35 Topics

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Member Avatar for java_stud

i'm having a problem with my code for evaluating postfix expressions. any comments on what's wrong on my code? [code] import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.Stack; public class Eval { private Stack<String> operatorStack; private Stack<Integer> operandStack; public int evaluate(String output) { StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(output);//divides into tokens int value; …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for soUPERMan

Hello, I wanna write a method that recieves an argument of type String which is a mathematical expression in infix mode, then change it to postfix and store in a queue and return the queue...how do i go about that?? I have created so far a Queue class, Node class.

Member Avatar for lucky_Username
Member Avatar for signum89

I already have an infix to postfix converter, now I want to get the answer from the postfix notation. Here is my code to evaluate a given postfix notation and (hopefully) get the answer: [CODE=java] public class testEVAL { private StackArray SA; private String input; private int postfixEVAL; //start constructor …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for juliesyumyum

Hey! I need to program a simple arithmetic calculator. I've done the parser, infix to postfix, etc. Everything's working with no problems except that it only works with one-digit numbers. For example: 10+2 evaluates to 2 instead of 12. Here's the code of the parser: [CODE] package calculator; public class …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for jen140

Hello all, i've tryied to setup a mail server using thise guide: [url]http://www.debianadmin.com/debian-mail-server-setup-with-postfix-dovecot-sasl-squirrel-mail.html[/url] I can easily recieve it, but have problems sending it. My main.cf : [code] biff = no append_dot_mydomain = no readme_directory = no smtpd_tls_cert_file=/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem smtpd_tls_key_file=/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key smtpd_use_tls=yes smtpd_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${data_directory}/smtpd_scache smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${data_directory}/smtp_scache myhostname = server alias_maps = …

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The End.