session state not sticking Programming Web Development by carrathanatos … Dim username Dim passwordForm Dim passwordDB Session.Abandon username = Request.Form("…Session.Abandon rsLogin.Close Set rsLogin = Nothing Set adoCon = Nothing %> <!-- Link to test session state: <a href="session….asp">session</a> -->… Usefull parameters in session State Sql Server? Programming Web Development by Javier_3 Hi, I want to use session state in mode SQL Server I googled some …gt;` in web.config file like: * Sql command time out. * State network time out. * Compression enabled. * Max pool size. * …about these parameters: * These parameters are obligatory to use this session state? * Is usefull Compression enabled to increase web site performance?… Combining CheckBoxList + Session State + DataBind ! Programming Web Development by aero100 … checkbox list which when items are selected are put into session state. I want the items selected to be put into… session state so I can display them on the postback url page. … the above together then have whatever selected items put into session. I will be going from the original page to the… Re: Hi how to store arraylist values in session state Programming Web Development by alc6379 …]must[/b] postback to get the correct values saved to session state. If you just use a hyperlink, for instance, to go…'s either after you've done a PostBack to save session state. However you do it, it's going to be required… doesn't know you've made a change to the state if you don't post back. Bind Session state to Gridview Programming Web Development by ashkan3030 …: [code]List<string> shopingCart = (List<string>)Session["shopingCart"]; if (shopingCart == null) { shopingCart = new List<…"]);[/code] I store the ID of each product in Session state(which is unique), then I want to show all selected… Re: how does IIS deal wth session state? Programming Web Development by binoj_daniel What do you mean by Session State? The default session has a timeout of 20 mins. Now if you are referring to View State i can probably give you more details. Get a Session state from a Query Programming Web Development by lordj17 … wondering if anyone knew of a way to store a session state variable from a Query based on information in an access… into site I want to store their CustomerID as a Session Variable to track them as they use the site, is… Hi how to store arraylist values in session state Programming Web Development by thanigaimani83 … many places of my pages .. i putting arraylist values in session state . if my page is postback that arraylist getting values are…. whats problem in page.. how to store arraylist value in session or viewstate ...with page is postback and not post back… control session state using javascript Programming Web Development by Stephen901 How can I perserve the session state of a SharePoint browser state using javascript? Re: how does IIS deal wth session state? Programming Web Development by majestic0110 I think view state and session state are dealt with by IIS in the same manner, i.e. using a dictionary (I think - I am unsure). Re: how does IIS deal wth session state? Programming Web Development by hollystyles … field within the rendered webpage, session state is held in the memory of the webserver. Each session has a unique id called a… how does IIS deal wth session state? Programming Web Development by majestic0110 hi all, hope you are well. Just a quick question, been googling this one for a while but not found anything yet: How does IIS deal with session state? Many thanks for your time. Re: session state not sticking Programming Web Development by vicky_rawat … Do you know what this statement does? It destroys the session. so when you goes to panel.asp, till that time… the session is already destroyed in check.asp page itself. Remove the… session.abandon from check.asp and login.asp and the proces… Session Timeout results in a Mac fail error? Programming Web Development by woodsrr …out when I was connected to a asp state server so I switch session state mode to SQL with the hope that it…only reloads the page. You will see that I have session variables. Wait 5 minutes and refresh the dumpsession.aspx …page dumpsession.aspx page only loops though the session object and displays each session name and value. I’m at a total… Session timing out uncontrolled. Programming Web Development by woodsrr …I have a dedicated server; I have the .net session state service running. I have the following code in my web…: Sales1/Password1 After logging in you can check the session variables by going to: [url]….aspx[/url] You will see that I have session variables. Wait 10 minutes (sometimes less) and refresh … Re: Bind Session state to Gridview Programming Web Development by Ramesh S … is not stored in Session as you are storing the shopingCart to the Session before adding the ID …] List<string> shopingCart = (List<string>)Session["shopingCart"]; if (shopingCart == null) { shopingCart = new…} shopingCart.Add(Request.QueryString["ID"]); Session["shopingCart"] = shopingCart; [/CODE] Re: Get a Session state from a Query Programming Web Development by bubbliciousbar When a user logs in i just get his/her details from the database and store the ones i need in a Session. eg.. (rs = my record set) Session("ID") = rs("ID") Session("login") = "true" Session("type") = rs("membertype") To track the users actions just do what percent20 said. :) Re: Bind Session state to Gridview Programming Web Development by dnanetwork use session....session is hot gal... she'll do you can anything you want..... session store anything...or any array, arraylist...etc try...and let me know if things work out for you... Re: Bind Session state to Gridview Programming Web Development by kvprajapati Write following code: [] if(Session["shopingCart"]!=null) { GridView1.DataSource=(List<string>)Session["shopingCart"]; GridView1.DataBind(); } [/code] Re: Bind Session state to Gridview Programming Web Development by carobee transfer the session contents to an array and then populate the gridview from array Re: Session Programming Web Development by sknake … cant very well throw an error if the session has been abandoned because you don't have … has been abandoned since you're clearing the session. Likewise when a client requests a new page… logged in -- and if you abandon the session have it log them out and redirect them … if you try to access the session state after the response has been sent[/edit] Re: Get a Session state from a Query Programming Web Development by percent20 … you find the user you need add it to a Session variable. If you are wanting to track where they have… Re: Hi how to store arraylist values in session state Programming Web Development by shaulf You need to Serialize it I think...maybe use the server's session instead. Re: control session state using javascript Programming Web Development by alexhernandez …, AD, Domino, etc). What you can do is preserve that state by invoking a valid autenticated page using a periodic polling… Re: Session Programming Web Development by Akash Saikia …help you with this problem. [B] ASP.NET Session state provides a place to store values that will persist…Doe")'retrieving Dim Name As String = Session("Name") C# Session["Name"] = "John Doe…","John Doe");//retrievingstring Name = (string)Session["Name"]; [/B] This is the link… Re: Session Unleashed..! Programming Web Development by Ramesh S …://"]How to find… web application?[/URL] [URL=""]Exploring ASP.NET Session State and Cache data[/URL] ASP.Net Session Variables in SQL Programming Web Development by G_Waddell …the request. I have been looking at sharing session state through SQL but rather than do this on…=1] [*]Set a common Machine Key to allow session state to be shared accross both servers [*]set enableViewStateMac to… false [*]Set Session State mode to SQLServer [*]Added a SQL connection string … Re: Help "Session State issues " 1.x Programming Web Development by Tekmaven … you post the code where your login is stored into session state? That will probably help out a lot. Re: Session problem in asp Programming Web Development by johnly …] Here I have changed the session state to a seperate worker process (ASP state management server). It is recommended… to move your session into the stateserver or SQL server state management in the production environment. … problem remains same I am assisgning values to session while authorized person loggs in. i have made… Re: session in login page Programming Web Development by kvprajapati [b]>cud anyone tell me what is session in[/b] HTTP is a stateless protocol. …requests and responses, we need two facilities ([B]called Session State[/B]) : [B]Session[/B] – The server should be able to identify that…of request from a single client from a single working “session”. [B]State[/B] – The server should be able to remember …