rts keyboard retaillers/manafacturers? Hardware and Software Hardware by slasham …. I was just wondering if anyone knows of any good rts keyboard manafacturers or retaillers? Ive found many keyboards designed for… if anybody knows of anything simmiliar with buttons designed for rts with keys such as patrol, attack, attack move, build e… Re: RTS Design? Programming Game Development by ajst … a small section of classes. when i made a 3D RTS game as part of a team of 8(3 coders… Set RTS with Delphi4 console app Programming Software Development by Pirsig …very simple Delphi4 32-bit console app which toggles the RTS pin of the COM1 RS232 serial port. What is …[I] [/I]Does Delphi4 have built-in support for toggling RTS? I could not find it. Thank you. [CODE]procedure SetRTS…{get COM1 MCR} in al,dx; or al, 2; {set RTS} out dx, al; end; procedure ClearRTS; asm mov dx, 03fch… Re: how to read rts/cts status on serial port Programming Software Development by Passmark You can use the Windows API function SetCommState to control the high level RTS/CTS control line behaviour in Windows. Use EscapeCommFunction () to manually set RTS/CTS and GetCommModemStatus () to test the current state of RTS/CTS. Not so sure about Linux. a fun RTS for linux Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by joey101 I found a really fun and original RTS game for linux! It's still in the alpha stadge but still playable. :) [url]http://www.ysagoon.com/glob2/[/url] This isn't advertiseing, it's just a fun game if any one is looking for a fun RTS for linux. how to read rts/cts status on serial port Programming Software Development by nivea_jmd … i wanted to know how to read the status of RTS/CTS line using ioctl calls....i am programming using c… know can a windows application and a rtos application do RTS/CTS handshaking is there any special care needeed to be… Re: Set RTS with Delphi4 console app Programming Software Development by Pirsig [QUOTE=pritaeas;1706915]This may help: [url]http://mc-computing.com/languages/delphi/delphi_serialio.htm[/url][/QUOTE] Thanks for the reference. There was no mention in there how to access the modem control register to toggle RTS... but there were quite a few external links; I haven't yet looked at them all but I will. [I][/I] Re: Contribute to make an RTS game in DirectX (not tutorial) Programming Game Development by Phaelax …; with an unrealistic vision. I'm actually making a 3d rts myself and writing a tutorial as I go along. (for… at the stage to add computer AI. I'm an rts fan myself, so I'd like to help if I… Contribute to make an RTS game in DirectX (not tutorial) Programming Game Development by costasgr43 I am making a 3D RTS with C++ and DirectX 8(i may even upgrade it … Detecting chages on RTS on serial port Programming Software Development by tonino.dna I am building a device connected to the serial port of my PC. I need to chect the signal level of the RTS and DCD lines. How can I do that using MSCOMM? thanks tonino RTS Design? Programming Game Development by jbennet Hey people, im trying to bash out the class design for a realtime strategy game (Think original command and conquer) right now. It will probably be in .NET (C#/XNA?) as ive already got code (such as an isometric tile-engine) in that language for a game i just did for an assignment. Any existing engines out there? Any ideas for what classes … Re: RTS Design? Programming Game Development by PsychoLogic I recommend looking at [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AqO4rZOEew"]Siege[/URL] as a place to get some inspiration. IIRC The code is rather neat and functional. Re: Set RTS with Delphi4 console app Programming Software Development by pritaeas This may help: [url]http://mc-computing.com/languages/delphi/delphi_serialio.htm[/url] Re: Contribute to make an RTS game in DirectX (not tutorial) Programming Game Development by jwenting have you tried specific game development sites like gamedev.net? Re: Contribute to make an RTS game in DirectX (not tutorial) Programming Game Development by costasgr43 [B][U]To jwenting[/B][/U] Yes i have posted to gamedev.net too almost the same time. What i need is people to work with. I will give them general guidlines so that they make some 3D models for the game. They would be a part of a team, not just some folks that will do some job for me and i will take advantage to them. Of course it would be a … serial communication RS 232 Programming Software Development by snehapatil …n"); fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, 0); } // Read the RTS pin status..... ioctl(fd, TIOCMGET, &ser_stat); if (ser_stat… &ser_cmd); // set the RTS pin. if (ser_stat & TIOCM_RTS) printf("RTS pin is set.\n"); else… printf("RTS pin is reset.\n"); … SETRTS signal to port. Programming Software Development by malvi …quot;EscapeCommFunction" is correct to set RTS signal? Here is my code. I want … data to rs232, and set off RTS after sending data. // RTS on. EscapeCommFunction(*hComDevice, SETRTS); // Sending…, txbuf,(DWORD) iTxPosition,&dwBytesWritten, NULL) ; // RTS off. EscapeCommFunction(*hComDevice, CLRRTS); It will work or not… C serial com port terminal program Programming Software Development by danibootstrap …*/ /* set the timeout and set the DTR and RTS lines. */ com = ComOpen(id[indx.id], baud…/* //------------------------------------- // // handshaking // //------------------------------------- */ #define DTR 0x001 #define RTS 0x002 #define S_RX 0x004 #define S_TX 0x008 #define CTS 0x010… multidemensional array consisting of objects (structs) Programming Software Development by nanderv … since they all are in the same class. [code]int rts::OnExecute() { OnInit(); while(device->run()) { OnEvent(); … int speed; int rotation; int attacktype; int attack; }; class rts { private: bool Running; /* global variables here */ irr::IrrlichtDevice *… Blizzard Entertainment announces Starcraft II Community Center by blud … ago, and was one of the largest Real Time Strategy (RTS) games around for a long time. In fact, there are… has taken measures to be one of the most advanced RTS games on the market. They are implementing new technology into… recently called supreme commander set a new standard in the RTS field, and Starcraft II is meeting and exceeding this standard… Re: SETRTS signal to port. Programming Software Development by malvi Thanks, I have got the solution, what i want. "dcb.fRtsControl=RTS_CONTROL_TOGGLE;" [url]http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa363214%28VS.85%29.aspx[/url] Now rts will be automatically set and reset. If data is available for sending it will on and then again will goes off. Its really helpfull. MPLab Delay Program Programming Software Development by minimi … ;change to PORTB bank bsf PORTB, RTS_OUTPUT ;set RTS off before setting as output banksel TRISB ;change to… TRISB bank bcf TRISB, RTS_OUTPUT ;enable RTS pin as output movlw BAUD_CONSTANT ;set baud rate movwf… ;change bank to PORTB bcf PORTB,RTS_OUTPUT ;set RTS on for data to be received ;btfss PIR1,RCIF… Re: Using specified pins in serial port Programming Software Development by nezachem …drive DTR to the bit value drive RTS high timeout for a few usecs drive RTS low timeout for a few usecs…[/CODE] To receive: [CODE] For each bit to transfer, drive RTS high read DSR timeout for a few usecs drive… RTS low timeout for a few usecs [/CODE] To fiddle … Re: multidemensional array consisting of objects (structs) Programming Software Development by nanderv Solved it. I added unitz * p; to the main.h, unitz beeing a struct, and try { p= new unitz[pl*nu]; } catch (bad_alloc& ba) { cout <<"bad alloc, aborting. Players: "<<players<<", units: "<<numunits<<endl; abort(); } to rts::OnInit(int pl, int nu); Open In New Window Php Programming Web Development by gremlinuk …; "Binärdatei", "dirup" => "Aufwärts", "download" => "Download", "asc…; => "absteigend", "[ back ]" => "[ aufwärts ]", "1 item" => "1 Eintrag"… What C++ book should I take next? Programming Software Development by metalclunch …&sr=8-1]Programming an RTS Game using Direct3D[/url]. I also really like RTS/RPG games and I'd like… Blizzard Exceeds $100 Million on Starcraft II Production Hardware and Software by Glass_Joe … in March of 1998, the science fiction real-time strategy (RTS) game StarCraft would go on to take the world by… the landscape of all things to come out of the RTS genre and forever leaving a dent in Korean productivity. It… Path finding algorithm implementation in pygame Programming Game Development by piyush3dxyz yesterday one of my friend tell me to make RTS engine in pygame......I know basic things which is used …to make RTS Like 1. Unit selection 2. Unit moving 3. Resource management… String check letters (javascript) Programming Software Development by andreas.petrou.967 … false; } } <!-- check the secret word----------> function ch(){ var rts= "abc1"// the true secret var stx = document.forms…["form1"]["sword"].value; if (stx == rts) // check the secret true { alert("your SECRET is true… brrlong: HJT log Hardware and Software Information Security by brrlong …) Macrovision 1993-2001 CompanyName : C-Dilla Ltd FileDescription : C-Dilla RTS Service InternalName : CDANTSRV OriginalFilename : CDANTSRV.EXE ProductName : SafeCast Windows NT…