Re: GCC Fails to Recognize Parameters Programming by toneewa While I haven't used DJGPP for a couple decades, I decided to install the ffmpeg library and do a test program another way. For me, the declarations worked changing: #include "os_support.h" #include "avformat.h" #include "internal.h" #if CONFIG_NETWORK #include "network.h" #… ptr and dynamic mem... Programming Software Development by tkansara …char othelloMatrix[numRows - 1][numCols - 1]; } passer = &(*ptr); initializeMatrix(passer, numRows,numCols); printMatrix(passer, numRows, numCols); //printf("…for(memCount = 0; memCount < numRows*numCols; memCount++) { if(ptr[memCount] = '\0') gameFinish = false; else gameFinish = true; } … Re: ptr and dynamic mem... Programming Software Development by csurfer … are wrong with your code starting with this: [code=c] ptr = malloc(numRows*numCols); [/code] [B]Errors :[/B] What are you… array.What you have done is nothing but [code=c] ptr = malloc (100); [/code] [B]Which has no meaning !!![/B… *ptr & **ptr Programming Software Development by ravi1986 … the same challenge using a pointer to the data type (*ptr) and the calculated locations. AND The same challenge using a… pointer to a pointer to the data type(**ptr). For all of these, PASS any size information needed into… PTR Record Issue... Hardware and Software Networking by arvindhar … do i confirm this problem, this is due to my PTR Record setup issue or some other issue. Message Wed 2008… Re: PTR Record Issue... Hardware and Software Networking by HoustonIT … to reverse dns, your ISP will have to setup the PTR record. I just went through 2 hours of telephone support… Ptr copying pls help Programming Software Development by MrNoob … book i m reading that i copy element but using ptr to copy and other choice will be using normal integers… Re: Use of (ptr -arr) in the following code Programming Software Development by ravenous …to where number 33 exists in array. so (ptr-arr) is the offset from begining of the… exists (probably equal to 2). Almost. You have `ptr` and `arr` the wrong way round in this explanation…: `*(arr + 2)` So, in your example, `ptr` is set to point at the position with the value…(i.e. index 0), so the value of `ptr - arr` is the index of the value `33`… Re: Use of (ptr -arr) in the following code Programming Software Development by |\|asrin *ptr* is a pointer to first position in array and *arr* is pointing to where number 33 exists in array. so *(ptr-arr)* is the offset from begining of the array where 33 exists (probably equal to 2). Use of (ptr -arr) in the following code Programming Software Development by shanna62 …understand what the code in the (ptr –arr) is doing. I understand ptr is the result of the find …33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88}; int main() { int *ptr; ptr = find(arr, arr+8, 33); cout << "First…with value 33 found at offset " << (ptr -arr) << endl; system("pause"); … memory allocation ptr to array? how? Programming Software Development by kokopo2 … char *string ); int main(){ int size; char input[20]; char *ptr; printf("Enter the size of string."); scanf("…;%d",&size); ptr = (char *)malloc((size +1) * sizeof(char *)); if( ptr) { printf("Enter a character string… byte ptr usage (nasm assembly) Programming Software Development by flash121 … string char by char and i've heard a byte ptr is the way to do this, but i'm having…;comma or end of line expected" at the byte ptr line. [code] BITS 32 extern printf global main section .data… ret fun: mov ebx,dword[esp+4] mov al,byte ptr[ebx] .. .. .. ret [/code] Any advice would be much appriciated… Re: memory allocation ptr to array? how? Programming Software Development by Enzo Hi there .. i think i have read something like this here: try this link [url][/url] Create Virtual __stdcall Function That Won’t Crash When Called Using A Fn Ptr Programming Software Development by Frederick2 … int i=0,j=0; //iterator variables CA* pCA=0; //ptr to class CA printf("sizeof(CA) = %u\n\n… int i=0,j=0; //iterator variables CA* pCA=0; //ptr to class CA printf("sizeof(CA) = %u\n\n… problem in reading ptr to structs Programming Software Development by MrNoob … it using ptrs to struct normally i tried first using ptr to struct in some main function to test some stuff… with structures or do i get runtime error coz the ptr to struct isnt intilised ?but its alrdy intilised since struct… Re: problem in reading ptr to structs Programming Software Development by MrNoob yah solved it but thats weird if they intilise it using struct employee *em1; they should have did just struct *ptr; then ptr=&em1; lol mov DWORD PTR [ebp-4] Programming Software Development by linuxdude …. All gcc outputs have a line similar to: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-4] that I can't figure out. For example… esp, 16 ; push for room for a word mov DWORD PTR [ebp-4], 5 ; I'm confused here mov eax, 0… Bad Ptr - String Programming Software Development by Tellalca … error. I debugged and it says string password <Bad Ptr> and that password string have more than lets say…'t find the solution and i have that <Bad Ptr> error a lot in my programs. What is wrong… Re: bad ptr Programming Software Development by mrnutty Test to see if "new" is returning a null. That is try this : [code]ClassA* ptr = new(nothrow) ClassA(); if(ptr) ptr->Load("test.txt"); else printError(); [/code] getline from a known file ptr value Programming Software Development by yatman … if (found!=string::npos)//if line is found get ptr store id for return { cout<<"FP… can read node id value { //update the file ptr after every line read stringstream str(line); cout<&… Re: problem in reading ptr to structs Programming Software Development by MrNoob or i have to declare normal structure of same type and make the ptr get its address ? Re: problem in reading ptr to structs Programming Software Development by yellowSnow [QUOTE=MrNoob;985829]or i have to declare normal structure of same type and make the ptr get its address ?[/QUOTE] You can do it that way, or allocate memory to your structure pointer as in: [CODE=C] em1 = malloc( sizeof(*em1) ); [/CODE] Re: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-4] Programming Software Development by NotNull … 4 doublewords as local variables on the stack. mov DWORD PTR [ebp-4], 5 Copies 5 into first doubleword on the… Boost shared ptr construction Programming Software Development by Niner710 Hi , I am trying to use a Boost shared ptr with a map template. I have a bunch of subclasses … How do I set shared ptr to NULL Programming Software Development by Niner710 Hi, I have a simple question on trying to set shared ptr to NULL. I get an error(binary '=': no operator found which takes a right hand operand of type 'int') when I do this... [code] typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<A> A_smrt; A_smrt = NULL; [/code] Why is this wrong? bad ptr Programming Software Development by dflatt … { //blah blah blah } } [/CODE] when debugging it shows "bad ptr" and "0xcdcdcdcd" when the function is called… call dword ptr [ecx+5Ch] Programming Software Development by azka Hello, i have a noob question. Could you please answer me, what do this means? [CODE]call dword ptr [ecx+5Ch][/CODE] i can not get, what does this +5Ch (its s backslash "\"), but what it means in this calling? Thanks! Re: call dword ptr [ecx+5Ch] Programming Software Development by GunnerInc 5CH == 92 base 10 so it would be call DWORD PTR [ecx + 92] what is it from? A disassembly? Re: PTR Record Issue... Hardware and Software Networking by Freaktech You may also have to have an SPF record setup with your hosting company. Many email servers are checking for these days and will reject emails from you if you do not have one. Re: Ptr copying pls help Programming Software Development by Salem You don't increment the dest array pointer. The destination isn't big enough.