… Re: PlayStation Move Bundles Ready to Move Money From Paycheck, DisKonect You From Xbox Hardware and Software by popin rofl serrioulsy that, thats sony's comeback (ohh im actually crying a little bit) my girlfriend said it looked distinctly adult in nature. aww man thats just too funny Re: PlayStation Move Bundles Ready to Move Money From Paycheck, DisKonect You From Xbox Hardware and Software by Glass_Joe Trust me--you were NOT ALONE in your thoughts. Re: which game programming language is compatible with PC and playstation or PC and Xbox Programming Game Development by Suetan Playstation uses C++ XBOX uses C# Windows uses either Linux for PlayStation Community Center by invisal … Linux, but the Linux kit for PlayStation 2 is also very much about making PlayStation 2 hardware accessible for learning how to…, and Australia, and other educational groups have introduced Linux for PlayStation 2 facilities and teaching modules as a part of their… Re: Linux for PlayStation Community Center by linux do i need a special hard drive for my playstation? or can i use a desktop hd? Re: Linux for PlayStation Community Center by John A [quote=linux;247312]do i need a special hard drive for my playstation? or can i use a desktop hd?[/quote] [url][/url] RE: Playstation Graphics Upgrade Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by ShahBoii … sound abit insane, but is it possible to upgrade a Playstation 2 graphics card to maybe a 512MB Nvedia 9800 GTX…, how can you disable the integrated graphics card? does the playstation have a BIOS like computers? and does the graphics need… Re: Original Playstation Programming Language Programming Game Development by Dr. Cooldude … you mean the PS1? If so, the language used for PlayStation games are written in C. However, you can't make… games for the PlayStation without an official license from SCE. And now that PS1… Original Playstation Programming Language Programming Game Development by Tornado Afterma Hey what kind of programming language does the original playstation use? And where can I download it and some good tutorials? I just have one lying around and thought that it would be cool to make some games just 4 fun. Re: Playstation 3 friends Programming Web Development by Have you had any luck finding more info on this? Surely its possible. Re: Playstation 3 friends Programming Web Development by Diode I am not familiar with PS3, but is this widget for Mac OS X or a different platform? I only ask because there are small programs for it called widgets, and I didn't know if what you were trying to make were the same thing. Diode Re: Playstation 3 friends Programming Web Development by LarZ nah man, no luck :s This widget could be embedded in a web page, or even used in a desktop application (i use windows). The PSN can access this info, and i presume it's done through http(s)... why haven't the public (not me, i'm lazy) gotten ahold of it yet? or maybe I have a simplistic view of what's actually happening... Re: Playstation 3 friends Programming Web Development by MattEvans It's not safe to assume that HTTP is used exclusively; a server that publishes this information in a webpage could actually use any underlying protocol to collect the information. Just because HTTP is used when you access the information from a webserver doesn't mean that HTTP is used 'between' the PS3 network servers. I would imagine it is … Re: which game programming language is compatible with PC and playstation or PC and Xbox Programming Game Development by Tellalca C++ works on xbox, pc, playstation, android and most of the embedded systems. Go for it but it will be hardcore. Re: which game programming language is compatible with PC and playstation or PC and Xbox Programming Game Development by nssltd … you desire for it. [QUOTE] C++ works on xbox, pc, playstation, android and most of the embedded systems. Go for it… your local bookstore or online. I recommend Learning XNA 3.0: XNA 3.0 Game Development for the PC, Xbox 360, and… Re: which game programming language is compatible with PC and playstation or PC and Xbox Programming Game Development by You should try Unity 3D. When you make an awsome game, then you can publish it to Playstation, Xbox, Pc and mac. They let you suppport Ipad or ISO file :D It uses C#, javascript and Boob Re: which game programming language is compatible with PC and playstation or PC and Xbox Programming Game Development by sergent … most of the games are made for many different platforms. Playstation, Macs and Linux's don't have C#, so do… Re: which game programming language is compatible with PC and playstation or PC and Xbox Programming Game Development by skatamatic … most of the games are made for many different platforms. Playstation, Macs and Linux's don't have C#, so do… Re: which game programming language is compatible with PC and playstation or PC and Xbox Programming Game Development by sergent … most of the games are made for many different platforms. Playstation, Macs and Linux's don't have C#, so do… Re: PS3 firmware update on its way, admits PlayStation bigwig Hardware and Software macOS by Twisted Arm I've gone back and forth on whether to buy PS3 or XBox. This helps me sway back into the PS3 mode. Its tipping point for me is its excellent Blu-Ray disk playing capability. Re: PS3 firmware update on its way, admits PlayStation bigwig Hardware and Software macOS by happygeek I have both, and the PS3 is now pretty much used as a Blu-Ray player and that's it. The XBox 360 Elite gets all the gaming action, mainly because it has all (well most, in the case of our family) the really playable games.