Claude 3 Opus Vs. Google Gemini Vs. GPT-4 for Zero-Shot Text Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … positive and negative sentiments. The following script selects 100 random tweets. ``` # Remove rows where 'airline_sentiment' or 'text' are NaN dataset = dataset.…dropna(subset=['airline_sentiment', 'text']) # Remove rows where 'airline_sentiment' or 'text' are empty strings dataset = dataset[(dataset… Random binary matrix Programming Software Development by soffie Need to make a random size (x = rows, y = columns) matrix which is filled with random numbers (only 0 or 1).…... Now I can get only one dimension array with random natural numbers. [CODE]#include <iostream> #… it even possible to make this matrix (random rows, random collumns, filled with random numbers)? If so, than I would appreciate… Re: Random binary matrix Programming Software Development by VernonDozier …1023759]Need to make a random size (x = rows, y = columns) matrix which is filled with random numbers (only 0 or…... Now I can get only one dimension array with random natural numbers. [CODE]#include <iostream> #… it even possible to make this matrix (random rows, random collumns, filled with random numbers)? If so, than I would appreciate… Random Records From Access Database Programming Software Development by guru_iyer … do a project on Test Engine. I need to retrieve random rows of questions from access database. I did the following code… Re: Random Records From Access Database Programming Software Development by abelLazm check [URL=""]this link[/URL] it contains a detailed discussion on how to randomly select values Distinct random rows Programming Databases by finance-blog I have a query that gets 5 random values out of a table according to a query. i.e. [code=sql]SELECT * FROM links WHERE url contra = FALSE ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 0,5[/code] This is fairly simplified but you get the idea. One of the fields in the table is ip, how can I do that same but ensure that all the ip values are DISTINCT. Any ideas anybody? Re: Distinct random rows Programming Databases by Fest3er …=finance-blog;770714]I have a query that gets 5 random values out of a table according to a query. i… Re: Random binary matrix Programming Software Development by soffie …)time(0)); x = (rand() % 10) + 4; cout << "Rows: "<< x << endl; y = (rand() % 10… Re: Random binary matrix Programming Software Development by Kontained …each x and y you would need to separate their random number generation. Otherwise you would be randomizing the same… you would randomize each element for the array. random = rand() % 10; randomNums[i][p] = random; } } [/CODE] I think pointers only …"]This[/URL] page contains a tutorial on random numbers. Re: Random binary matrix Programming Software Development by sfuo … you will always get the same value for the first random. Also you can take a look at a snippet I… make your for() loop and fill it with random 1s and 0s. Your random is assigning x and y both the same… could result in the array being [0][0]. For making random number you can use this formula [ICODE]num = (rand() % max… random number generation without duplication Programming Software Development by Learning78 …] t= 50 in this case, i.e. 50 rows have data and I want to randomize this data such… that 50 questions are answered but with random order of questions. Below is the code where ….ImageLocation = dt.Rows(0).Item(2) PictureBox2.ImageLocation = dt.Rows(0).Item(3) PictureBox3.ImageLocation = dt.Rows(0).Item(4)… Re: random number generation without duplication Programming Software Development by Vineeth K … field will become 0 [ using the loop ] Then i used random function.When one question appear then the corresponding field "…; CHECKER " will become 1. But next time when the random function calls then it will check this field , If it… Re: random number generation without duplication Programming Software Development by sknake Create a [icode]List(Of Integer)[/icode] with values 1-100 and get a random number 0-List.Count-1, and when you pull out the number, remove it from the list. This way you will be accessing a random index of the list and after you consume the question remove it from the list. random numbers into an array Programming Software Development by geisteskrankhei rows the user wants the magic square to have. I need to then generate random….awt.*; import hsa.Console; import java.util.Random; public class MagicSquare { static Console c; …String[] args) { c = new Console (); Random random = new Random (); c.println ("How many numbers up/down… Re: random numbers into an array Programming Software Development by Ezzaral You really don't even need to have a 2D array. The single 1D array is fine for a uniform rectangular grid, with rows being nothing more than an offset into the array. I hesitate to say any more though since it's a homework situation. Re: Random Walk Program - Returning Zero Values Programming Software Development by nullptr … the execute function. This should work: void execute(int array[ROWS][COLS], int& flower, int& water, int& path…, flower, water, path); } } } You may also wish to seed the random number generator using `srand`. random numbers, and 2 dimensional array Programming Software Development by anga08628 … a 5 x10 2-dimensional array of integers (5 rows of 10 columns), randomly generate 50 numbers between 1 …; /*int rnum;*/ double table[row][column]; /*srand(time(0)); // Initialize random number generator. rnum = (rand() % 50) + 1; if (rnum>…quot;); return 0; } [/code] how would i apply the random part of this problem to the code? Re: random numbers, and 2 dimensional array Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon >>Of course, you cannot do this with columns. That's a problem for another day Sure you can -- if what you mean is you can not sort by columns rather than by rows. Its possible to sort all rows by a specific column or all columns by a specific row. Might not make much sense to do it, but it is possible. Re: random numbers, and 2 dimensional array Programming Software Development by vmanes … can not sort by columns rather than by rows. Its possible to sort all rows by a specific column or all columns… Rows and columns Programming Web Development by reminem … created an bingocard with random numbers. The card should have 6 rows and 6 columns. I get 6 rows and 10 columns. I… Re: random numbers into an array Programming Software Development by javaAddict …3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; Generate a random number from 0 to [B]8[/B]. Take … of the 1-sized array: example: if the random number was 4, Then the oneDim[4]=5 will…will repeat the above procedure with one difference: the random generated number will be from 0 to [B]7…int i=0;i<N;i++) { int r = //random number from 0 to N-1 //put the value from… Random Walk Program - Returning Zero Values Programming Software Development by nate9603 …;iomanip> using namespace std; // Global Constant Variables const int ROWS = 13; const int COLS = 14; // Function Prototypes void … = 2; } } } } // Function: Runs the simulation void execute(int array[ROWS][COLS], int flower, int water, int path) { for(int i… Re: random numbers into an array Programming Software Development by javaAddict Since the user inputs the size you can create the array: int [][] array=new int[N][N]; Then use a for-loop to put numbers in the array. As I noticed at your example the random numbers are from 1 to 9. Is that a requirement? Meaning do the numbers have to be from 1 to N*N? Re: random numbers into an array Programming Software Development by Ezzaral You're on the right track generating the list of numbers 1 to N*N into an array and then shuffling them. You just need to consider how to pick a random place in the array to place each number. Re: random numbers, and 2 dimensional array Programming Software Development by anga08628 okay so the second part of this assingment is: [COLOR="Green"]Using a sort routine of your choice, sort the numbers in each of the rows of the array and display the sorted numbers again on 5 lines of 10 numbers each[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]i have no idea how to do a 2d array. please help! [/COLOR] Re: random numbers, and 2 dimensional array Programming Software Development by WaltP … of your choice, sort the numbers in each of the rows of the array and display the sorted numbers again on… Re: Random number generator java help? Programming Software Development by Eric Cute Juicebox, In your example the box should look like this right?? ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 5 columns, 7 rows of *'s. Re: random numbers, and 2 dimensional array Programming Software Development by sillyboy [CODE]cout << table[row][column];[/CODE] Are you sure this is what you want to be doing? In regard to implementing the random integers, you can just assign them as you print that particular cell. So add something before the above code. On a minor note, why are you creating an array of doubles? Re: random numbers, and 2 dimensional array Programming Software Development by maxmaxwell You know how to populate a two dimensional array with an iteration(for, while etc.)statement right? Do it the same way, except set the values equal to random numbers instead. Re: random numbers, and 2 dimensional array Programming Software Development by anga08628 …][column]; int rnum; int t[row]; srand(time(0)); // Initialize random number generator. rnum = (rand() % 100) + 1; for(int r=0…