"selectedIndex" issue Programming Web Development by Zurompeta …,Option); } if (id == "selected") { document.getElementById(fieldsArray[i]).selectedIndex = (j+1); } } } }[/CODE] So as you can see, if…']if (id == "selected") { document.getElementById(fieldsArray[i]).selectedIndex = (j+1); }[/CODE] In my case, there are 4 … combobox SelectedIndex not working Programming Software Development by drake10k … = "Category"; cboxSubcategory.SetBinding(ItemsControl.ItemsSourceProperty, binding); cboxSubcategory.SelectedIndex = 0; } [/CODE] basically, I have two comboboxes and … The list is loaded correctly, but it remains on SelectedIndex -1. Anybody knows what I'm doing wrong? thank… Re: Listbox change selectedindex value Programming Software Development by NewUserVB.Net … button1.click: dim L1SI as string = Listbox1.selectedIndex.ToString listbox1.item.SelectedIndex = L1SI - 1 button2.click: dim L1SI …as string = Listbox1.selectedIndex.ToString listbox1.item.SelectedIndex = L1SI + 1 If this doesn't … we have to change "listbox1.item.SelectedIndex"... post if you need for help … Re: using ListBox SelectedIndex Programming Software Development by Rogachev …else return" statement after listBox2.SelectedIndex == 0. It means code …another structure: [CODE] if (listBox2.SelectedIndex == 0) { SelectedIndex0(); } else if (listBox2.SelectedIndex == 1) { SelectedIndex1(); } else… Re: Binding DropDownList's SelectedIndex to 0 if value does not exist Programming Software Development by Ketsuekiame … not exist in the list of items he want the selectedindex = 0 or selectedvalue is "-- Select --". >… the database. > No data from database then, ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; > Simple,am I right? I understood …> To deselect the currently selected item, set the SelectedIndex to -1. This unsets the selected item and invalidates … using ListBox SelectedIndex Programming Software Development by GAME … the select index 0 executes. [code] #region SelectedIndex0 if (listBox2.SelectedIndex == 0) { SelectedIndex0(); } else { return; } #endregion #region SelectedIndex1 if (listBox2… Re: Listbox change selectedindex value Programming Software Development by codeorder …toogleUpDown() End With End Sub Private Sub toogleUpDown() iT = lbMain.SelectedIndex : btnUp.Enabled = False : btnDown.Enabled = False '// lights…With lbMain sT = .SelectedItem '// get.Item Value. iM = .SelectedIndex '// get.Item Index and some. .Items.Remove(.SelectedItem) '// .Remove… Re: Listbox.selectedindex will not return value Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim I know it's been solved, but to illustrate further, if you add the following after line 2 ~~~ vb If ListBox1.SelectedIndex = 0 Then ListBox1.RemoveAt(ListBox1.SelectedIndex) End If ~~~ then clicking on the first element in the list (index=0) will remove it. Re: Binding DropDownList's SelectedIndex to 0 if value does not exist Programming Software Development by Ferdinand_1 … not exist in the list of items he want the selectedindex = 0 or selectedvalue is "-- Select --".** So the best… from the database. 3. No data from database then, ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; Simple,am I right? Re: Different between SelectedValue, SelectedIndex and SelectedItem Programming Software Development by Santanu.Das ….microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.ui.webcontrols.dropdownlist.selectedindex(v=vs.110).aspx](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us…/library/system.web.ui.webcontrols.dropdownlist.selectedindex(v=vs.110).aspx) [https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us… Dynamically write selectedIndex to a <dl> element Programming Web Development by nataliemac …"), then looping through to create an array of the selectedIndex for each select box, then using those values to create… Listbox change selectedindex value Programming Software Development by markdean.expres … one level down. I have been trying to manipulate the selectedindex property but it isn't working. Can anyone help? Thanks Re: Listbox change selectedindex value Programming Software Development by codeorder Not really, though close. [CODE] With ListBox1 If Not .SelectedIndex = -1 Then '// if .item selected. Dim L1SI As String = .SelectedItem '// run code here for up/down. .SelectedItem = L1SI End If End With[/CODE] Listbox.selectedindex will not return value Programming Software Development by Gé48 I have a listbox that contains numbers that vary from 0 to 99. My problem is when the number in the listbox is 0, listbox1.selectedindex will not return a value. So I cannot use removeat(x) which works for all other numbers. Can anyone give me an idea on how to do it ? Re: Listbox.selectedindex will not return value Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim Post your code. When I used the following code it worked fine. ~~~ vb Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged TextBox1.Text = ListBox1.SelectedIndex End Sub ~~~ Binding DropDownList's SelectedIndex to 0 if value does not exist Programming Software Development by </scorpion> … not exist in the list of items i want the selectedindex is 0 or selectedvalue is "-- Select --". pls. help… Re: Binding DropDownList's SelectedIndex to 0 if value does not exist Programming Software Development by Ferdinand_1 Before fetching a data from the database do this: ComboBox1.Items.Add("-- Select --"); And lastly, if there's no data on the database do this: ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; Re: Binding DropDownList's SelectedIndex to 0 if value does not exist Programming Software Development by Ketsuekiame Set your combobox `Text` property to the default value you want to display. If the selected index doesn't exist in the DB, set your `SelectedIndex` on the combo box to -1. This will revert it to your default text. Re: Binding DropDownList's SelectedIndex to 0 if value does not exist Programming Software Development by Mike Askew … selected index doesn't exist in the DB, set your SelectedIndex on the combo box to -1. This will revert it… Vb 2012 Express Listview SelectedIndex no where to be seen xD Programming Software Development by VB 2012 lol Hi people its been 2 years im back :D I finshed high school but had too stop programming so im back to noob The problem is i cant seem to find SelectedIndex while using listview -__- I really dont want to use text to find a item :/ Re: Binding DropDownList's SelectedIndex to 0 if value does not exist Programming Software Development by </scorpion> thanks to all of you. i've already got the answer. i used rowdatabound in gridview to show the selectedvalue or selectedindex =0/select in dropdownlist . :D Getting values from Items in Listbox using listBox1.SelectedIndex Programming Software Development by Joemeister …(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Racenumber in textbox textBox3.Text = listBox1.SelectedIndex.ToString(); //Name in textbox //Not working?? :( textBox5.Text = listBox1.SelectedItem… Different between SelectedValue, SelectedIndex and SelectedItem Programming Software Development by nimz143 Hi I would like to ask. I have one dropdown list control. What are the different between this 3 in dropdown list. 1. Dropdownlist.SelectedValue 2. Dropdownlist.SelectedIndex 3. Dropdownlist.SelectedItem Thank you :) Re: "selectedIndex" issue Programming Web Development by Zurompeta It figures that I figure it out AFTER I ask for help :P Re: combobox SelectedIndex not working Programming Software Development by zinnqu Yes, its too complicated for the idea that you want. You cant treat the xml data like any other data that is used in c#. try something like this [CODE] DataSet dsSet = new DataSet(); dsSet.ReadXml(Application.StartupPath + "\\agriculture.xml"); comboBox1.DataSource = dsSet.Tables["agriculture"];… Re: Dynamically write selectedIndex to a <dl> element Programming Web Development by alpha_foobar It sounds like you've got it almost there. A node has several methods that can be called to manipulate child nodes. To remove a child call you would do something like this: parentNode.removeChild(childNode); Here are some references that you will find useful: [url]http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-DOM-Level-1/level-one-core.html#ID-1950641247[/url] [… Re: Listbox change selectedindex value Programming Software Development by codeorder What exactly is the issue? .moving the items up/down? .or selecting the previously selected.Item with a new Index? Re: Listbox change selectedindex value Programming Software Development by NewUserVB.Net he wants to scroll up down the listbox i think.... Re: Listbox change selectedindex value Programming Software Development by codeorder Thanks for input [B]NewUserVB.Net[/B], though I'll wait for the o.p's(original.poster's) input on this; only makes sense Not to go way out of my way, when I possibly only have to walk a few steps Then be back on my original.path.:) Re: Listbox change selectedindex value Programming Software Development by NewUserVB.Net Oke... :-) but is correct the code that I posted?